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Posts posted by Samil

  1. Could be rocket ... but I think the points on the map really make an arrow that points north west.Start from BOB then go right connecting the points 'till the last point to right then go left till the first point.There connect the 3 points so a triangle would be realized.It looks like an arrow from my point of view.

  2. Have you guys saw those strange lights on the sky? Some of them are rockets ... some of them not.Never tried to approach one or even touch it.There are 4 kinds of light on the sky at night.I think there are 4.Also I heard that there are UFO's at the Area 69.Ever tried to wait there untill nightfall then see if something strange is happening? Well I didn't.And hey I noticed that it's like an arrow.Start from the point in the bottom, then until at the far one up.But it has to end wit the far one in right.Hope you got it casue I didn't

  3. Hmm ... weird indeed.Have you check under water? Also it could be the reason of some earthquakes.Maybe the map is old and in the past there was an earthquake that sunken the island.And in the new map the island isn't anymore.

  4. Indianas?! Lol! Dunno what are those "indianas' youre talkin' 'bout but I'll say the weirdest characters.You said too I say to ...

    Okay so first is The Truth.He's full of mysteries and secrets.

    And second the backpack guy that is memebr of the Epsilon Cult.I picked him cause he is weird and always talks about Epsilon.

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