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Status Updates posted by Chris

  1. Mondo card arrived today! Excited to start using this. The colour is... interesting @getmondo #GotMondo

  2. Chris

    must be because New Zealanders are too 'busy' with their sheep :P

  3. My copy of #GTAV is currently in Germany... I do hope UPS can get it to my house in the UK in time! :/ http://t.co/2TEaVdSK7a

  4. My iPad 2 has finally shipped! Over a week earlier than expected :D

    1. Miles Pedro Prower

      Miles Pedro Prower

      I think I'll also get an iPad 2... When Apple release the iPad 9. :(

  5. My place or yours? Or somewhere neutral? A nice park perhaps?

  6. New Christopher Nolan film :D // Interstellar -- Trailer -- Official Warner Bros.: http://t.co/u90IcDvucq via @YouTube

  7. Newsstand can officially be banished to a folder on your last page in iOS 7!

  8. Nice one mate. Enjoy your next GTA site as much as you did TGTAP and GTAGaming.

  9. Nice suit. Crappy hair though. And your eyes are too close together. U ugleh. :P

  10. No one's correctly guessed yet either. I'm considering not ever revealing the answer just to annoy everyone :P

  11. Nostalgia. Would watch a full feature film of this. 'POWER/RANGERS' on Vimeo https://t.co/4nz915fMoV #powerrangers #josephkahn #adishankar

  12. Chris

    Not bad thanks. Yourself?

  13. Not spam, no. We made it members only like you have, but you get people uploading other people's mods. And also you get people uploading really crap mods. Like they draw over the default VC skin in MS paint and think it's amazing. It's fine but it depends if you wanna just have good quality mods, or everything. We tried keeping only good quality stuff but gave in...

  14. nothing much. I see you have a silly photo. :)

  15. now running Android on my HD2. Finally something that runs smoothly! A phone I can actually use :D

  16. NSA and GCHQ unlock privacy and security on the internet http://t.co/5OzMqdChGa via @guardian

  17. Of course.

  18. Official #F1 app do you even English? "Press the centre driver of press the close button..." http://t.co/VRQ4ZcPGyy

  19. Oh God you're making me wet :blush:

  20. Oh God… “@steam_games: The Steam Summer Sale is on Now!: #SteamSale http://t.co/y7pyX49J2U”

  21. Oh that, yeah, was locked before I got there I just added my own comment for lulz etc.

  22. Oh yeahhhh I fixed updates... go me!!! :D

    1. EvoLuTioN
    2. JustADummy


      Finally the lazy have awaken! :P Good job Chris.

    3. Samil


      Thumbs up! :D

  23. Oh, fucking IPB breaking up the URLs. It just goes to the shower in the morning topic in The Lounge. Check it out lol.

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