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Posts posted by Samil

  1. I think you want to say to who he sold to the mansion and when he got drunk.

    Well he sold his mansion to Big Poppa and starter drink after he lost everything: the mansion, his rhymes, his manager.

    I don't care if this is the answer or it isn't I just answered.

    Q: How many triads come with you in the mission "A home in the hills"?

  2. Well I didn't put it in pharagraps but I hope you like it ...

    It's a combination between San Andreas and Hitman. :)

    ===5 THINGS===

    One sunny day, CJ was driving around Los Santos when he stopped because the car infront stopped.He horned and the driver looked at him and got in his car.Then the traffic was on again.When turning the corner, a man opened CJ's door and knocked him.CJ had the opportunity to see who it was and it was the driver.He also saw his car in an alley.CJ then woke up on a chair in a dark room.Suddenly the lights went on and CJ saw the whole room.He saw Toreno infront of him on a chair and in the room were 4 guards.

    *CJ: Toreno?

    *Toreno: Yep!

    *CJ: Ugh ... what the fuck was that?

    *Toreno: What that?

    *CJ: That punch! Man that's it I'm going to kill you! Wait ... where the hell is my gun?

    *Toreno: You mean this gun?

    *CJ: Fuck you!

    *Toreno: Whatever! Look, I got one more job for you.

    *CJ: Oh no! No more fucking shits man! I'm tired of your freaking missions.

    *Toreno: Okay so you have to ...

    *CJ: I said no!

    *Toreno: What you want this time? I can give you everything you want.

    *CJ: Nothing!

    *Toreno: Come on tell me! Money, chicks ... everything.

    *CJ: Hmm ... I could use a new video-game ...

    *Toreno: Okay ...

    *CJ: More cash to buy my own island and a Burger Shot ...

    *Toreno: Yes ...

    *CJ: And that you won't ask me do your dirty jobs!

    *Toreno: Ok ... what? Okay but only for a month.

    *CJ: Whole life!

    *Toreno: A month!

    *CJ: Whole life!

    *Toreno: A month!

    *CJ: Whole life!

    *Toreno: A week!

    *CJ: Okay!

    *Toreno: Great!

    *CJ: Hey wait ... damn! Fuck you!

    *Toreno: Okay here's the briefing ... you will have a jet prepared outside.But watch out! You'll be alone.Okay now go!

    *CJ: Asshole!

    CJ went outside to take the jet and saw that the jet had auto-pilot.This was good cause he had to read the briefing too.So he entered the jet and took off.After 10 minutes of flight, he took the briefings and began to read.

    *CJ: So first I need to ... take a mini-bomb from an army base?! Not again! I even dunno why am I doing this ... the base is in Canada.Hey what's here? "Careful in Canada is snow.You have an Arctic equipment in the locker".Well at last this time im prepared.

    When arrived in Canada, there was snow everywhere.CJ put on the Arctic equipment and the jet landed somewhere behind a hill.CJ had a map of the location the jet was progammed to land and some supplies left by Toreno for him.CJ had to go north from that point but before that he had to see what's in the boxes.He opened the boxes and found 3 knifes, 4 SDs, 2 SD Mp5,satchel charges, night-vision goggles,some fibrewire, some ammo, some binnoculars and a lock-pick.After he took what he needed he put the boxes in the jet and went north to the base.On the hill, CJ took the binnoculars and watched the guards patrolling around the base.He advanced but stopped quickly because 2 guards stopped talking.When they turned to continue their patrol, CJ advanced.A guard heared something and turned.He was looking at CJ's direction but couldn't see him.CJ popped a bullet in the guard's head and he felt down.CJ dragged his body somewhere at distance and hid him in the snow.He got at the fence and cut the wires.He entered the base but exactly then the guard from outside the base spotted him.CJ quickly killed him and hid his body behind some boxes.CJ, slowly advanced to the hangar where the bomb was supposed to be."It's a weird place to put a bomb" he said.He knew that if he entered the main door, the guards will see him, so he entered from the window.He hid behind a box and when a guard came, he quickly went behind him and killed him with the fibrewire.He hid his body and continued to go.He spotted 2 guards talking and another one coming in his direction.He wasted the guard that was coming and hid his body.Now he had to kill the 2 guards.He jumped and started shooting at them.After they were killed another guard heared something falling and quickly came an CJ stabbed the knife in his head.He then hid all the bodies and advanced.

    He hid behind a box and saw 2 guards guarding the bomb.One of them went to pee so CJ shot the other one and quickly hid his body.When the guard came he didn't see his friend anymore and then CJ wasted him in one bullet.He quickly hid his body and took the bomb, exiting the window.Exactly when he put the foot on the ground he was surrounded by guards.

    *Guard: Freeze rat!

    *CJ: Shoot and die! You won't shoot a guy with a nuclear bomb in his arms right?

    *Guard2: He's right! If we shoot him we will all be dead.

    *CJ: Smart boy!

    CJ started wasting everyguard there and the base was alarmed.A tank came infront of CJ and a guard said to give up.CJ ran into another buiding there and found some chemical projects that could explode at fire.CJ planted some satchel charges and jumped through the window.He saw guards running like mad through the base.He made his way to the fence and exited through the opening.When he entered the jet it took off and he pressed the button of the remote, blowing the whole base up.In the jet, he continued the list.

    *CJ: Now I got to ... steal 50 million dollars from a safe in Brazil.Wonder why Toreno need all this money ... doesn't he have enough.Damn I better take off this costume ... Hey here says that I have to ... parachute? Fuck you Toreno!

    In Brazil, CJ was prepared to rob the bank.It was night and he had advantage.Althrough there were many guards in the bank.When he was over the bank, he parachuted and the jet flew west from his position.He programmed the jet to land on a field not to far from here.He entered the bank through the roof door.He spotted guards patrolling the whole place every guard armed to teeth.He slowly advanced and reached a big hall.A guard was coming and casue he didn't had what to do, he shot the guard with the SD and hid the body.He heared footsteps coming and he hid behind the counter until the guards left.He then advanced to the safe where he saw 2 guards with nightvision-goggles.He was thinking what to do and he found a letter in his equipment.The letter said "Check your backpack".CJ checked and saw a long black curtain.It was perfect for him to go side the wall slowly and that's how he did.He reached the first guard and quickly stabbed the knife in his head.He turned and blasted the second guard.He didn't had where to hide the bodies so he put stabbed a knife in each one, the knife entering the wall.The guards looked like they are alive, standing and guarding with the weapons in their arms.CJ now had to open the safe which was really hard.He tried everything."What would Sweet do?", he said in his mind."Of course!",he said then he shot the locker and the safe opened.Then he put all the cash in the backpack and then he spotted some wings.They were perfect for him to take his fly to the field where the jet was.He went to the window but cause he ouldn't open it, he shot the window, breaking the glass and alarming the guards.He then juped and when the guards came they didn't saw a thing and knowledged the 2 guards were dead.

    CJ managed to land on the field.He watched back at the window where he saw some figures.He went into the jet and continued his journey.

    *CJ: Next I have to stea a diamond from egypt.This will be easy it has less guards only lasers and I have a rope so I can do it "classic".But first lunch time.

    CJ took lunch and after that he arrived in egypt.He landed the plane in the desert and continued on foot to the museum.He entered from the roof casue the museum had only one entrance and that was guarded by the museum security.He entered through the window, hanged down and stole the diamond.He left a photo with the diamond there and then he went back to the jet.

    *CJ: Now this was easy! Now I have to steal gold from a bank in China? That's easier.The bank is closed and only 2 guards are patrolling the whole bank.

    He arrived in Chine and landed the plane silently on the roof.He entered through the door and reached the safe.The safe had the latest generation of locker and it was really complicated to open.Even with Sweet's method he didn't succeed.He had to take the code, key and hand print from a guard.When a guard came he saw him and took his gun.CJ quickly took his SD Mp5 and shot him in the leg.The guard felt on the ground and CJ advanced to him.

    *CJ: What's the code?

    *Guard: Who said I'll say something?

    *CJ: Say or I'll blast your balls.

    *Guard: Oh okay! It's 1901.

    *CJ: And where's the key?

    *Guard: In the bosses office.

    *CJ: Okay you come with me.

    He took the guard to the bosses office, took the key and returned.At the safe, CJ shot the guard and killed him.He cut his hand and used it for the hand print scanner.He opened the safe, took all the gold he could take and had to get rid of the guard.So he had fun throwing the guard through the window, the guard falling on a car.After that he saw cops entering the bank.He was lucky the bank had 42 floors.CJ quickly went on the roof and took off fast.

    *CJ: Okay now the last target.Everything from the romanian ambassador's mansion.Gosh! This'll be hard.His mansion is in Constanta.Heh...

    When CJ was over the Black Sea, he looked through the window to see the ... Black Sea ... which was black.The jet then landed on a small island.CJ got out and saw a boat and some loadings.He took some ammo, and went with the boat to the ambassadors mansion.The mansion was near the sea but the shore was guarded by guards.CJ parked the boat behind some rocks and he advanced towards the mansion.He managed to climb the hill, and he got to the back yard, where the pool was.There were 2 guards there.CJ killed them both and had to open the door.He used the lockpick and entered the house.The house was crawling with guards so CJ quietly went behind a guard, killed him with the fibre wire, and hid the body.He arrived in the hall where he saw to guards guarding a door.He shot the vase from the opposite sideof the hall and thw guards went to check what happened.He then entered the ambassadors bedroom, where he found him, his wife and some jewerly.He took the jewerly and left the bedroom.Then he got out and the guards came back to their posts.

    CJ then arrived in the kitchen where more guards were.He saw a painting worth thousands of dollars so he had to do a diversion.But he didn't knew romanian.He shot another painting that felt on the floor and the guards went ot check.Then he took the painting and found behind it a safe that could be opened easy so he opened it and took the cash.He then hid the painting and the rest of the goods in the closet and checked the rest of the house.In the bathroom, he hit the jackpot.He found, behind the rug, a door which he opened and found some pearls, diamond, more cash and jewerly and a gold tiara.He took them all in his mini backpack, returned to the closet, took the things and returned to the boat but he found 2 guards there searching the boat.He took his SD Mp5 and SD 9mm and shot both guards and threw their bodies in the boat.Then he went back to the isle and on the way he dropped the bodies in the water.He got in the jet and went back to San Andreas.

    When he arrived at Los Santos, he saw a man reading a newspaper at the.The man advanced at him and told to follow him.They got to Toreno's.

    *CJ: Okay Toreno I got your shits!

    *Toreno: Oh yes! Nice job agent CJ!

    *CJ: Whatever man! Don't forget! Video-game, island, Burger Shot!

    *Toreno: Yeah, yeah! I got your island, with a restaurant there and heres the newest video-game released on the market.

    *CJ: Plus ... 2 weeks of peace!

    *Toreno: One!

    *CJ: 2!

    *Toreno: Oh alright!

    *CJ: Okay then see ya!

    When CJ returned to Grove street, Sweet was standing with Cesar and Kendl infront of the house.He was looking worried.CJ went to him and asked what happened.

    *CJ: Hey bro what's up?

    *Sweet: What's up? You! Where the hell have you been?!

    *CJ: Long story bro ... but I got a video game and an Island with a Burger Shot restaurant.

    *Kendl: How'd you got that?

    *CJ: Longer story ....

    *Cesar: Don't tell me ... that Toreno guy right?

    *CJ: Yeah!

    *Sweet, Kendl & Cesar: Oh!

    *Sweet: Well let's see the island!

    *Cesar: And the restaurant!

    *Kendl: I want a mansion there!

    *CJ: Whatever you want sis ... whatever you want.


  3. People I need more ideas for stories! Oh and homer ... I need normal stories.I was thinking of another mission for Toreno but this time CJ will go alone.He will have 5 targets: a mini-bomb from a army base in Canada, 50 million dollars from a safe in Brazil, a huge diamond from Egypt, 100g of gold from a fortress bank in China and every shiny thing from the Romanian Ambassador.What do you say.

  4. Yeah I heard about the Epsilon Cult too ... about the Cult Farm and the cultists around SA.The backpack guy that's talking about the Epsilon Cult like:"Careful, brother-uncle!", about that guy from Ammu-Nation who says "There are cultists everywhere friend!" and even Katie talks about the cultists.Their god is Kifflom, or at last I think.Whatever you can find more on: www.myepsilon.org

  5. Dude, they don't like each other since OG Loc put Carl to steal his rhymes and kill his manager.Since then they are rivals.But not in this story.And yeah Sweet knocked Madd Dogg what's soweird at it?Althrough those two were annoying and Sweet had to shut them up.

    Okay I changed what Dogg said there.

  6. The plane gets on fire? I guess you don't use cheats to get rid of the cops and repair the plane.Althrough just go straight ahead and then take off with speed then your job to maintain the balance.Just don't hit the buildings and don't fly to low.If you loose control and go down ... then you do what you do.

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