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Everything posted by osiris.

  1. WRONG. That award would go to Shaun of the Dead, my friend. However, The Big Lebowski and Monty Python's Life of Brian still stand as my most favorite comedies to date.
  2. That's exactly what I was saying.
  3. That show is incredibly stupid. As long as you can manage to remain calm while answering the question then you have nothing to worry about. Smoke a J before the show and you're set.
  4. Just because you're bi doesn't mean you have to have multiple partners. Bisexuality simply just means that you are attracted to both genders. I have several bi friends who are in committed relationships right now.
  5. I think you should seriously go fuck yourself... I think we should totally hook up sometime.
  6. It has an average review of 2.6/10 on IMDB.com It looks about as enjoyable as contracting a case of gonorrhea.
  7. I think you should stop hiding the fact that you secretly want to lead the next gay pride parade coming through your area. And Jace, I totally feel you man. I also get the urge to rape women.
  8. Boyz N Da Hood - Paper (Feat. Rick Ross)
  9. I use to skate a few years back. I'm not as good as I used to be, but I can still land kickflips and heelflips pretty decently. And for some odd reason I've always been able to do an exceptionally long nose manual. I still love to skate when I get the chance to, though. I'm hoping to assemble a new deck soon. Right now all I have is a set of Tensor trucks. I'm probably gonna go for another Mini Logo or an Alien Workshop deck, with Ricta wheels.
  10. You probably just didn't realize you were on your period.
  11. Where to begin... For the first link, you have one eyewitness who claims the aircraft was at least a mile long and half a mile wide. Earlier in the article it went on about how several witnesses claimed the aircraft to be flying exceptionally low to the ground. I'm pretty sure with an aircraft traveling that low in the atmosphere you would have more than one eyewitness saying it was a mile long. Furthermore, as quoted directly from the article - "Meantime, Stephenville (population 17,000) is trying to have some fun with the international publicity since the reported sightings." - which only further gives me the impression that not all of these "witnesses" are giving direct and honest information. As many rumors and conspiracy theories usually go, a slight exaggeration of the truth can lead to unbelievably radical assumptions. And lastly, this article has absolutely nothing to do with Area 51. Good job. As for the article that actually is about the Roswell incident, it's a link from a commercialized science fiction television station. That alone completely destroys any basis of credibility that you may have been hoping for. So you were saying you had more links then?
  12. Discussing the possible conspiracies behind 9/11 has nothing to do with mourning the victims.
  13. Actually there have been officials that used to work at Area 51 or were at the Roswell crash site in 1947 that confirmed that extra terrestrials have been to our planet, but people like to consider them rumors because they can't fathom the info or just don't want to believe because of many different reasons such as religion. The supposed testimony of a few ex-employees isn't enough to convince me. That also includes astronauts and military personnel that didn't want to die with those secrets, which resulted in them confirming what actually happened at Roswell. So what will it take to convince you? Physical proof? Oh, ok. Then just take a look at all of the cases of alien implants found in supposed alien abductees. Implants which were made up of unknown metallic material. Or is it just that you don't want to be conceived as gullible on the internet...??? For starters, you could strengthen your argument considerably if you would even bother to provide a shred of credible evidence. God forbid you post a credible link to support any of what you're saying. Or wait, maybe it's just because you don't want to be conceived as someone who is an informed and rational being on the internet...???
  14. How are we pushing the limit by discussing any of this? Last time I checked America had something called the First Amendment.
  15. Actually there have been officials that used to work at Area 51 or were at the Roswell crash site in 1947 that confirmed that extra terrestrials have been to our planet, but people like to consider them rumors because they can't fathom the info or just don't want to believe because of many different reasons such as religion. The supposed testimony of a few ex-employees isn't enough to convince me.
  16. So we're supposed to believe there are top secret alien related conspiracies taking place within Area 51 merely because there's a lot of rumors about it? I must say, you nearly have me convinced already. Your logic is impressive.
  17. It happened, and it was weird. The end.
  18. I stuck my penis in a vacuum once.
  19. Another promising day at the gallows for me.
  20. Three 6 Mafia - Throw Yo Sets In Da Air
  21. So he made the guy hold down a towel on his open wound? Applying pressure to an injury is common sense...
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