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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Now it's at it's worst. I'm back.
  2. Pandora

    BMW v Mercedes Benz

    Merc's compressor stuff is actually crap, but their cars are great. I hate the grill of BMW and with exeption of 2 cars, all of them are rather ugly and looks so... big and slow. I love Mercedes and almost everything about it. Getting a E class Merc with a V6 soon. Goes 246, not all that fast, but it's very comfortable. Elegance version of that one.
  3. Had (a) fight(s) with my parents and anded up with no internet. Ecerything I'm posting is done on my Wii, Tomorrow I'm getting it back I think. Edited first post.
  4. Agreed. All the fun has gone. Just to highlight, it's called random post topicm not random word.., even /b/ isn't this random.
  5. Avi, 8 sig, 10, all because of Nin and Zelda Perso, no idea actually, but all his posts I've seen today seem good.
  6. So I got it. I'm trying to play as slow as possible, cause I want it to last my whole vacation. But the game is so addicting. Seriously, I enjoy Zelda more then Gta. Just curious, Windwaker had 6 dungeons, how many does TLP have? I'm now playing 12 hours and am about to start with the second dungeon, how much % would that be?
  7. 1/4? closer to 14/15 or so. I think it will exceed it within 2 days, but just look when the wishlist has been started and you'll probably get an idea why.
  8. So Friday, after my exams, I'm going to buy Twilight Princess. Can't wait
  9. My record is just 156. My mom loves to play bowling. First console she actually likes. And I can't wait for brawl, especially now that online functionality is confirmed, the game's going to kick ass. And who knows, maybe they'll finally have sonic too.
  10. I know that site, and it states that it hasn't been able to port everything (yet). I don't get what everyone has against MS. Exept for them ripping you of with their sky high prices and then you're only alloud to install it for one PC, their software works good. I love XP, it's great. Probably better then Vista.
  11. I love fuck I see. I tried it with the whole word before but it didn't work, so all you actually had to do is one letter of the word.
  12. So how the heck can you do that?
  13. Your family? occasionally. That is if your actually talking about love, not f.uck.
  14. ... that's one way of looking at it. Posed like that I have to agree, it is a rip off. So you disagree about it being the best. Also if it were to be a free service?
  15. Uh, no. People are still trying to figure out how to get it onto XP. They have already been able to do a certain part of it, but not full DX10 yet. BTW, E6700 has the pricing that the E6600 had last month, so if you don't have a small budget I'd go for that. If you're thinking in the long term I'd wait to see how the penryn architecture is, though the Conroes are great too. Actually about the best in it's price range ATM.
  16. Never said that they're bad, just prefer nVidia.. without any reason actually. But ATM ATi is being raped by them. The new card was rather disappointing, I thought it would have been able to match the GTX, but it's doing the GTS instead.
  17. A bitch? No. I'm just sick of those people who just make a account and then expect us to mail them the answer. He's supposed to check back. But then I'll just asnwer it here, I'm not going to mail you or anyone else, ever. So there is not skin of Homer for San Andreas. I'm not sure about Vice City, I don't think there is any. GTA III however, has. The link's here. looks like this: But none for San Andreas..
  18. Bump Just for the ones who haven't seen Halo 3 yet:
  19. Well, all forums have a wordt filter in the Admin CP. All you have to do is insert the word I love and insert F.uck as wordt to be replaced. I want to I love you hard! Corrupt sentence. MotherI loveer.
  20. Chris82 has. But I've always had nVidia so I'll just stick to it. The 8600 can run all games that are released atm on fairly high settings, so it's not a simple gaming card, yet.
  21. I don't think the laptop will be enough to run GTA IV TBH. Well mine can't run it for sure, it's 3 years old. But I wouldn't bother about that just yet. You can get the parts to run GTA IV when it's released for a fairly cheap price I think.
  22. HDD is not a problem, it's about one of the cheapest things. You can get 320 Gig for just 70 EUR and a good 500 should be availible for just 90. But give a budget and I can try to see what's the best you can get with that. You don't need a new monitor, keyboard, mouse, OS and speakers, right? Just the Computer itself.
  23. I'd want a GF, but everyone I know kinda sucks and would be far from a ideal GF. Either they're hot and have a bad perso. Are partly hot and a bit kind but dumb as shit or good but hate me. Well actually everyone at school about hates me I think.. Already tried doing a Barrel Roll, but it didn't work But I actually don't need any at this time anyway..
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