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Everything posted by TNF

  1. OMG Unnamed Noodle got 1,553 posts! "Calls the mods"
  2. OMG Unnamed Noodle is online! "hides under the desk"
  3. omg, Flesh is online. "runs away"
  4. To kill Gonzalez and then escape from your wanted level. Which car is always parked outside the Ocean View Hotel?
  5. Deluxo, Sabre Turbo, Sandking and Hotring Racer. Which car is already there before you do the list.
  6. Your sig is awesome!

  7. The Espantoso DJ is Pepe. Name the host of Flash FM.
  8. But there is no rest for the wicked. Later.
  9. Which district in Shoreside Vale has the Import Export garage?
  10. The stories where xt0ny is killed. Now make more stories Nao.
  11. Because xt0ny is an idiotic loser and spams all the time, his posts are mindless dribble dribble.
  12. And then the credits are interrupted by a specail announcement from Warner. But what did he say?
  13. Yes, continue! Elanman is from gtaf, the reason I assumed he is you is because he also uses the Welsh flag, and has a similiar sense of humour.
  14. Are you elanman?

  15. TNF

    You are one post away from the next mark.

  16. Me!!! Make a story where JT gets killed.
  17. A fail website probably. www.Alucardoisspwngbob.com
  18. The Fastest Boat. In which mission do you steal a Tank for Cortez?
  19. Fun Loving Criminals - Scooby Snacks
  20. TNF

    How ya doing?

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