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Posts posted by NickS

  1. Awesome I just realised this is in the fun and off topic section. Most of us took a serious view of this anyway which is strange.

    Continue reporting your penis sizes guys. Remember we're all gay (apart from me and Sherman) on this forum and we love this kind of discussion, it's what sets us apart from the other GTA sites. ;)

    Hey! I'm not gay!

    Anyways, we need more active female members here so we can brag on about our cool tool. :lol:

  2. Just gotta make sure that you don't end up at a ritsy tits place full of westerners and you'll be fine :)

    Facebook is very popular in Indo, probably every single person is on it (and their probably religious too, maybe that's why). If I mention about gonna use the computer, they would say, 'ah, you go on facebook?' and I'd say 'no, I go on thegtaplace'


    Anyway, back on topic!

  3. Hey, congrats! Nice ride man!

    It would probably be even better if you pimped it out a bit with some NOS! :awesome:

    Everyone seems to be a Honda fan here! Honda cars will always be my first choice when I can get one. :)

  4. I am not staff but in addition to what the three Staff said, if you continue to register duplicates, you'll eventually get IP banned and with no access to the forums.

    He's clearly using a proxy / proxies. And... you do realise he has made nearly 10 different accounts?

    10?!?! How did you know that he made 10???

    This guy is weird, seriously

  5. Ok! I've just heard that a bomb or two had been let off in Jakarta yesterday morning and now, I'm actually praying to God that it won't happen in Bali while I'm there :) so, Fuck You Terrorists! I thought you guys would be long gone with our good ol' president in charge!

    I'm pretty sure their leader is a religious fanatic called Bazil Bazil or something like that

  6. If you are afraid of loosing your virginity then try this method of " Feel's Just Like it " masturbation.

    Step #1 - You go to the grocery store, and go to frozen foods and look for small frozen pizza packs. Like Red Baron, Tony's , Digorino's (Don't pick the pan pizza).

    Step #2 - Heat up the pizza, remember the cheesiest pizza feels the best. Make sure you don't heat it up until it burns you.

    Step #3 - Take the pizza when its cool and rap it up around yo penis. And then just jack off like your masterblading.

    And that's how it feels like during sex. Some kid told me thats what it feels like. So... I do this myself. And I have no shame telling the whole world.

    Next thing, when you get a bj from a girl, she'll go 'why does your penis taste like pizza?' :awexd:

    Nah, save the pizza and go to a sex party! :awesome:

  7. Religon can be a great thing, it can teach morals "Thy shall love thy neighbour", it can give people hope when they are in the darkest moments of their life. The Bible has some good messages which many laws are bases on and can be a good way of life. Treating people how you wish to be treated and many other messages are found in religon. I only have a problem with religon when people take it too far and the ideas become radical. Its when people become intolerent of other peoples beliefs is when I have a problem and I don't wished to be preached.

    That's why I don't really have a religion (except I must have a religion in my country so, I'm basicly Christian)

    Religion is more like guidelines in life to me, something that let's you know which is in the good and bad category with some exceptions.

  8. So I'm the only one that wants to taste the worlds best coke? Your missin out :w00t:

    Nah, what's the difference?

    Jeez, everyone seems to have a holiday fever! Is work killing you guys? :P

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