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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It's been declared not to be a planet for less then a year now. What you said was a rather stupid and n00by statement.. Idiots piss me off. Idiots that have no idea what they're talking about. Idiots like you. You obviously did not get what I was saying. I just get pissed off at people who don't have a clue about what goes on in the scientific community. Should we destroy Jupiter just because it's a giant ball of various gases? No. Should we destroy Mercury because it's too close to the Sun to have an atmosphere or lithosphere? No. Could we even destroy them without damaging ourselves by the reaction.. I don't think so. Maybe a moon, but not a full planet. My parents...
  2. He's got 3 sisters. Ask Chris, that's his sis. So STFU dumbass.
  3. "Though the Mac stands alone in power and simplicity, it’s also the world’s most compatible computer." Apple fags are fags... Source of quote: Apple.com/getamac They constantly try to compare it with a PC. Fuckin' get it, it's not a PC! It's just garbage. Winrar is worth the money more then that stupid apple and mac OS.
  4. Some pretty good stunts and a nice song with it too. Editing wasn't anything special IMO. Just everything placed after each other and sometimes a color change. Could have done better on that. Good job though. Name of song?
  5. Your Xbox will have to have a mod-chip in it and you'll have to rewright a disc every time you want to add or remove a mod. Other then that modding on consoles is illegal cause you'll be avoiding the DRM protection.
  6. Who here actually visits 4chan, or any of the other chans?
  7. All CP are belong to me. I fuckin' pwn the shit out of pedobear. I'm faster, stealier and give more pleasure to the person being raped and above all am awesome.
  8. Pedobear damnit! No space. Pedo Bear is the long lost identical twin brother of Pedobear, got that?
  9. It's fucking PEDOBEAR! Not Pedo the Bear, not Pedobear. PEDOBEAR!, GOT THAT? And she's touching her pussy cause she can't wait until I fuck the hell out of her.
  10. Woops, left out a picture there. Edited post. My sig links to Oskar's that links to that post BTW. And TM, I've got an alliance **DONOTWANTON** D: -Sky Beat that.
  11. I own ass too. Even when they don't want it.
  12. lolol, no. Just a play on your sig Who wants a BJ from Oskar's sis!!
  13. You do know that not his sis, right? And what makes you think that? That fuckin' well is his sis dude. Other then that I've got 150 pics but I wouldn't upload 'em all, now would I. Oh, and that's lots of money for you, not me. Hi, I'm TM^ And I Suck Ass.
  14. I've got 4 and 6. They're fun, but for both I had a faint feeling of dissapointment.. Said this in the DS forum yesterday: On a brighter note: I FINISHED TWILIGHT PRINCESS! I hate the ending but love it too.. Keeps me longing for more. Tried to stretch it out as long as I could. Wanted it to last the vacation and it did, exactly. I like the cursed Midna more.. sucks what happens at the end. So after the credits you get 'the end' for like one minute, and then the title screen appears but it doesn't save. Is that some error or is that supposed to happen? WW would give you a save screen after the credits and the save game would become gold colored and it begin the story again from the start but then with link in a... pyjama. Love(d) the game though. Worth the money every single bit. Can't wait for a new Zelda and Midna is so much better then Navy, that minish cap thing or the stupid boat (king of the red lions). I hope they'll make something similar to Minda in the next Zelda game and maybe they'll even make her appear in the game again.
  15. Pandora


    I started at the begin of the vacation but quickly lost interest..
  16. You asked for it Silberio. Play time is over; now it's... RAEP TIME!
  17. Ok bitches. One more word or I'm gonna rape you all.
  18. Cool dude. I wish I my dad would share a car with me. Upload pics? Last thing I bought: Energy Drink (some cheap refreshment).
  19. 1000 is kinda little considering how long redering usually takes.. PM me.
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