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Posts posted by Samil

  1. You're saying that you didn't install GTA San Andreas?

    But anyway, I might have mistaken.

    So you don't have the gta_sa.set? Hmm...

    [NOTE: I wrote this phrase before the one above about the game installation, if it is installed, follow these steps, it might work.If you are having trouble with the GTA Installer or something (it's downloaded or sort), maybe you can do the same thing with it]

    In that case, all I can suggest now is that you run the gta_sa.exe as Administrator.Simple enough to enable, just right-click on it, select the 'Compatibility' tab and check the 'Run this program as an Administrator' box.Then 'Apply' and 'OK'.

    Hope I helped in anyway, if not, I'm sorry.

  2. Double post FTW! Sorry, okay so, we're back! :D No illustrations this time tho, sorry probs with the scanner, anyway, we got a 2 in 1 episode, divided in ep. 14 and 15.Stay tuned for 16, in this one stuff is getting really hot.Until then, enjoy the bad guys' past.

    • EP. 14 - Memories Part 1
    • As Cain is deep asleep, he yet again heard voices, the same voices he heard a while ago, but only that this time, he also had visions.He found himself at the wheel of a car.He was wearing a mask, and on the passenger seat he had a gun.He looked in the side mirror, and saw police cars behind him.As he was driving, he went from street to street, through alleys, through yards, hitting numerous cars and pedestrians.One of the police cars closed up to him, and the officer on the passenger seat tried to get out and shoot Cain, but Cain hit the police car, sending it in a pole, and causing the officer to fall down and was hit by another police car, being instantly killed.
    • Cain drove forward some more, until he was on a long street, which was looking like it had no end.He speed up, and suddenly a red car appeared in front of him.Before the impact, he heard:
      *???: Mom! Dad! Watch out!
    • Then, Cain's car hit the other, and rolled over.He quickly got out of his car, and went at the two people in red car, shouting by their window:
      *Cain: You got in my way! Die! *shoots* Die! *shoots* Die! *shoots*
      *???: Mom! Dad!
      *???: Tyson, wait!
      *Cain: You little pest! Die! *shoots*
      *Tyson: Gah!
      *Sarah: Ty...
      *Cop: You! Surrender!
      *Cain: Hahahaha! In your dreams, idiots! *shoots*
    • Cain hid behind his car, while shooting at the officers.He noticed two more cars approaching from the other side of the street, but as soon as the four officers got out of the cars, three of them were instantly killed.The fourth officer hid behind the car's door, and was also shot in the leg.As he was carrying a shotgun, he tried to shoot Cain, and after he used some shells, he hit him in the arm, making him drop his gun.As he tried to take his gun, he was once again shot by the same officer, this time in the leg.Before he could touch his gun, he found himself surrounded by officers, and one of them kicked his gun away.Cain, with an evil look on his face, said:
      *Cain: Haha... I guess it ends here for me... I give up, officer... or... *pulls out gun*
      *Cop: Shoot him! *shoots*
    • Cain got shot before he could aim his gun.The last thing he saw was Tyson and Sarah watching from their house.He then had another evil smile, before being again shot by an officer in the head, killing him for good.But, Cain did not wake up after this.Instead, he was still dreaming, as he woke up in a strange room with some cylinders.He noticed he was inside one, which was full with a green liquid.He had a mask on his face, to help him breathe.e had a mask on his face, to help him breathe.Suddenly, a shadow comes in front of him.
      *???: Hmm... he's alive... I knew I'd succeed after all...
      *Cain: What... where... where am I?
      *???: Don't worry, I saved you.My name is Drake... and this will be your new friend...
      *???: Hehe... he's good.Deadly, fast, but when we combine, we'll be the Apocalypse in a body... haha!
    • Cain's vision once again became blank, and suddenly he woke up in some woods, while jumping from tree to tree, cutting dummies in half.He kept jumping until he reached a glade.There, Drake and Senya were waiting for him.
      *Drake: Well... looks like you and your little friend are growing up.
      *Senya: Nice moves there, amigo.You'll be perfecto in the team.
      *Cain: Thanks... haaahaa! Nice one Alfor!
      *Alfor: Yeah, you were good too, Cain!
      *???: Yet, he needs more training.
      *Drake: I know... so do you.
      *???: Hmm... don't forget, I did beat you once.
      *Drake: Happened once... I left my guard down.Shouldn't you be training too?
      *???: Easy... I'm well trained already.I'll go see what's around. *disappears*
      *Senya: Well, he's una extrana guy.
      *Drake: Sigh... he's not used with teamwork.
      *Cain: So, what now?
      *Drake: I got a mission for you, Cain.Since you're ready.Go, and attract our new friends.Get them in a populated city, such as...
      *Senya: Las Vegas, Nevada?
      *Drake: Perfect... nice one, Senya.
      *Senya: Heheh...
      *Cain: Haaahaaa! It'll be my pleasure...
    • Cain then had a blank vision, and suddenly, he woke up.He checked the time, and saw it's only 5:25 AM.He got up, got out of his room, and was heading for the bathroom,k and drank a glass of water.As he was heading back to his room, he met with Senya on the hallway, who was staring at the Universe.
      *Cain: Can't sleep?
      *Senya: I have nightmares... it's all about my past...
      *Cain: Haha... me too... I wish I can remember my past more.
      *Senya: Hey, since we cannot sleep, let's exchange our pasts.I'll tell you my past, and you tell me yours.
      *Cain: Haahaaa! Okay... I don't remember much but... this is what happened...
      EP. 15 - Memories Part 2
    • In her room, Senya has just fallen asleep, when suddenly, she started having dreams of her past too.She found herself at the age of five, in a big mansion somewhere in Utah, and next to her were a woman in a white dress and a man in a tuxedo.
      *Senya: Mama! I wanna go too!
      *???: No you won't! This is only for adults! You stay here or you won't get food for two days!
      *Senya: Papa! Please, tell her! I wanna go too! Por favor, papa!
      *???: Dear but what if...
      *???: No! No! I said no! I don't want this pest to ruin my first date with you!
      *???: But...
      *???: Do you love me?! If you do, you should care! Tell her to stay home! Or else get another girl next to you!
      *???: Sigh... Senya...
      *Senya: Papa! No...
      *???: Lo sentimos Senya, stay here...
      *Senya: Papa! No, papa!
      *???: Come on, Miguel! Let's go!
      *Senya: Papa!
    • As the two adults went through the mansion's door, a bright light coming from outside covered Senya's vision, and she found herself with her friends, at the age of fourteen, behind the school, smoking.
      *Senya: Ah... this shit is nice, eh!
      *???: Good you like it...
      *???: So, how's your parents, Senya?
      *Senya: *smokes* Fucked... after my mom died, my dad found this whore at the corner block.And I gotta survive with her in the same house.
      *???: Yeah well...
      *???: Senya! You dumb bitch!
      *???: Mama! But, but...
      *???: You little bitch! Get home now!
      *Senya: Mama! Wait! Ouch!
    • Senya was suddenly slapped, and she closed her eyes.When she opened them, she found herself back in the mansion, at the age of eighteen.As she was about to go out the door, she was stopped by her mother.It was like they were shouting at each other, but Senya couldn't hear a thing.As she started to cry, she suddenly heard:
      *???: You're not going anywhere, stay in the house!
      *???: Mama, vete a la mierda!
    • Senya ran out of the house, and into another bright light.When the light disappeared, she found herself on an alley, standing on a trash bin, with a syringe of heroin in her hand.By that time.She had been thrown out from her own house by her stepmother, because of their quarrel.She had a depressed look on her face.
      *Senya: Mi vida... it's... fucked... papa.Why, papa?
      *???: Something happened?
      *Senya: Ah! Please! Don't... kill me! Don't!
      *???: Relax, I'm not here to kill you.I'm here to help you.
      *Senya: How?
      *???: I'll give you a new life.My name, is Drake.
      *Senya: I'm... Senya...
      *Drake: Come on, I'll help you... trust me...
    • Drake lowered his hand, and Senya grabbed it.He then got her up, took her in his arms, and flew away, disappearing in a shadow, which yet again covered Senya's vision.Again, when she was able to see again, she found herself in a glade, in Drake's arms.After a while, Cain appeared from the forest.Also, next to a tree was a shadowy, unknown figure.
      *Drake: Well... looks like you and your little friend are growing up.
      *Senya: Nice moves there, amigo.You'll be perfecto in the team.
      *Cain: Thanks... haaahaa! Nice one Alfor!
      *Alfor: Yeah, you were good too, Cain!
      *???: Yet, he needs more training.
      *Drake: I know... so do you.
      *???: Hmm... don't forget, I did beat you once.
      *Drake: Happened once... I left my guard down.Shouldn't you be training too?
      *???: Easy... I'm well trained already.I'll go see what's around. *disappears*
      *Senya: Well, he's una extrana guy.
      *Drake: Sigh... he's not used with teamwork.
      *Cain: So, what now?
      *Drake: I got a mission for you, Cain.Since you're ready.Go, and attract our new friends.Get them in a populated city, such as...
      *Senya: Las Vegas, Nevada?
      *Drake: Perfect... nice one, Senya.
      *Senya: Heheh...
      *Cain: Haaahaaa! It'll be my pleasure...
    • Senya then had a blank vision, and suddenly woke up.She got up, and, without Terrax, went out of her room.She was walking down the corridor, when she stopped to stare at the Universe.After some minutes, Cain appeared next to her.
      *Cain: Can't sleep?
      *Senya: I have nightmares... it's all about my past...
      *Cain: Haha... me too... I wish I can remember my past more.
      *Senya: Hey, since we cannot sleep, let's exchange our pasts.I'll tell you my past, and you tell me yours.
      *Cain: Haahaaa! Okay... I don't remember much but... this is what happened...
    • They then told each other what happened in their past, until Drake arrived.
      *Drake: Let's go you two!
      *Cain: Haaa? What is it?
      *Drake: We still have to recruit some more... we need to be at least six.
      *Senya: Why don't we just handle those 'heroes' all by ourselves? It'll only be four on five.
      *Drake: Because, I sense that, a sixth one will come by them, and it's someone familiar to you, Cain.
      *Cain: Haa? I don't get it, haahaaa!
      *Drake: Hehe... we'll wait... come on, we found another, 'friend', who we can take with us.He's right now held in prison.So come on, we have someone to, 'parole'.
      *Cain: Haaahaaa!
      *Senya: Hehe... this will surely be, gracioso!
      *Drake: Come on... Rikers await us!
    • They left the corridor, went in the lift and arrived in a hangar.They got in Drake's ship, on which there was a large, red skull.The ship was able to carry up to six humans.As the hangar opened, Drake speed out of the mother ship, heading towards New York.
      *Senya: Rikers Island prison? In New York, right?
      *Drake: Yeah, I got the perfect Vectronian for this guy.We only need to free him up.
      *Cain: Haaah! So, who's this guy anyway?
      *Drake: Heh... a biker, pretty tough guy, and a old friend of Jet...
    • The ship then went into the clouds, and disappeared.

    ... To be continued

    No new characters

    Hope you enjoyed it!

    Notify of mistakes, also give suggestions.


    EDIT: Just to avoid triple post.

    Time for a new episode guys! Drake's getting himself a new teammate, but who is this? You can ask Jet! ;)

    EP. 16 - Prison Break

    • The next morning, 13th June, 8:33 AM, Ace just woke up, and was heading towards the bathroom, when, suddenly, Jet appeared in front of him, and was running towards him.
      *Ace: What the?!
      *Jet: Move it, move it, move it!
    • Jet went pass Ace, and he disappeared on the hallway.As Ace turned around, he saw Daemon, with an angry look on his face.Daemon ran after Jet, and as he disappeared, Ace heard:
      *Daemon: Jet! Give me back my dog food!
      *Ace: For fuck sake...
    • Ace arrived at the bathroom, but couldn't get in, as it was occupied, by Sarah who was having a shower.
      *Ace: Who the heck is in there?!
      *Sarah: It's me! Don't come in, I'm taking a shower!
      *Ace: Hey, I ain't Jet or other guy around here to peek!
      *Sarah: Good, for your safety, don't!
      *Ace: You know, I gotta pee too!
      *Sarah: Just wait!
      *Ace: Oh man...
    • Ace leaned on the door, and Tyson appeared next to him.
      *Tyson: Hey man, what's wrong?
      *Ace: Your sis is in the bathroom!
      *Tyson: Oh, then you should build another one!
      *Ace: What?!
      *Tyson: She usually stays hours in there.
      *Ace: Well we do have another toilet, but it's highly protected by lasers and stuff...
      *Tyson: Why so?
      *Ace: It's Sam's personal toilet.
      *Tyson: Can't you deactivate the security systems?
      *Ace: Not the easy way!
    • Then, the bathroom's door opened, and Ace fell down.As he was looking up, the only thing he saw was he saw Sarah's panties, as she was standing right above his head.Sarah quickly got out of the bathroom.
      *Sarah: Pervert!
      *Ace: What?! The only thing I did was to fall!
      *Tyson: Nice one sis! You actually got out of the bathroom really quick!
      *Sarah: What do you mean? I was in there since 5:30 AM.
      *Tyson: Err... c'mon let's just leave Ace alone...
      *Sarah: Just wait 'till I get my hands on you!
      *Ace: Ow... my head... well, red panties...
    • After Ace finished his business, he went in the kitchen, had breakfast, and went in the living room, where Sam, Jet and Daemon were.
      *Daemon: You motherfucker! Those are my personal dog food supplies, yo! You ain't even an animal, so what the fuck?!
      *Jet: Hey it's tasty!
      *Sam: Oh god... Ace, can you believe it?
      *Ace: Sadly... I believe Jet is an idiot.
    • Then, Tyson and Sarah came in the room and sat down on the sofa.
      *Ace: Sarah, sorry for that.
      *Sarah: Hmpf... whatever.
      *Ace: Hey I got an idea! Sarah, since we got these powers, I think you should be able to defend yourself too.
      *Sarah: What do you mean?! You say I can't kick an ass?!
      *Ace: No, no! Not that, but... if Drake or any other would attack you, you should be able to face him.This is not just some simple close quarter combat.I know someone who can teach you, he was my master too, he's the best trainer known in China.Come on guys let's go!
      *Jet: Why do you have to take us with ya?!
      *Sam: Yeah I mean... just take Sarah to whoever you want, and we'll just stay here and...
      *Tyson: Have another party?
      *Ace: Exactly! And the last time, I had to clean too! So move it, lazy asses!
    • This time, they did not take the ship, as it was having technical difficulties.So, Jet and Ace got on Hexer, and Daemon with Tyson, Sarah and Sam got in the SUV.Before they left, they set the base's defence level on high.Then, they went towards San Francisco.They stopped at a gas station, where Ace checked the GPS.
      *Ace: So, the gym should be around here.
      *Jet: I thought you said this guy was in China!
      *Ace: I said he is the best trainer in China... Chinatown.
      *Jet: What the...
      *Ace: Come on! He's really good!
      *Daemon: Hey, yo! Let's go back on the road!
    • After some more driving, they reached the gym.There, they went inside, and Ace asked where to find his master.He went in his office, and saw an old man watching over the window.
      *Ace: Master Jensen...
      *Jensen: Oh, Acelius... I was waiting for you.Fortune cookies told me you were on your way.
      *Ace: How's that?
      *Jensen: Indigestion.Haha! Welcome back, grasshopper!
      *Ace: Good to see you too, master.
      *Jensen: What brings you here? Seeking more training?
      *Ace: Well, actually, yeah.But not for me, it's for this girl.
      *Jensen: Oh?
      *Sarah: Umm... hello.My name is...
      *Jensen: Sarah, am I right?
      *Sarah: Um... yeah, but, how do you...
      *Jensen: Fortune cookies, toilet, you know.Haha!
      *Ace: Same old sense of humor, haha!
      *Jet: Some sense of humor this fossil has...
      *Jensen: I heard that!
      *Jet: Er...
      *Jensen: So be it then, I will train her personally.If you do as I say, you'll quickly learn martial arts.
      *Sarah: Uh, okay.
      *Ace: Well, we're going to a bar down the street.Tyson you stay here with your sis.
      *Tyson: Oh man... alright...
    • Sarah got started with the training, and Tyson was sitting on a bench.Meanwhile, Ace and the rest arrived at the bar, where they ordered a drink.
      *Jet: Man, ain't I here for nothing...
      *Daemon: Yo, you got yourself a beer, stop complainin'!
      *Sam: You know who plays today?
      *Daemon: Oh yeah, New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox!
      *Tyson(Radio): Oh yeah I'm watching the game right now!
      *Ace: Damn what the... Tyson, where the hell are you watching?!
      *Tyson(Radio): Jensen's office.He even has some snacks!
      *Jet: Who needs snacks when you got a beer?
      *Bartender: Here's your drinks guys!
      *Ace: How much?
      *Bartender: Only fifty dollars.
      *Ace: Keep the change!
      *Bartender: Oh, thank you! Enjoy your drinks!
      *Daemon: Hey, mind if you change to the Yankees and White Sox game?
      *Bartender: Of course not! I was about to change to the game anyway!
    • They watched the game, and an hour later, after it was over, they got out of the bar.Then, they went back to the gym.Sarah was still training with Jensen, so they went in Jensen's office to see what's Tyson doing.He found him watching cartoons, and as soon as Tyson spotted them, changed the channel, to a news broadcast.
      *Tyson: I was just changing channels!
      *Ace: Yeah, sure you were.
      *Reporter: Breaking news! Rikers Island Prison was suddenly attacked by three individuals, that provoked multiple explosions, making inmates run around! The attackers are still somewhere in the prison.Right now, hell is breaking lose as inmates are fighting the guards.
      *Daemon: Not good, yo! This is Drake's hand.
      *Sam: We'll need the ship for this! *takes out remote*
      *Ace: What's this?
      *Sam: *presses button* Calls the ship.
      *Tyson: I thought it was having difficulties.
      *Sam: No, actually, it was just charging it's engine.It needs an hour to finish charging, and the game is the best way to make time fly.
      *Jet: Yeah, and Yankees totally owned White Sox!
      *Ace: Shut up you moron! Let's get in the ship! Sam, you stay here with Sarah! Jet go get Hexer.Sam when training is finished, take the car.
      *Sam: Ooh, me and Sarah eh?
      *Ace: Come on now! We don't have time!
    • As the Hexer was loaded on the ship, they speed towards New York.They were right above the prison, and Ace set the ship on auto pilot, to fly around.Ace took his wings, Daemon got into an eagle, but Tyson and Jet were on Hexer, which was heading towards earth faster and faster.
      *Jet: Shit!
      *Ace: Launch the parachute!
      *Jet: What parachute?!
      *Tyson: That parachute you dumbass! Grab something and make sure you don't fall!
    • Tyson pressed a button on Hexer, and opened the parachute.When the bike was closer to earth, they released the parachute, and as Tyson got down, sending bolts all around, paralyzing the inmates that were running all around the yard.Ace was picking them up while flying, and sent them in other.Daemon turned into a skunk, and made every inmate nearby pass out because of the smell.Jet was riding towards the front door of the prison, hitting some other with his shotgun.Suddenly, he saw four shadows coming from the prison, and he stopped.As the four from the prison advance, they revealed their faces, and it was Drake, Senya and Cain.Jet was closely watching the other one.
      *Jet: Who are you trying to free, Drake?!
      *Drake: Hehe... see for yourself.
      *Jet: Eh? What?! Is that...
      *???: Hmm? Jet?!
      *Jet: Johnny!

    ... To be continued


    Johnny Kassidy:d6c0882.png

    Theme Song: Rise Against - Worth Dying For <--- song is property of its owner, no copyright infringement.

    Hope you enjoyed it!

    Notify of you know what, also give you guessed! ;)

  3. Or, when you deleted the game, you deleted the whole folder? If you deleted the folder, it means you also deleted the 'CLEO' folder.In that case, I think the problem is from DYOM, as it's supposed to use CLEO, but as you do not have CLEO, I guess it's logic.

    But that's my theory, I don't know if this happens.

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