Fifa and Pro Evo suck.
If you want those games then get a ps3. But once again, the 360 and ps3 don't have anything special. PC's are more powerful anyway, so why (forget exclusive games) would you buy a console? I just made up my made to say f*** you to GTA IV and just wait untill it comes to the PC. I'm not going to buy a console just for 2 games.
The Wii just gives what a console is supposed to give. Some unique stuff what can't be done by a Computer. Sure it's not that powerful and it doesn't support HD (what's a pity actually) but has something unique and fun. If you want to game hardcore then get a 8800 GTX or Ultra.
Argumentation given. Now you say why one should have a ps3.
Edit: I have to say, the Opera browser sucks. But once again, you have a PC for that.