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Posts posted by macorules94

  1. da, ne mnogo :)

    a while ago i did some "learn serbian" thing online (still not done with it though) so i know some of the basics. not enough to understand and speak a lot, but i can get the general idea of what is being talked about, like i understood what you and george_drifter were saying earlier

    pa zašto ni si kazao? haha

    Ovako će bude lako da se razumemo.

    If you understood that lol

  2. Thomas: close... The soft sign is ь :P

    ы is pronounced like a combination of "uh" and "ee". it's not the same as и or й but it's very close. You have to use more throat action to get the sound

    edit: i found this clip online http://www.angelfire.com/or/brianbird/Russian1-25.mp3

    when she says "you... ты ты ты" and "we... мы мы мы" you get an idea of how the ы is pronounced.

    I always thought Russian was Phonetic like Macedonian and Serbian

  3. Во кой град живееш ти во Австралия? Яс живеам во Перт.

    Колко години имаш ти?

    Яс имам 14, кье бидам 15 во Юни

    Яс не знам толко да разбирам руский но малко знам

    Тука во Перт нема никойи руский

    hehe yeah, macedonian and bulgarian are a lot like serbian and russian, and i know a bit of both of those.

    Which city in Australia do you live in? I live in Perth.

    How old are you? (How many years do you have?)

    I am (I have) 14, but I will be (I will have) 15 in June

    I don't know enough Russian to understand, but I know a little

    Here in Perth there are no Russians

    i may have got that last one wrong though ;)

    Яс имам 19, кье бидам 20 во Октомври

    Яс не живеам во Австралия... яс живеам во Лос Анџелес

    In russian you would say Я живу в Лос Анджелесе... so, pretty similar, easy to understand!

    lol the last part's right

    I thought you had the Australian flag on... must've been dreamin

    How did you do the Macedonian part, did Steam help you? lol

    @ Steam, Croatian Serbian and Bosnian are like 99.999%, but them compared to Macedonian is about 70%, and compared to Bulgarian, like 60%

  4. I agree with Mike on the carpet, it looks very GREEK, NOT MACEDONIAN. Ignore me though, I'm an idiot.


    I live in Australia, so it's an Australian carpet

    Macedonian carpets are red and have patterns

    dunno about greeks

    But, I'm guessing I have the cleanest room here? lol

  5. yeh lol it's weird

    Tell me if you understand this, macedonian:

    Во кой град живееш ти во Австралия? Яс живеам во Перт.

    Колко години имаш ти?

    Яс имам 14, кье бидам 15 во Юни

    Яс не знам толко да разбирам руский но малко знам

    Тука во Перт нема никойи руский

  6. Well peeps

    I just wanna say, that I have made a song with lyrics

    all mine

    I've made the music (techno/house) on my keyboard all by my self

    all i gotta do is get a MIDI cable to plug in my keyboard to the computer

    and then record me singing it lolz

    This is why I made this topic


    and rappo gave me Audiacity which works fine

    I'll put it on youtube, and ill send it to everyone i know

    and i'll send it to the radio stations in Perth

    And hopefully, I'l become famous :)

    So, I'm just telling you guys before hand

    And, if i do become famous, you guy's will be lucky to have a famous person here

    And I might change my display name to my real name which will become famous


    So, what do you guys think? When my song's done

    (Well, when Kosmic(music store) has MIDI cables in stock)

    I'll post it here

    I might record a bit of the music and post it here so you guys can hear bit of it, but it'll be shit quality, recorded from mic to the speaker

  7. jeans. Short in summer, long in winter.

    Adidas trackies

    normal shirts (fitting) short in summer, long in winter. If its really cold, a Lonsdale jumper, or Adidas one

    like Sky, I CANNOT stand big ass loose shirts. My friend always wears them, and he just looks stupid, it's embarresing to be around him in public. lol

    Bonds boxers.

    And skinnies would fit me perfectly, I'm skinny, but i don't want people to think i'm emo.

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