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Everything posted by YoungFools

  1. no, thats low quality. i had to downsize it because PUTfile only allows upto 10MBs of Video. The file is actually about 20MB. This is a good thing, because on the final GTAplace Stunt Video, we could make to quality versions, A low and a high.
  2. OK! I have finally managed to upload the Sample file. now, remember, I did it quickly. it took me 5 mins to make. But just imagine what I could do if I took my time!?! TheGTAPlace Stunt Video (edit Preview)
  3. ye, of course! BTW, how do you add a stunt video onto thegtaplace.com's database?
  4. dumb question, but who is in charge of this video anyway?
  5. this should be a group decision, everybody should have their say in what goes on with the video
  6. I realise that. That is why im going to edit this video to the best of my ability. And if I cant do the first video, then I will be happy if you want to hand the editing over to somebody else. The sample video is a QUICK preview, it took me about 10 mins to get the footage, and only 2 to edit it. just think of what I can do when I take my time! I used FRAPS to start with, but it was all jumpy on my computer, I then found GameCam, and I find that it is the best I have seen, I have about 4 different Programs, and it is the best one! yes, that stupid video of my friend was the first I made, so.... what do you expect. For the Stunt video however, someone could simply make an animation file for the credits, the nametags (introducing each stunter) etc. Very simple to compile them together.
  7. I use a program called GameCam. its pretty good. I use a variety of editing programs, depending on what type of video I want. But I use Power Director PRO, and funnily enough, though I hate to say it, I often use Windows movie maker. Im currently in the process of buying some new software, but it wont take long before I find some. By the way, I am currently Uploading the sample Stunt Movie I made to PUTfile, so bear with me. Ill post the link to my GTA stunt video here! If you cant wait, heres the link to a video I edited of my mate being an idiot. LOL Death Dolls
  8. I could do the editing if you would like? Im pretty good at it, and I dont use FRAPS to record it, I find a different program easier. for the mean time, we could simply use replay files as the source, and I could record it using this program, and edit them. There is a replay file handler that automatically changes the filename, I think its called SARA (san andreas Replay... something) you may find it at gtagaming, or even here. Im not sure though. Anyway, If you're happy with me editing the video, please say here, so we could get this started ASAP. If you would like a sample of my editing, just send your replay files to [email protected], and I will edit what people send. hope you will be impressed
  9. so, where are we going to host this cummunity? just wondering.
  10. I suggest not to use fraps, I use gameCam and I never find anything wrong with it, NO PROBLEMS!
  11. ye, but you have to admit, our own community website would be pretty good. we can exchange ideas here though!
  12. well, how do u send them in? hu edits them?
  13. If anybody needs a (PC) game screen capture program, I have a freeware version I can send it to your email address if you need it. it works perfectly, even while playing the game! no need to do replays! By the way, who is going to edit the video, like put it all together? I could do that EASY. We should start a website. like we need a name first though! Sorry tommi vercetti guy, im kinda doin ur job here. LOL, but we should. I could sort the website nd stuff if we can think of a name. Tommi vercetti Guy, if u want to talk to me about this, then please send me an email.
  14. ok, so where do I go? hav u started a community website? Im pretty good at stunting, editing, and well, anything you want. So, fill me in.
  15. DeathTheftAuto is starting a new Stunting Community, and it needs you! Found cool locations? Got any Vids of you stunting in San Andreas? Then send them to [email protected], and we'll collaborate them into one massive stunt video! post any information on ur stunt here!
  16. if ur starting a stunt community, ill join! I found some wierd locations! i wud show u the video I made, but Filefront has banned me! Anyway, Ill join.
  17. it looks like there is no need anymore. I found spaceinstein's mod and it has all the latest ones covered!
  18. hey cool! someone post the link to spaceinstein's all-in-one mod. does anyone know what .scm mods are out? cos if u post a link, ill hand it over to one of our modders and he'll collaborate them into one big .scm, and we'll complete the game and add the savegame to the file.
  19. The Music is in a .ogg format, so the dialog/sound effects must be in the same format.
  20. I think that someone should make a .SCM file with every .SCM mode avaliable- I.E. the hot coffee mod+SANGA+Get CJ high and Drunk etc.. I mean, I would do it if I had the skills. dont you think it would be great if someone did it? A better Modding experience. Please post your thoughts on this/ or whether you would be able to do this!
  21. Hang on, whats all the big deal about, cos the game is rated 18+ anyway, so it is 'ADULTS ONLY' this is going to cause so much hasal to the game makers (which we already know), the stores that sell it could be sued for keeping the game on the shelf as it will have an Adults Only rating. Oh, a word straight to politition, go give the sims to an adult rating, they have sex scenes, especially NUDE MODS! (seeing as though he's taking down Rockstar for a MOD -which was made by dedicated modders, and modders did the same for The Sims 2). Just give it up. and enjoy the MOD!
  22. OKOK. Registered users only can view the 'PROOF', or is it? I suppose, I dont particulary want to get my favourite game's makers into trouble. MESSAGE TERMINATED!
  23. That 'sex scene' that Patrick unlocked was obviously deleted from gameplay for one main reason, to keep the GTA series from being given an 'AO' review, and so that they wouldn't get into trouble. However, if Rockstar didn't want to add this interactive sex-game into the final version, why did they keep it in the models? thats what puzzles me... I think they wanted us to find it (it could be the case), and KEEP IT QUIETE! As Patrick said in other words, rockstar is saying that maybe next time, keep it quiet. oh and heres proof that rockstar did leave it in the models... DeathTheftAuto.tk REGISTERED USERS ONLY!
  24. lets see... how about Spain? a foreign country?
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