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Everything posted by Chrisman

  1. E.T. - Extra Testicle Penis Hard 1, 2, 3 and 4.0
  2. They can take 70 celsius. I'm looking for a good motherboard. Has to work with an AMD Athlon64 X2 4600+, socket AM2 and DDRII SDRAM.
  3. I NEED MOAR QD: All win. QD gets 7k.
  4. If noone else but Jared and QD are making avatars, I'll end the contest on Monday or something.
  5. I was here since 03. When Chris got the IPB board.
  6. Nice work QD. Why is it only QD making avatars?
  7. You should get exactly that. Nice Avatars, both of you. I need some more avatars before I decide what is best
  8. How can it be 478? I said X11-258=X9+698. 478 is x but that is not the answer.
  9. Threw away some extensions. Might throw out some more and make some tips for speeding up firefox.
  10. Money=X11-258=X9+698 Now that we're done with the math, make me an avatar Some guidelines: 1.Has to have Dragon(s) 2.Needs the text "DS" 3.The main colors should be red and black. If you want to do other stuff with it, then do that.
  11. Got a strained wrist. I was swinging back and forth on a tree branch and when I went almost in a perfect 90 degree position, I slipped and fell in a funny, but very painful way. Other than that, it was a pretty normal day.
  12. Yay! Denmark got 14th. Our little country beat all the other countries except for UK, France and Germany .
  13. You're missing half of your head.
  14. Why do they lose 100£ each console?
  15. 900 posts and a late HOORAY! for $1,000,000 in the bank.
  16. It's all about the money. Sony made the PS3 to make money.
  17. More calculations PS3: $1,531,123,000 / 100000 15311 Wii: $1,752,311,500 / 100000 17523 Seems like the PS3 is closing up on the wii.
  18. "The console sales numbers you see on the front page of NexGen Wars are estimates" PS3: 3,062,245 * $500 $1,531,123,000 Wii: 7,009,246 * $250 $1,752,311,500
  19. An ear of corn. What's the capital of Denmark?
  20. This girl I know on MSN has gotten threats from her ex-boyfriend, and his friends call her a whore. What should she do?
  21. What if there is something on the mountain? Maybe there could be a mission where you had to climb.
  22. well when i saw that on GTAgaming my first thoughts where " Learn Proper English..." and then i read what it said and i was like "umm umm....SWEET!!!" and i tried to pronounce the name, and it sounded Very Fimiliar to me. So i went and asked my dad to read it and he said THERE are Bellic families in croatia, and Niko is a well known Name In a City Called Gospic. And i also got a recording of friends and the accent sounded Very similar, My thoughts are "WOOT!" because i am part Croatian, and Almost All my Cousins and Relitives have heard of GTA,Rockstar, or even played GTA before. So what do you think of this "niko" comming from Croatia? oh and Chris, tell those noobs at GTAgaming to Learn Proper english They made one typo, you made a lot. Having a Croatian person would be something very new. This could be a trick, but I doubt they would have two protagonists.
  23. * Easier game manipulation * Better animation * Lots of side missions and other fun after the storyline Can't think of anything else.
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