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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Chris


    Yeah you have to use a real email address so you can validate your account and receive your free $25... like mvi just did. Thanks.
  2. Whilst browsing GameFAQs earlier I was suprised to see that cheat codes for the Xbox version of San Andreas have been submitted by a user called "Jay FNG Philbrook". As of yet the PC codes haven't been released. We aren't 100% sure if these are all real codes but we can't find anybody saying they're fake. If you do happen to own the Xbox version and you don't mind testing them out please contact us and let us know if they are the real deal. Check out the GTASA Xbox Cheats page to see them all (currently in alphabetical order). We'll have San Andreas PC cheats and mods very, very soon!
  3. Chris


    Hey everyone! There's a great new site that's started called GreenZap, it's just like PayPal except virtually anyone can use it, you don't even have to provide your bank or credit card details. And whatsmore, when you sign up you'll get $25.00 free! Yes that's right, $25. Soon you will be able to pay for stuff online using this cash at stores such as Amazon, eBay, and many many more. Sign up here and don't forget to put gtaplace as your referrer This next is important It shows you how to get your free $25! Login to your account and go to this page http://www.greenzap.com/zap/my-account/profile.asp Enter "gtaplace" (without quotes) as the Zap ID and click submit and then submit on the next page again to get your money!
  4. Chris

    First SA MODS!

    Great they're probably the first ever San Andreas PC mods, although has anybody tested them? I won't add them to our database until somebody confirms they work.
  5. Here. My idea was as I mentioned in an eariler post although not very clearly was that every time a new download is added in our database it automatically posts a new topic on the forums with all the details of the download and such. This would mean everyone can comment on the mod and users can provide feedback and also help with it. The topic could also be used to post your screenshots of the mod or just anything related to it. I'm pretty sure I could code that into pafiledb anyway. And lets face it, it's easier than having a seperate comments system for it. So far I can think of one problem that will happen. What about all the other 500 downloads we already have, I mean what should we do about them if we go ahead with this. Shall we just leave them there? Shall I even bother making it so it posts a topic here? -- ^^Answer those questions please^^ -- I've almost definitely made my mind up and I'm going to get rid of sananmods. I'll just park the domain on thegtaplace.com I think, since it does get about 100 unique hits everyday from no advertising just a link on thegtaplace.com. I also have gtasa-mods.com which I ended up never using, and also grandtheftautofour.net which I don't use. I think I'll sell them to anyone who wants them. Well maybe not gtasa-mods because I like that domain and it may get a few hits
  6. Yeah a novella is just a short novel or a short story if you like. I just updated the first post with the latest screenshots we got sent.
  7. Well, it's not supposed to be yet but across North America many stores have chosen to start selling copies of the game a little early. There are already a few screenshots flying around online. It looks so much better than the PS2 version. And whatsmore you even get a free novella with the game which if you're like me and love any GTA merchandise is a must have. If you haven't ordered a copy already you can do so by visiting the links to reputable online retailer Amazon. San Andreas PC from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk San Andreas Xbox from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk If you don't want to buy from Amazon and you live in the UK or Europe you can actually get it cheaper at Play.com. The PC version is only £24.99 there. Go buy it! UPDATE: Rockstar have sent us the screenshots from the 2nd part of Gamespot's interview and IGN's Good Life article, we have updated the PC Screenshots and Xbox Screenshots pages accordingly.
  8. I worded that wrong in my first post. What I meant was, and what my idea was is that we scrap sananmods for a start. Then I can make it so every time a new mods is posted a topic gets posted in the modding forum with all the information from the download database and so it then provides everyone with the option to comment on the mod. and stuff.
  9. Hey I was thinking to myself the other day about how I can improve the network as a whole. And I had a couple of ideas about the downloads; it suddenly dawned on me that there was actually no point to making a seperate site solely for San Andreas mods, since the download database for that is simply the san andreas category from the main site. I mean I may as well just carry on doing what we normally do with mods. What are your thoughts on this? And if you wanna hear my ideas about integrating mods to the forums just say here and I'll let you know my idea.
  10. w00t Happy b'day Xenon have a good one
  11. I sometimes get that I think it depends what car you install it as because I can't see why it should do that.
  12. Well yeah what mvi said is that glitches are unintentional. Easter eggs on the other hand are intentional. Now Rockstar are quoted to have said "there is no way we can tell the real life time in the game" but I know this is untrue, for Metal Gear Solid 2 had some cool easter eggs where you would get a special message if you started up the game on your birthday. You also got a message on Christmas day and Easter day. This was done by reading the PS2's internal clock. So I think Rockstar should implement this, when we get the game we can fiddle around with the clock/date settings on our PS3's to see if they added it in or not
  13. Why are you apologising for being a compulsive poster, that's a good thing, at least it is when you can write coherently and your posts have a point. Good job. I think your ideas are quite good although rather than have a set limit on the amount of properties you can own I think that rather it should be limited solely on the amount of money you have.
  14. I hate the Russian Mafia, they are a big no no for me, but yeah the game needs to have Mafia and Yakuza I hate them too, but in the game perhaps they could be rivalled by every other gang and we eventually wipe them out or something.... We've probably just offended lots of Russians
  15. Adriaan managed to get it for us but since we will have a new skin soon I didn't bother making it the default, I also haven't made buttons for the Image uploader, store or gang system.
  16. Hopefully my ATi Radeon 9600XT 256MB will hold up to it. I think it will
  17. Considering the title of the game I would want and expect to see quite a few of the GTA3 cast to return, including Claude, who could perhaps actually speak somehow I don't know.
  18. Well for a start we need the Mafia, the Yakuza, and the Russian Mafia. All impeccably dressed as per usual. I don't know what else to say about them but they should definitely be in the game.
  19. I know that, but he may delete all skins when he gets the new one No I'll leave the default one on there, I remember there was always a few people who preferred it.
  20. Get Firefox +2+a+scool+an+lern+proper+inglish+liek+wot+wee+al+did.&b1=Get+Ejjukashun&b2=I+am+educated%21&b2g=x&b3=Speak+more+eloquently&b3g=x" target="_blank">People with poor spelling skills
  21. Make your own funny Windows error messages! I found this cool little thing the other day... Well I knew about it already but havent seen it for a long time It lets you generate your own error messages just like the nonsensical verbal diarrhea that windows applications will often splurt out at you Some that I made: y.&b1=Format+HD&b1g=x&b2=Crash+computer&b3=" target="_blank">Windows shit itself Old Windows ou+see+to+the+left+of+this+bastard+error.%0D%0A%3C-----+Look%0D%0ASo+yeah+you+gotta+delete+it+all+or+Bill+Gates+will+rape+you&b1=Get+Raped&b2=&b3=Watch+pr0n" target="_blank">We found pr0n GTA Place 0wnz j00 Post away!
  22. Gamespot have added the second part of their San Andreas PC Q and A. This time it covers modding, AI and physics. There are also 4 new screenshots with it. IGN have added a new article on the "Good Life Part 1", along with a few new screenshots.
  23. Hehe remember when I made that news post about my name in the credits for GTA3 Check out the GTA3 news forum lol.
  24. No you don't and god knows why you're offering unmetered bandwidth.
  25. Too lazy to shave. It takes like less than a minute if you don't bother getting any shaving foam and all that crap. Just use water Unless you have one of them huge beards like Osama Bin Laden or something, in which case a lawnmower will do just fine
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