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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Nobody here actually.. So have you made any other mods before?
  2. Seconded Nice outfit though. Bought that on some vacation or something? Camera with timer? Or some person took it for you. lol'd at the picture, too.
  3. Window Wipers? You mean the ones for a car or just normal?
  4. All you're doing is stating how to install a mod that everyone knows... Just replacing some file, that's all. Didn't really like the mod. I like the normal Draw Distance, and seeing Los Santos from Las Venturas doesn't really add to realism.
  5. You don't know who Artur is? His previous name was Artur Kim. lol, hi Radion
  6. So today it's the Birthday of our good ol' friend Artur's. He's turning 14 today (but he's probably sleeping ATM), So everyone wish him a happy birthday and other type of good things I'll get you some special surprise later on in the day. Happy Birthday Artur I know, I overdid the smileys.. I made you brownies Can't send them though, and I don't want to waste them. So do you mind if I eat it all up?
  7. For ps2 it is cause it would require a mod-chip.
  8. You can't just 'make another GTA'. You can make mods though. Search for Zmodeler.
  9. Sooooo, as far as I know handling can't even be changed for MTA. But I think I have it. It's in a 3 gig .rar though, so retrieving it on my slow PC is going to take a while. Edit: Got it. [Name of Car] 3200 4500 2.5 0.0 0.0 -0.25 70 0.75 0.9 0.48 5 514 75 30 4 P 50 0.58 1 40 1 0.13 0.0 0.25 -0.1 0.45 0.5 1.0 0.01 485000 C0002014 700000 0 0 1
  10. Looks cool. I might try making one myself (I'll give you the credit for the idea though). So how long did it take to make?
  11. Homies? Yeah w/e. Can't you not just report his posts? If he'd really be abusing the system I'm sure he'd get banned.
  12. It's a general gaming show. They also had a Crysis playable on day3 (don't know if they stil have). Meh, I need such VC shirt
  13. 5100 now Sky's probably going to overtake me though.. Meh, couldn't really care.
  14. Must have missed this topic.. Anyway, I'm 90% sure they will. It's not 'would they bother'. They aren't trying to do us a favor, they just want money. Port to PC = Profit Simple. Can't see any reason why they wouldn't. And maybe MS might even pay them to port it to.... VISTA! It would suck that it would be a Vista only, but at least it's playable for PC.
  15. What about a extra 0.. That makes 1000. Ok?
  16. Ill do it if you are serious about the money Do you want only one screenshot of each page? Cause the whole page doesnt fit in one screeny. edit: Oh and you want the screens in one post? Each and every singly topic. Just the top where you can see the first post made and the page number. Make them all, upload. Post here (you'll have to make multiple posts for that) and PM me the links to your posts. In every post state from which page to which page it goes. I'm serious with the 20k. Lets see who will actually do it
  17. I think they'll have another trailer on it's initial release date. Nice info. The 'To-Do-List' sounds pretty cool.
  18. Where's the startbar? @Chris82: Mozilla Thunderbird. I never have used it and know nobody who does. How does it compare to Outlook?
  19. Repost:20 k For the person who makes a screeny of each page made in this topic and posts it. Repost:20 k For the person who makes a screeny of each page made in this topic and posts it.
  20. 20 k For the person who makes a screeny of each page made in this topic and posts it.
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