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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. OK, that must suck. But if it's true he really didn't like it than he wouldn't make a big deal I gues.
  2. Hey bw welcome I'd go for sa-mp. Way better than mta (atleast this version of mta). Also, if you get any acces violants error message, go to there site, they have a patch. About mods... these r a few good sites this site Macreators It's a french site, but it's good And this German site
  3. ie explorer 6.0, I'm gonna update to 7.0 beta I think. When my dad finaly alouws me. He mostly doesn't wont anything in beta testing. But I can c it now. It's Soldier of Fortune 2
  4. gallerie would be cool, but I preffer the idea of a blog...
  5. yeah!!! a tgtap blog would be great, I really hope there r other ppl out there who would wont one
  6. I'm member of a few forums, but after a month they just bore. This is the only forum that I stay on. It's nice and the moderators/admins are fine. I seems like tx only joined to make these type of topic's cause all his topics got to do with things that are wrong. no dff making tut no clear instruction how to use programs asked by members his |"staff is not good" and most of these topic's he made a few times with a different title. I thougt he stopped. But then I saw this... seems like he always bluffs, like he got a few forums. (invision free mostlitly) he was the first to mod gta... btw, he hasn't been banned by IP?
  7. srry, I couldn't c your image (and still can't), it says that it's unavalible.
  8. avi 8 sig 8 perso: good helper for n00bs who want a downgrader
  9. not, unless you use the all acces building mod.
  10. hey nice find. Dunno what more to say.
  11. Woo GTA III, It got that cool slow tune. And it's a little fage.
  12. ow, ok. Could you tell how, for if other ppl get the same prob or something.
  13. duh, you don't have a linsece. You only can use planes in the airport (and let the gate open) if you finished the mission. Learing How To Fly
  14. You links broken, try this \ and a link
  15. That's if you'v got it illegal. But sometimes it also blocks the original, somehow. If you want all userfiles. You'v gotta have GTA San Andreas User Files in that Gallery User Tracks
  16. lol, but there is a funny pic tread for it.
  17. well, that's his prob. He want's to know... ...
  18. But you can get influencd by infiroment.
  19. ask if I could join l0l wwydi you where struck by a hurricane
  20. That (through environmental factors) is "wrong". Cause the way you r comes at birth, if you let's other ppl invluens you. As example, if you friend is "bad", And you give it a try to, when your actually just straigt. Being gay is fine. But I do think being influencd is wrong. like you said here
  21. You should tell him to look in Slayer's sig...
  22. you had to make 2 topic for this... Only use one. I already replied to that. get win rar
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