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Everything posted by YoungFools

  1. Currently on the drawing board, PSPTuning.com aims bring all the latest information on official updates, mods, game reviews and more... there is even a forum up and running with many members already... but we need your help. We are looking for Web designers News Editors Logo designers Review Staff Please contact me if you feel your are the person for the job [email protected] or PM me... Otherwise, join the Forums and please help it grow!
  2. Competition is closed due to the lack of participants. sorry guys.
  3. Nobody said probarly. All I ask is for people to either donate a bit of money, could even be a couple quid/dollars/euros. If you dont want to donate, then simply help by using the google search bar/ or better still, clicking on the adverts. Please help support my website!
  4. Hey everyone, I own a website called youngFools.co.uk and I need your help to keep it going. its only just started, and there are not many people on it, so please join the forums today. There are also many other sections on the site, like a gallery, a music database (NEW!) and an online store along the way... basically, there are many ways in which you can get involved... so come on, help us out!
  5. The rest: (sorry about the double posting, the forums wont allow that many smilies in a reply)
  6. damn, bbs code doesnt work, so heres the list in order of appearance: More below I I I V
  7. Gone in 60 seconds has to be my favourite film of all time, I so want to get this game, but i cant buy a psp, its too expensive!
  8. OK! info here people. The Multiplayer connection has been confirmed by IGN. hows that? for more info on the game, check out... psp.ign.com
  9. because they R* had disabled hacking the games memory, which means NO MTA FOR THOSE PEOPLE. MTA hacks the games memory, in order to be able to synch and everything. MTA works like a trainer, but X100 more powerful, and useful. And as you have heard, you cant use trainers with the new version of the game, because of the disabled memory hacking. what I cant wait for, is for MTA or equivalant to prove me wrong, because I too have the new version, and cannot play with trainers, or the awsome ADMIN CONSOLE.
  10. MSN Plus is so cool.... once i got it working agin, ill post my new desktop!
  11. A volvo V70, cos i own one and maybe a modern tractor to replace that crappy small one
  12. YoungFools


    oh dear guys, people who have bought the game recently or have installed the patch, wont be able to play multiplayer! the reason for this, is that R* have disabled Memory hacking! which you should already be aware of, MTA hacks the games memory, (the whole MTA 'Bloodhound.morphene' virus thing that happened a while ago). Hopefully, i am wrong! but if im right, i hope for everyones sake, they work around it.... Now to wait...
  13. That reminds me. How come we never see anyone else swim in the water in san andreas? Apart from the 'beat the cock' side missions. but its stupid when you jump onto someones boat, and the jump off and drown! couldn't they of made them swim? Anyway, Interiors arent that much of a deal, and I hated it in san andreas where about 6 safe houses used the same interiors. but for buildings, you dont really need them. the only use they will be, is for the missions, and they will have them hidden somewhere. I like the idea of being able to put music on the memory stick, and being able to play them as a IN-car stereo.
  14. I have nothing to do with the forum shop, and the prize will be sent personally from me.
  15. Currently in the lead is Grovesy, with 124 seconds, lets keep this goin!
  16. ooo, check out their forum, it gives all the latest info and stuff. Cosa Nuestra Forums here is the latest info they give us Ill keep an eye out for more info...
  17. My desktop is the coolest desktop ever, i had to video it wid my little webcam. hehe! hmmm... why wud i need to film it? Check it out! I made it myself! My desktop
  18. If you read the homepage Cosa Nuestra you will notice this at the end... .and if you havent read the forums on the website, it also says that many Map mods will be used... including Myriad! so, it is one immense project those people are doing. Plus, it also follows a storyline.
  19. heh, the good thing about both PEDS and Cosa Nuestra, compared to the hitman Diaries, is that they actually have voice overs. Shame about the quality of the Voice recordings with Cosa Nuestra though. And ye, i hope they dont stop halfway thru.
  20. hehe. lol Damn, the video is 70MBs! Though I suppose most of the GTA Stunt Videos are. I wonder how many Episodes they are gona make?
  21. Hmmm... I downloaded the first Episode of both GTA PEDS and Cosa Nuestra, and to be honest, I prefered The Peds one (voice over wise). However, there is alot more action in Cosa Nuestra, and I hope it will progress... it will be one awsome Film.
  22. I was surfing the net and found this website GTA: Cosa Nuestra I think it has only just been created, as its still under construction. Check it out.
  23. *Yes, definately Split screen/Online Mode. *You can Download Cars/Skins from a website, add it to the harddrive and theres an in-game menu, which allows you to 'ADD' it to the game. Complicated, I know. *The ability to get in as a passenger *The ability to 'call' taxis/ flag them down, an In-game map appears once you get in as passenger, and you can put a marker on where you want to go (my favourite) *Kids and animals would be good too * Smugglers run type missions *A 'Secret' Underwater Cave where to store the goods and where you can find a 'secret' vehicle. MUST BE VERY DIFFICULT TO FIND! IE. A small hole to swim through, very nearly kills you to find it. I agree with what motor_kill_man wanted.
  24. Sadly, As theres nobody sending there wheelie screenshots in, I am going to have to stop it. I dont want to do this, cos I got some stuff to Give away! So please, send them in! they dont have to be long wheelies for now. AND ANY GTA GAME IS ALLOWED!
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