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Everything posted by TomNeckermann

  1. Rockstar Games have updated their SocialClub with online leaderboards for all gametypes in GTA IV. You can compare your stats with everyone else in the world and use filters to help find data you're looking for. Though lots of it are the same as the multiplayer stats you can view in-game, it might still be interesting for those who want even more detail. Source: Rockstar Social Club.
  2. Hey, about your new site, could you tell me the exact release? Because I defenitly don't want to miss it. Anyway, do you pay for that site? Because I can't find any host that lets me choose my own URL for free. Please help, I want to start a Sims 3 site. Thanks Please reply in private message.
  3. Actually, you need to fire your bazooka at the ground, you will fly high but still survive. This works. PS: by the way your dream cars are a living beauty..!!
  4. Mark Harris, from the UK, received the Special Edition of GTA IV and constructed something incredible out of it. He actually got the idea of using "The donor PC" (with Slax as OS, and a 1GB CF card connected to the IDE controller with a Compact Flash Adapter) to fit in the case that came along with the Special Edition. This resulted into a fully-operating system, a real, true GTA-PC. Of course he had to make changes to the case, and had some space remaining to fit a hard disk to add some gigabytes. Here are some images of the "GTA-PC": If you have 5 minutes, be sure to read the full article (including other images) at Mini-ITX!
  5. Yeah Chris, I only received the e-mail today, and I went through the site and I have to agree with you, it really is a minor update. See ya.
  6. Rockstar have just updated their site again! - The Multiplayer Section is updated, with new images and information. - The Music Section too, with brand new exclusive music. - Reviews and More.>Although they only posted the 10/10 reviews, the other ones that gave less, aren't posted (guess they want to show how proud they are!) So be sure to check out their official site. www.rockstargames.com/IV Thats all for now.
  7. Please could you make me a cool graphic card. I don't really care exactly what it's meant to look like. Please could you just make me a nice one, and a moto that fits with "TomNeckermann". Underneath I will put: "Thanks to the great "MrLlamaLlama" for this awesome sig!!" Please give me notice when it will be ready. Thanks so much! TomNeckermann
  8. Tips on Driving Do what was previously said by Cat Licker, but when you go fast in the corner, do this. Push the brakes when you are 6 meters from the turning point, hold them in and then when you start turning, quickly tap X once (handbrake). Following that, accelerate while turning in the opposite direction. You should make the turn nicely then, but this does require training, so be careful. More tips? Send me a message. TomNeckermann
  9. I don't get why you seem so obsessed with huckleberry pie.

    You're a boy, I mean C'mon!!

  10. Good news for the New Zealand Gamers!! A lot of contraversy has been going on following the 16+ edited-version of GTA IV in New Zealand and Australia. But now the "Office of Film and Literature Classification" (OFLC) has officially given New Zealand the "go ahead". Be sure to read the full article at Geekpulp. (Source and Article: http://www.geekpulp.co.nz/2008/05/21/gta-i...ealand-streets/ )
  11. if u want a source than go check this website in the game
  12. You need to do some side missions for Roman, go play darts with him, and date Michelle, Kate, and other chicks.
  13. Try and take out your bazooka in mid-air, then when you nearly hit the ground, fire.
  14. Some more land, something different, with a desert and a quadbike. Hopefully the mansion and the sportcars which I expected in the original GTA IV. PS: To Chris, Have you received my e-mails? And my private messages? Or are you just ignoring me?
  15. Welcome, Please post underneath the changes you would like to include for the multiplayer. I have been playing online for quite a while and have constated a large amount of glitches and annoying problems. Everytime I want to play online, I waste 5 to 10 minutes trying to just get online. This is because there is kind of a long loading time, which is considerable; but above all, every match you find only has a few players which are never "ready", and constantly leave and rejoin. Sometimes you end up in a random match half-way through, or you need to wait and spectate a busy match. I suggest Rockstar groups the online players together; what I mean is, instead of many different hosted games, they group them together to play with many more people at once, and that it is easier to find a match and begin it straight away. And now the glitch part. I have noticed an incredible amount of glitches while playing online; players racing and all of a sudden they go infront of everyone, and sometimes I drive with many on the high-way, and when I crash into the edge, me and other cars go through the floor and under the map and everything gets messed up. Here I suggest Rockstar continues working on glitches (most of all multiplayer), and upgrade their servers for an "anti-lag" multiplayer mode. I will send this message to Rockstar, and so I ask you to post what you would like them to improve; which I will include in the message. (Maybe I should post this by "Technical Issues", but not many people go there anyway, and this is more "general")>probably half of this makes no sense'!. Anyway, Please post.
  16. Unless the file is completely terminated, and no cookies or whatsoever left of it, no virus should come on your laptop. However, if there is still any extension for it, then once your AVG is off, the virus will strike and your computer may be spread out with it. What I suggest is that you buy an anti-virus such as NOD or so, or you can download it for free via torrent. If you don't want to pay for anything, then I suggest you download "Avast! Home Edition", when you download it, there will be a free-trial, but then just register it; which is surprizingly free.
  17. Sure you do! Everyone does! I'd like to see "everyone" downloading this "ending", as you call it. And let's count how many people try. Agreed? Although I have to admit I fell for it, but the link-site was kind of...euh...weird, I really thought "WTF?!".
  18. What an ending, although I prefer not to.
  19. joeliswellbuff (from the GTAForums.com) has spotted a hilarious page on the In-game website of GTA4. Well, hopefully some of these rumors are true and will be proved one day (and hopefully not a dissapointment like GTA3's Ghost-City). PS: Want to see the page and its exclusives too? Then remember it's the "Fake Liberty Tree" website.
  20. The newest game in the series, Grand Theft Auto IV, holds a record in the Guinness Book of World Records, breaking the previous record by Halo 3 in overall sales within the 24 hour mark of the game's launch. GTA IV attained another record too for being the fastest selling entertainment software, selling 3.6 million copies on the first day of it's release. On the first day alone GTA IV had raked in an entire $310 million dollars. About twice as much as Halo 3's earnings on release day, with an average of $170 million dollars. Well done Rockstar and congratulations for this achievement!
  21. If there is anything all of the GTA IV gamers have in common, it's the frustration when it freezes. 2K Games, publisher of GTA IV and Rockstar's parent company, revealed that Sony will join the effort to get GTA IV to work perfectly, meaning 100% bug free. 2K Games said that the problem comes from the hardware in the launch version of the PS3. Although the Xbox360 hasn't been error free either, this freezing error has been a major nuisance to GTA IV gamers worldwide and should be fixed. 2K Games sends out this message to PS3 owners who have trouble running the game: That's another good news for PS3 owners'!
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