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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. aaah, your right. no more insane pixels
  2. And to have fun!. Na ok, I thougt you where telling me of or something:p lol
  3. I don't think so. And about reinstalling. It only replaces some files I think. And if you bought your san an from a little store you might still have V1
  4. Does snow here, anyway That MUST Suck
  5. I really don't get it. sorry. Like I said. This is pointless
  6. Your mod is corrupt your installation is corrupt your version is corrupt/ you got V2 1 of these things.
  7. Woo, some pretty nice knifes you got there. Don't you have a consience... Prison isn't the worst thing you know
  8. and that would mean he's bee. And the word I actually wanted to say was erection but thougt Chris might not like that.
  9. damn, you can't get a virus with a mod for gta.
  10. I would go for Claude. And DeBlaise34. You should use IMG tags in you sig. do this [IMG= [link to your pic] ]
  11. I don't know. Didn't like him at all. He seemd only to see the bad stuff or something. Jacking about it but not doing anything against it. And he was kindda bluffing about who he is. But there where a few good post. Just a few..
  12. Well if you wanna date her your be. Just picture her naked and... well Just c if you get kindda. well you get it
  13. ok prob solved. Thanks Chris. Never new you actually could change that accept for skins.
  14. lol, if TX300 was here he would flame you for not doing so
  15. I have'nt heard of it either but it looks awsome. When is it gonna be released?
  16. I was searching on gooooooogle and got linked to tgtap. But now I can't just c the post's. You'l only c 2. And under that little bars where you must click on to c someone's post. What did I do wrong. And how to get it back? Will deleting my cookies work?
  17. it does I think. Since the txd links in the dff won't work.
  18. Or even better than SAMI and more reliable. The manuel installation. here's Gerards tut http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5959
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