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Everything posted by YoungFools

  1. ok, i will download it, and learn it myself.
  2. Damn it, forgot to mention, it would also be great if it was also a model to get a better look. thanks
  3. This is where you can request a certain skin, for personal use, or for your mod. you should send in pictures in too to help With my project, I will probarly need many skins, but heres My first... Ok, bam margera... Same face, jacket and hairstyle would be awsome. Much appreciated
  4. That could actually come in very handy for my mod...
  5. Please, help me out... if you would like to share your saved games, videos and photos for the psp, then please send them in. dont forget, it can be any game. Also, if you have played a game... please review it on my forums. thank-you
  6. dude, i dont need to use the devconsole
  7. i fi remember rightly, he wants to add hydraulics to any car, like it was a voodoo
  8. ok, firstly... that has nothing to do with the project... secondly, i dont use devconsole myself, so i cant help you there. Storyline ideas, mission ideas, mods will be very grateful
  9. After a recent talk with one of my co-workers, we decided to put a team together to make a new story for Vice city. Now, it is not a total conversion, however, we will be creating a new shops, new buildings and more cars. I have been testing my mission coding skills and have only managed to spawn objects! random cones A big wall! Asset icon and on the jump and radar added heli spawn So we will be looking for coders. Ok, what is Vice City: Conflicts about? I hear you say? As you will probarly remember, The last scene in the original story is the Final Cutscene This cutscene will be used as the first thing you will see when starting a New Game (as shown in the video). The date in which we are setting this game to is 1988 (Prior request from MVI) and of course... new cars and bikes would have been sold. So we will need Skilled Modelers. Most importantly, it will have totally new missions and characters too! Now looking at some of the mission mods that are WIP and completed. Awsome, and we would like to intergrate some of those into our new game. So far, I havent been able to write the storyline as yet, because of school, I hope to have it done soon. Anyway, if you would like to donate car mods, buildings, missions, skins etc. please do. you will all be added to the credits. :happy: I will try and get some more info for you after christmas, meanwhile, post your thoughts/ideas/donations here! yes, this is also posted over at the GTAForums...
  10. Ok, MvI contacted me... and forced me to enter. So here it is...
  11. Ok, the Downloads System is installed now. At the moment we offer hosting for PSP saved games, PC Desktop backgrounds, PSP Wallpapers, Official PSP Upgrades and videos in PSP format. Needs some more work done to it, but at the moment, it will do. We may think about either buying a script, or switching to the one that is currently used here. Got any of the listed above? Submit it to the database HERE
  12. Good point, do you think you will move on to modelling stuff for san an?
  13. Ye, like the weapons modeller for instance.
  14. I so need to get Maya from my friend. Did you know that Maya is used for the final preparation of 3D models in films before they move on to 3DS Max? AWSOME! You should continue the good work, maybe R* will offer you a job there. Just like craig kerr. the guy who made these, as you know...
  15. great news, my site has been hacked. who by? I think its some dirty germans. CR3W managed to change my index page, but everything else seems fine. I Found out it was an anonymous ftp username that i accidently allowed access to my main FTP account. They left their mark on the page, 'black ink on black paper'.
  16. I think its a good site, needs alot of work to it though. But as its starting from the ground up agin, lookin gd
  17. very impressive as its your first. mine was so bad.. lol
  18. I couldnt seem to get the angle of the PSP right for it, I mite have another stab at it. Please, continue to tell me your thoughts and if you can think of any content to add, please tell me. Meanwhile... there is a download system being installed... Oh and if you have played any PSP Games and would like to review it for us, please add your review with some pictures to my forums in the Reviews section. thank-you. Keep your comments rolling.
  19. well, I am quite happy to admit defeat, the comment has been removed from my site.
  20. Really? o sh*t, it was Vice city that was set in the 80's, damn it. I thought I had something good then. argh! Hang on, where does it say that GTAIII was 2001? thats when it was made. and judging by the major enhancements of GTA:LCS to GTAIII you would think logically that GTA:LCS would be set after.
  21. I noticed something fascinating about GTA:LCS, you mite be interested. Do not delete the link psptuning.com. Ok heres a snippet of the article I wrote on my site. visit the site for the rest psptuning.com
  22. OK. Quick update, the website is finally finished! PSPTuning.com Some areas are not quite finished, but its good to go. If you're still interested in joining the team, we need someone to find PSP cheats for the site. extremely helpful. [email protected] please dont hesitate to contact me. Please tell me what you think of my site too!
  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (short, but to the point)
  24. Just a quick update, I now need someone to help find all the latest PSP Cheats. Plus, the Website is almost finished (well, the first page). The sections so far are as follows Home News Reviews Previews Information Cheats Forums Links Contact Us More are soon to come. I would much appreciate help on the content though. Please email me in response to this offer. [email protected] Oh, and just another point... NEW LOGO under construction!
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