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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I edited my original post because Tommy Montana has improved in my Eyes.
  2. Spaz Bear Chris Sky Dave Airashii Gerard Slayer Ghost
  3. Pandora

    ps3 released

    Will you be willing to pay about 450 pounds for that? (srry, don't know the exact sum in pounds) I'l buy the ps3 eventually. But that will still take a long, long, looong time. Sony charges way to much. Even if it's got blue-ray. However, it's cheap compared to other blue-ray players.
  4. The Wii could play san-an with ease. And like stated graphics of gta aren't great. But they got lot's of them. And they could implement somekind of SD card installation. It may make the whole proces of loading take long and be rather anoying, but that's how they still could make a huge map and play it. And Spaz is just saying that the Wii isn't that "kiddie" console like lot's of people think. And even if it was, it's damn fun. Some people just think of ps3 being great for it's "power". But have you heard a lot about the ps3 after it's release? Xbox 360 is doeing better than ps3 and untill now sony is only loosing money on the playstation. But the Wii is doeing great. It's sold out in every shop here.
  5. 1156. That's a really good forum where I made all those. You guys should join it to lol
  6. 1150 woo On this rate I'l be having 1350 before the end of this vacation. But I'l just keep this up untill the 100 000 milepost of the forum.
  7. Well, the last 2 pages or something haven't actually done anything usefull exept contibuting to the 100 000 and being a chat about it. But that's where a forum is about, talking about stuff.
  8. yeah. well, there's a little option asking for bit rate. lower it.
  9. Weird. I really can't think of anything. Just post your save and I'l do it. Chanes are that cheats have corrupted your game.. In that case I can't help, but I'l give it a try.
  10. On this rate of posting like today we will make it So keep on spamming this tread
  11. It's 6 degrees Celcius. It's really cloudy, but good weather for the time of the year.
  12. didn't know I live in Europe wants to buy the console some people apparantly hate will guese the console
  13. lol, well if all of us would post even more then we're doing now we will maybe reach it. Just have to get good topics like that speedtest and weather tread. And posts in forum fun and games count to the 100 000 to, right.
  14. Damn You tube. Never really liked it. So I watched it. Nice vid Wheelman.
  15. yeah, and nice that your active again airashii. So any chance on getting 100 000 before or on Xmas?
  16. I'l try to post, but I can't do much. But now I'v got vacation, FINALLY so untill then I'l be active as hell. I really hope we can get 2 000 posts befor Xmas. Cause having the big 100 000 on Christmas would be great.
  17. 3/10 sig 8/10 Slayer made me to become a disturbed fan , Disturbed ftw! perso: an active stunter who needs a other avatar lol
  18. First post :D, I gave you 4 stars :P . Cause he found my sig a 10 :D

  19. It's still downloading! 60 kb/s. now that sucks. I'm only downloading this because you made it and deserve to be rated. but do make it a bit smaller.
  20. second comment :D

    Nice personal picture Spaz :P

  21. vc-mp got it's one .exe so you still can do normal mode.
  22. you wont Vice clothes for sims2?
  23. Thanks Jay D. And I'l give 50 anyway when the shop works.
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