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Posts posted by NickS

  1. Shit LordoGTA, if Allah forbid everyone to do anything fun, might as well forbid everyone to breathe. Seriously, what is life for if you can't enjoy it? Why would Allah want to see his perfect creation suffer? It doesn't make any sense

  2. @Lord of GTA

    I was just joking

    MAN JOKE BEFORE THINK ( does that make any sense? :lol: )

    Jesus! Enough with this Jesus talk! I already have religion classes at school and that's bad enough, which means I have read the Holy Bible (full of holes in the book, that's why it's Holy) and Jesus is actually the son of God and I am actually the son of the Devil :evil:


    Back on topic:

    Leave it be, it's their choice, why is everyone complainen? I just don't get it!

    Also, I'm not gay, I love the girls in the world too much

  3. I'm in Bali enjoying my school holidays already :D

    I like going there just to get GTA IV (finally!) and other games and CDs. Maybe even the delicious food there. And probably learn how to surf

  4. @drafter

    You guys look like the valets in SA in the third pic :awesome:

    Heh, yes we do. I thought I looked like a giant fucking berry in that get up.

    Thankfully I wasn't the one who picked the colors, but the girl who took my measurements did a terrible job. My buddy there you can't even see his gut. Mine was straining against the fabric, I was waiting to lose a button.

    Jeez, did you lose a button anyway? :P

    Still gonna be a while b4 I upload a pic of myself

  5. Thanx Warrior13, I love that movie The Warriors! :)

    Anyway, does anyone here know anything about modding? Specifically with gmax; I'm having trouble exporting my model...


    I haven't watched the movie yet, only played the game :P

    I only do retexture modding (still practising though) so I don't know

  6. This happens to me all the time if I spawn a heli, especially if it's at a busy street!

    I also saw a police car stuck under a highway, and the lights were on top of the road, I ran the lights over and the car fell down! :lolbounce:

    But after a while, I went back there and it didn't happen again.

  7. If you mean by everywhere as in every other girlfriends houses then yes, if you mean as in any house besides girlfriends houses then no and I think that's part of the latest version. Try searching it through google. There's probably one here if I'm not mistaken.

    And can you at least not make another topic about hotcoffee? You can post more questions about it in this topic you know. ;)

  8. Alright then, no aircrafts in the next game...THE END! too hard with you guys, I don't give a shit if they don't have it now :Palthough, walking on water like Jesus sounds nice

    All hail the quoting king! :worship:

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