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Posts posted by Samil

  1. Yet again double post.Anyway, in this episode find out the gang's new hiding place, and new plans.

    EP. 4 - First Base

    After that cruel battle, the lab was destroyed, Sam's home, and all they had was Hexer.They had to get out of there as soon as possible.Ace took his wings out, and Jet got on his bike.They also took Sam with them, since they needed to explain to him what happened.

    They started running away from the place, as the police was coming to the scene.They were going west for several hours, until they reached a bar in Eau Claire.There, they had a drink and rested for the next few minutes.

    *Ace: Well, we screwed it...

    *Sam: Oh man... now what am I gonna do?

    *Jet: Stop crying you pussy.

    *Sam: Stop crying?! What if your bike was blown up in pieces!

    *Ace: Oh that did happen once.

    *Jet: So what should we do now, genius?

    *Ace: Check the newspaper for something, like an old house or an abandoned building.

    *???: I might help ya.

    *Ace: Fabio? Fabio Battista? What's up with you here? Weren't ya working in Downtown Chicago?

    *Fabio: Moved 'cause of the gang wars.This place is way better.So, you want something of interest?

    *Ace: We wanna buy a property.Large, with some nice views on the environment.

    *Fabio: I heard of a guy down on the West Coast that's selling an abandoned airstrip or something.

    *Ace: But it's perfect! You know this guy?

    *Fabio: Well his name was Carl, somethingson.I know he just lives in Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, California.

    *Ace: In California, eh? Then we're going there! Let's go guys!

    *Fabio: Wait there's one more thing!

    *Ace: See ya Fabio! And thanks!

    *Fabio: That property is $1,500,000...

    Before they could listen to what Fabio said, they went back on the road, and went west towards California.After two days of non-stop flying and driving, they stopped at a gas station in Salt Lake City, Utah.There, they filled Hexer with gas, and bought some drinks and snacks.As they didn't really have time to stay and eat, with the aliens behind, they continued towards California.After another day, they arrived in Los Angeles.They checked the map to see the location of Beverly Hills, and went there.They arrived, and Ace asked a pedestrian where he could find Carl.

    *Ace: Hey we're looking for Carl.

    *Man: Carl? Carl Robinson?

    *Ace: Err... yeah I think.

    *Man: He lives down the road, the villa with the green gate.

    *Ace: Thank you.

    They went to the villa, and saw Carl Robinson outside, washing his car.

    *Ace: Excuse me! Are you Carl Robinson?

    *Carl: Yeah, why askin'?

    *Ace: We came here to buy that airfield you were selling.

    *Carl: Oh yeah, sure.Thing is, that offer was three years ago.

    *Jet: That Fabio guy collects old newspapers or what?

    *Carl: But it's still available! Come on get in my car, let's go.It's in the California desert, we have some driving to do.

    *Jet: I'll take my bike.

    *Sam: And I'll get in the car! You drive like a madman!

    *Jet: Didn't see you trying to drive something.I bet you create your license out of scrap.

    They went out of Los Angeles, and reached a deserted area in California, close to Death Valley National Park.They didn't drive too much, and reached the airstrip.After Ace inspected everything, from hangars to the runway, they decided to buy it.

    *Ace: We'll buy it.

    *Carl: Good.$1,500,000, and it's yours.

    As soon as he heard the price, Ace's face changed.

    *Ace: Wha-What the? $1,500,000?!

    *Carl: It's an airstrip, after all.

    *Jet: Buffalo Niagara International Airport is cheaper than this!

    *Carl: Buy or not?

    *Ace: Maybe this is what Fabio was trying to tell me...

    *Carl: Buy... or not?!

    *Ace: Alright, alright... here's the cash.

    *Carl: Thanks! Now sign here, and here, and here, and finally, here's the key to the main building, and remote to open the hangar.Have fun, man!

    *Sam: So now, you still need to explain some stuff.

    *Ace: First let's see what we can do with this place.

    *Tyrobali: I recommend a security system.

    *Flazz: Oh yeah some laser beams, and cameras, and some machine-guns to fire at every bad guy.

    *Ace: You know we now have limited money.

    *Tyrobali: And I think I sense those guys again.

    *Flazz: I'm sick of this.How can we stop it?

    *Tyrobali: It's simple, but complicated as well.They can locate us because of the chip inside us.

    *Flazz: What chip?

    *Tyrobali: Didn't you ever go to school?!

    *Flazz: Oh... I dunno...

    *Tyrobali: The only way to remove the chip, is by inserting the blood of our guest in our bodies.

    *Flazz: Whoa! You learned this at school?

    *Tyrobali: Our ship's school.I was teaching the rookies.

    *Flazz: So where can we get blood from a guest?

    *Jet: I dunno, I don't see any guest here.I didn't have guests since our rivals The Arch Angel Bishops attacked our base.

    *Ace: Are you pretending or are you an idiot?

    *Jet: I'm a... err... I'm pretending.

    *Ace: You're a guest moron! You're Flazz's guest.Jesus! Just get some blood out.

    *Jet: Okay where can I get a knife?

    *Sam: Wait, I always got some syringes with me.I can get some blood from each of you and insert it in your... things.

    *Flazz: I ain't a thing, stupid!

    *Sam: Whatever.First is Ace.

    *Ace: Oh shit! Hurts!

    *Sam: Yeah if I remember right, you were always afraid of syringes.

    *Ace: Still am.

    *Sam: Okay got the blood, so it's Tyro...

    *Tyrobali: Tyrobali.T.B. for short.

    *Sam: T.B., okay!

    *Tyrobali: Wow I got a strange feeling.

    *Ace: What's that black thing inside you that's... melting?

    *Tyrobali: That's the chip.And it'll disappear! That's it! Use it on Flazz too before they find us.

    *Sam: Okay!

    Sam took some blood from Jet, and inserted it all in Flazz.Meanwhile, back in Utah, the aliens that were following them suddenly stopped.

    *Alien: That's weird... we lost their track...

    *Alien2: That's not good...

    *Alien: We got no idea where they are now, it's mission failed.Let's go back.

    *Alien2: Let's get some overheated circles of flour and sugar!

    *Everyone: Yay! We love to take control of creatures with mouth!

    Back in California, Tyrobali lost his sense of being followed, and was relieved.

    *Tyrobali: We lost them.For now I think.

    *Ace: Time to get moving.This place is pretty messy.

    *Jet: Yeah... messy, mucky, big, stinky, just how I love it! Can't we leave it this way?

    *Ace: We can build an underground lab for ya, Sam.

    *Jet: And me?

    *Ace: A... strip club?

    *Jet: Fair enough.Let's get to work.

    They went to work, and after nearly two weeks, their new base was finished.Ace did some final checks, Sam installed a generator, and Jet was drinking a beer.After, the base was fully finished.

    *Ace: Home sweet home.

    *Jet: Yeah in two weeks, we got this place fixed, plus an underground base.

    *Sam: Well since you have me here, of course things go smooth.

    *Jet: And you know, this part of the airfield is pretty... empty... I mean, instead of old airplanes, hangars and that command tower, I don't see anything out of ordinary.

    *Ace: Well, that's good.If you didn't notice, security cameras are all around, well hidden.So, let's check... hidden machineguns ready, antenna ready, planes ready, hangar ready, main building ready, underground lift ready.It's all done.Let's go underground guys!

    *Jet: Yeah I can't wait to see what's there!

    They took the lift, and went down several levels.There, they entered the underground complex.

    *Jet: Whoa! It's... empty...

    *Sam: We'll buy furniture, don't worry.But meanwhile, these are the rooms.First is my room, half lab, half bedroom.

    *Jet: Empty.

    *Ace: This is my room.Half bedroom, half shooting range.Mine, and T.B.'s.

    *Jet: Empty as well.

    *Ace: Last but sure not least, yours Jet.

    *Jet: And it's... as I guessed! Empty!

    *Ace: We got no money left for furniture.

    *Jet: I thought you were the rich guy!

    *Ace: You know... $1,500,000 is pretty much.

    *Jet: And what do you suggest? Should I just go and rob a bank or something?

    *Ace: Yep.

    *Jet: Well... what?!

    *Ace: I said, yep.

    *Jet: Ah, it'll be fun anyway.

    *Sam: We need to do some plans on the robbery.Get weapon supplies, and other.

    *Ace: Speaking of weapons, what can you do with mine? Three weeks without using it, it's like, three weeks without eating.

    *Sam: Give it to me, I'll go in the hangar, and fix it somehow.

    *Jet: Okay, Ace.Help me get some supplies.

    ...To be continued


    Fabio Battista: 1bc9992.png

    Carl Robinson: 379c186.png

    NOTE: Minor Characters do not have theme songs!

    Hope you enjoyed it!

    Notify of mistakes, also give suggestions

    NEXT EPISODE: 2/07/2010

  2. Not sure, maybe 'I love you Peggie'?

    Never heard Maccer say anything with 'I love you' [i think only once in the Introduction, but it was slightly different]

    Anyway, since I like this, complete the sentenceS:

    Maccer: B__ I'_ _ _u_ki_' _as_b_r_y!

    Paul: __u'_e n_t a f_c__n' r_s__e_r_!

    HINT: Don Peyote, pretty funny moment

  3. Actually, there are: GSF, Ballas [divided in Temple Drive, Rollin' Heights Kilo Trays and Front Yard], LS Vagos, Varrio Los Aztecas, and Seville Blvd. Families.Also, I saw some pics with the San Fierro Rifas, but I never saw a tag like that.

    Answer: F, only one.

    Q: Complete the sentence:

    D__ y_u _i_tl_ g__s_ _a__a f_ol!

    HINT: Big Smoke.

  4. Indeed, the upcoming episodes will be better than the previous ones.Also, thanks a bunch for telling me the mistake! :D

    Too bad I can't edit. :/ <-- EDIT: My bad I CAN edit it.

    Anyway, thanks again, I didn't see that one.

    It should've been: 'You prefer to eat this, or to get to a KFC and risk to get arrested.'

    The 'can' was in the way and I forgot to throw it in the trash bin. ;)

  5. Alright, next episode is here, sorry for double post.In this episode, you'll find out the team's new friend and ride.

    EP. 3 - The Hexer

    The next morning, Jet woke up in one of Ace's rooms, and went in the kitchen, where he saw him, Tyrobali and Flazz eating.

    *Jet: God, breakfast without me?

    *Flazz: It's 1 PM.

    *Jet: What...

    *Ace: Hey mate, here's a bowl of cereal.

    *Jet: Nesquik? What am I a fuckin' kid?

    *Ace: You prefer to eat this, or you can go to a KFC risking to get yourself arrested.

    *Jet: Right. *eats* And, now I lost my ride too.

    *Ace: Sorry for it.

    *Jet: You better be, I found it and took it fair and square.

    *Ace: Yeah, well, you know what? I'm gonna repair it.Come on let's go!

    *Jet: Didn't even finish my cereals!

    *Ace: Move!

    *Jet: Asshole!

    They got up, and went to the same place they dueled a day ago.There, they found the rests of Jet's bike, and surprisingly, no police.They went to the bike and inspected it.

    *Jet: It's destroyed...

    *Ace: Hey there's a pickup truck.Let's place the bike on the back and get to a service.

    *Tyrobali: Okay, come on Flazz! Ain't gonna be a trouble.

    *Flazz: Hope so...

    They picked the bike and placed it on the back of the pickup truck, then went to the closest service.As the first couldn't help them, they went to another, and then others.After an hour of searching...

    *Mechanic: Sorry but this bike is, pretty much destroyed.We can't help ya, sorry guys.

    *Jet: Fuck, these guys can't help us either!

    *Flazz: Yeah it's like the 47th service...

    *Jet: Shut up...

    *Ace: Hmm... I know someone that can help us.He's an old High School friend of mine.Didn't see him for three years.He's a mechanical genius, he can help us.He's name is Sam Kowalski.

    *Tyrobali: Then let's go, I think I sense other Vectronians heading towards us.

    *Jet: Let's move it!

    *Ace: He's living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Hope we got enough gas...

    They got in the truck, and went north to Wisconsin.They checked the map, and after an hour, when they were about to get in Milwaukee, the truck's front left wheel popped.Frankly, Ace's friend was living close so they decided to go on foot, carrying the bike with them.After some other minutes of walking, they reached Ace's friend's warehouse.They went in, and Ace shouted to see if anyone is inside.

    *Ace: Hey! Anyone here?

    *Jet: Yo! We need someone to repair our bike.

    *???: I recognize that voice...

    *Ace: Of course you do you fuckin' moron!

    *???: I recognize that too! Haha, Ace!

    *Ace: Hey Sam, what's up?

    *Sam: Oh nothing, just in my busy thing operating stuff, repairing things, chemical researches and other stuff you know what I mean...

    *Ace: Errr... no, I don't.So, Sam, we need you to fix a bike.

    *Sam: I guess this is the bike?

    *Jet: Yeah, can you do something about it or not?

    *Sam: God, calm down! Of course I can! But, it'll take around two days.

    *Ace: We'll wait.By the way, these two are Tyrobali and Flazz, they're from a planet, err... Vectron right?

    *Tyrobali: Yeah, nice to meet ya Sam.

    *Sam: Wha-What the... Aliens? Hahaha!

    *Flazz: What's so funny asshole?! You don't believe us?

    *Sam: Haha! Of course, not! What am I a fuckin' moron?

    *Jet: I guess that's a trap question.

    *Sam: Ahem, so... I better get to work.Get yourself a drink or something, I think you'll stay here for some days.

    *Ace: I prefer the hotel...

    Sam got ready and started fixing Jet's bike.As hours passed, he was closer with every minute to repair it completely.In the mean time, Ace and Jet were chatting over the other side of the warehouse.

    *Jet: Man, this guy better fix it.Hope ya know what you're doin'!

    *Ace: I know, I know... either way he better fix it.

    The other day, as everyone was sleeping, they were suddenly awaken by Sam, who shouted loud.

    *Sam: Guys! It's done!

    *Jet: Ah fuck! Ten more minutes!

    *Ace: Wha... Sam, what the hell?

    *Sam: I fixed it, I fixed the bike.Hope ya like it.

    *Jet: Gaah... No school today... Wait, what?

    *Sam: The bike is ready!

    *Jet: Fuck yeah!

    Jet rushed to see his bike, being amazed by how Sam fixed it.

    *Jet: Whoa, it's awesome!

    *Ace: Yeah... Still wondering how was it so hard to 'get' another one.

    *Jet: Shut up! I should name it... how?

    *Sam: What do you say of... Frankenstein?

    *Jet: Way too science fiction.

    *Tyrobali: Burning flame?

    *Jet: A flame always burns you moron.

    *Ace: I know, what do you say of... 'The thing a sucker wanted so much too repair, and didn't do much anything, 'cause it's still a thing and it sucks'.

    *Jet: You idiot!

    *Flazz: I know! Something I saw through your memories.

    *Jet: Tell me.

    *Flazz: Hexer.It's Johnny's bike right?

    *Jet: Yeah...he nicknamed his bike Hexer, and it got blown up in the incident... yeah, it's a perfect name! Hexer it is!

    *Tyrobali: Good news! Sadly I got bad news too...

    *Ace: Don't even think about telling me...

    *Tyrobali: I got no choice...

    Suddenly, half of the warehouse was blown up in a huge explosion.Out of the smoke caused by the explosion, came some Vectronians.Ace and Jet took their weapons and slayed some of them, but they just kept coming.Then, Ace used the combined power of Tyrobali with his gun, destroying over half of the aliens.The other half was destroyed by Jet, using the same technique as Ace.Unfortunately, the warehouse was completely destroyed, and so was something for Ace...

    *Sam: No! No! My home! My lab! My inventions!

    *Ace: Oh, no! My gun!

    *Sam: What did I do to deserve this?!

    *Ace: What did I do to deserve my gun wrecked?!

    *Jet: Someone shut up and let the other one cry!

    *Sam: I lost everything! My lab! My projects! My life!

    ... To be continued


    Sam Kowalski:b6d7156.png

    THEME: 'Weird' Al Yankovic - White and Nerdy <--- song is property of its owner, no copyright infringements[Also, credit to Chamillionaire for the original song]

    Hope you enjoyed it!

    Notify of mistakes, also give suggestions

    NEXT EPISODE: 29/06/2010

  6. You can't critiscise(?) Indians like that actually. There are very decent Indians here like Alvas, Evo, etc as Chris said before.

    Yeah, forgot to mention: Except those who actually know to release the Caps button [those you listed above and others].Yet this means, abeer is the only failure on the forum.

  7. Well as in the description, I will post all episodes of Season I.Episode 1 was already released, find it here

    EDIT: Thank you for combining the two topics.

    Anyway, this is Episode 2, once again hope you guys will enjoy it.Episode 3 will be here on Friday.

    In this episode, you'll find out a new character's past, present and future.

    EP. 2 - The Biker

    Lake Michigan, 10:52 AM.A man in a leather jacket, Jet 'Fire' Garcia, is speeding towards the harbor on a boat, being chased by police.As he arrives on land, he runs away, and finds a motorcycle.He gets on it, and drives away from the location.He stops one kilometer away, in an abandoned warehouse in downtown Chicago.He locks the doors, blocks the windows, and as the warehouse was holding old furniture, he found a sofa, and went to sleep, tired after the incident.

    Meanwhile, Ace was flying over the city, through clouds to avoid being noticed.

    *Ace: Whoa! This is crazy! And awesome!

    *Tyrobali: Yeah, let's keep flying for another hour and then land, okay?

    *Ace: Okay, okay.

    One hour later, in the abandoned warehouse, Jet just woke up.As he got up, he heard a noise coming from some boxes.He took his shotgun, and slowly advanced towards the boxes.Then, suddenly, another liquid flew out of a box, scaring Jet, who fired his shotgun, destroying the box.The liquid then pasted on his chest, but, just as Tyrobali, it felt a shock, and backed off.Jet then aimed at the alien.

    *Jet: What the fuck are ya?!

    *???: Wait! Don't! Don't shoot me!

    *Jet: Just give me a damn reason why not to do it!

    *???: Listen, I'm an alien...

    *Jet: So far that's a reason to shoot you!

    *Flazz: Listen to me you son of a bitch! First, my name is Flazz.If I could have combine with ya you'd be dead! Listen! You got power in you! You stopped me from taking you over! You literally tamed me, so now, I will follow and protect you everywhere.I need to combine with you.

    *Jet: You think I'm just some stupid motherfucker?! You nearly killed me!

    *Flazz: You must help me! I don't have much to live! I need someone to combine with!

    *Jet: I got a life! It's fucked up but it's mine! Lemme have it!

    *Flazz: Let me combine with you, please! You can get extreme powers!

    *Jet: Extreme power... alright then!

    Flazz pasted again on Jet's chest, and successfully combined with him.He analyzed his memories, and took the form of a spirit of fire, with burning flames over its head.

    *Jet: That was weird...

    *Flazz: You had one tough past... and I took shape of your personality, which is pretty angry.

    *Jet: Well I told ya my life's fucked... Lemme tell ya my story.

    *Flazz: Okay.

    *Jet: So, I was born in Buffalo, New York.My mom was a heavy drinker, and everyday I've seen her with a bottle in her hand, or with a syringe of heroin.She was addicted to drugs.She was killed when trying to buy some, in some assault by another dealer.My dad, well I don't know anything about him.He left when my mom was pregnant.Tried to find him, after my mom got killed, and as soon as I got an address, I visited it, and by surprise, I saw my father.Too bad he was dead, he hung himself.That's the only day I ever saw my father... Anyway, from the age of seventeen, I was recruited in The New Age MC, by a guy, Johnny Kassidy, who became my best friend.Now at the age of 35, when we tried to free some of our guys from a police convoy, but damn... it turned out nasty...

    *Flazz: I feel the pain in your voice...

    *Jet: It all happened on a road by Lake Erie.We were eight... When one of our guys shot the cop in the lead car, the others came out, and hell was broken loose.Traffic was stopped, and bullets flew everywhere.Five of our guys were killed, and Johnny with one more guy was taken by the cops.Since the scene was next to Lake Erie, I tried to escape and jumped in the lake.I swam until I reached a fishing boat.I threw the guy off, and took the boat.Then, I sailed until I reached Michigan.I still remember it well, how I ran from the police for days, from Detroit to Holland, took another boat, and yet again chased by police.Shit thing is that, the boat I found was a cop one.Now I'm here, wanted dead or alive.

    *Flazz: Yeah... pretty sad story...

    *Jet: What about you?

    *Flazz: Nothing special... I lived on our planet, until I was recruited.I saw the army kill on every planet we went on, so I had enough.I thought I took the wrong decision coming here on Earth, but I didn't, since I met you.

    *Jet: So... hey whats with you?

    *Flazz: I think it's a Vectronian.I sense it.

    *Jet: Then we better find him, right?

    *Flazz: I sense something coming from east of our position.Let's get on the bike!

    While flying, Tyrobali sensed an alien presence west of their position.

    *Tyrobali: Huh...

    *Ace: What's wrong Toothpaste?

    *Tyrobali: Tyrobali! Ty-ro-ba-li! Argh... anyway, I sensed an alien presence, it's just like a Vectronian.We better hurry!

    *Ace: Which way?

    *Tyrobali: Turn around! Hurry!

    Ace turned around, and flew west.Meanwhile, while the streets were clear of police, Jet and Flazz were speeding towards the east side.After some minutes, Ace landed on the main street, and Jet arrived on his bike on the same street.

    *Ace: I guess you're the one we were looking for?

    *Jet: Maybe, and you're the one we were looking for.

    *Tyrobali: You! Are you here to destroy me?

    *Flazz: What? I'm a rebel!

    *Tyrobali: So, you're not here to destroy me?

    *Flazz: I'm here to protect the humans!

    *Tyrobali: Finally found someone like me!

    *Jet: Stay back Flazz, I don't trust them. *aims*

    *Ace: You got that right! *aims*

    *Tyrobali: Wait!

    *Flazz: I trust them!

    *Jet: I don't... you're just some motherfuckin' long coat emo asshole!

    *Ace: Not a nice thing to say... *shoots motorcycle*

    Jet's motorcycle blew up as Ace's bullet hit the gas tank.

    *Jet: Motherfucker! My bike!

    *Ace: I have to protect Earth, but can't do it alone you know? What do you say, will you join me?

    *Jet: Hell no! I'll save it on my own! And after what ya done to my bike, get the fuck out before I send your head off the planet!

    *Ace: Then, let's make a deal.We'll have a duel, if I win, you join us, and I'm boss.You win, I'll get you a new bike.

    *Jet: Heh... deal!

    *Ace: Okay, clean duel.

    *Flazz: Oh boy...

    The two got in the middle of the deserted street, back at back, and each made ten steps away.As they were about to shoot each other, an explosion was provoked at a building just next to them.

    *Ace: Damn! What the?

    *Tyrobali: It's them! They're here!

    *Flazz: Oh man! Jet, time to learn your powers!

    *Jet: What? Well, a'ight! Let's own 'em!

    *Ace: We better do it too, right T.B.?

    *Tyrobali: Haha, yeah!

    They combined their guns with their companions, and fired at the aliens.The fight lasted only a minute, until each alien was down, and police sirens could be heard from distance.

    *Ace: Now let's continue our duel, shall we?

    *Jet: Yeah.

    They got again in position, and each took a shot.Jet missed, while Ace hit Jet in the shoulder, scratching his arm.

    *Ace: I win, now let's get outta here!

    *Jet: Shit...

    *Ace: Cops are coming, let's go fast!

    *Jet: Hold on, see the barrels?

    *Ace: Yeah... Oh, I understand...

    *Jet: Heheh...

    Each shot a barrel, provoking an explosion, and soon a chain reaction.After the smoke disappeared and the police arrived, no one was to be seen, only the bodies of the aliens.Two hundred meters away, on top of a building, the crew was watching the scene.

    *Ace: So you now work for me.

    *Jet: Don't expect me to be loyal.I just keep my promises.

    *Tyrobali: I'm Tyrobali by the way.

    *Flazz: Flazz.Pleasure to meet you, mate.

    *Tyrobali: Ha, indeed! Pleasure's all mine.

    *Ace: Come on, let's go home.I think I saw a police helicopter arriving.

    ... To be continued


    Jet 'Fire' Garcia: 8784354.png

    THEME: Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away <-- song is property of its owner, no copyright infringement.

    Once again, notify me of mistakes and also tell some suggestions.

    Thanks and hope you enjoyed it!


  8. I really want to know what those things are.They're in the very top left corner of the map, check it out.They shine at night.I was wondering what are those things, and why are they placed there.Anyway...

    Back to the topic, the answer is:

    F: Ammu-Nation only has a commercial.

    T/F: The Gimp suit allows you to have intimate relations with any of your girlfriends.

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