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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Need for penis: Penis Wanted [Need for speed: Most Wanted]
  2. It does, but it's not really considered a gadget anymore.. Anyway, my list: Wii, GameCube, Gameboy Advance N64 Pocket PC/PDA PC And that's all I think..
  3. You might aswell take water.. That was in the random post topic, in the days that it wasn't n00b invested.. Those were the days Anyway, obviously I prefer Coca Cola. I like the Cherry one. I find Pepsi have to much bubbly thingy and not really much of a taste.
  4. Dunno what's my country.. The majority of my live I've been in the Netherlands, yet I'm born in England and have 2 passports each giving me another nationality... So all I know about the English Flag is that the red cross is that it was used in the middle ages during those Crusades. And then they combined some different things with it to get it the way it's now.. I don't have a clue about the Dutch flag. Mainly cause I'm not interested and have never really seen it as 'my' countryl
  5. How awefull Bet you're glad you don't have to use that anymore Anyway, what graphic card does the laptop use?
  6. There, deleted Oskar :)

    And I'm fine... Well actually not. I can't walk because of an accident I had day before yesterday..

  7. If you were not to be a n00b, I might have. The very fact that you're begging us shows you are. I'll buy you a auto-collect interest and send it to you. Then go to the shop and then click inventory and then activate the item. Don't forget to put all the money you get in the bank. Edit: Also, change your effin sig. Cause ATM, you're not awesome. Only Captain James T. Kirk is.
  8. Uh, yeah right. Japan had it months before we had it. And Japan is a part of Asia, right? He got it illegal, duh. It's all imported and fidled with to get it work here. I dunno how he exactly got it, but he did somehow. And when the hell did I ask about your age?
  9. The new.. There are about 4 Civic's and one's a type R.
  10. I just got one by chance. Anyway, I finally got it through my routers security so I'm online. Add me 7311 2630 1400 2294 ATM I still have 0 friends that kindda bothers me..
  11. You mean just posting pics you've made? Sure.. Here's one of my Wii that I made on Thursday, the day I bought it. All my other pictures made by my camera are on my dads account, I'll try to somehow get them today, if he'll login for me..
  12. You have money in the bank, so you I guess you're also collecting interest. If not, your stupid
  13. Do you have so little to say that you have to make comments about my age? I'm 14 btw and judging what I see of you in this topic you're 11 and just addicted to being ripped of by Sony For your information I have a friend whose parents regurlary visit Asia (they're asian) so they got a PS3 and took it to Europe and I had a short go on it. Just looks as Also, you don't believe me cause it's illegal. WTF? If I say that I have Premier Pro 2.0 you won't believe just cause it's illegal? You're starting to become at level with FakeG. And I never said it actually slipped. I said it tends to slip (to the right while playing Motor Storm). And please quite your shit of not believing anything. Just because others acomlish something you didn't doesn't mean it can't be done. In the time I played on the PS3 I would have much rather been playing Zelda TLP, it pwns all the ps3 games, All of 'em.
  14. Yeah fool, ever heared about importing? You really suck hard-core. Why it slips? Because the f***ing controller is shitty and not designed right.
  15. Nothing really. And the lion-share of the cash you have is just from interest.
  16. *tries to resist saying stuff about the ps3* Don't you guys think a gameboy isn't really a gaming gadget anymore?
  17. Chris would be more then happy to do it for you, knowing him Anyway Silb, how can you have Internet if you can't even buy food or batteries
  18. Just f***in go to the site, damn it!
  19. f*** .com Ow.. TGTAP is .com aswell...
  20. NSFW basically. Make sure your parents can't sudenly bump in.
  21. And all of that because this is renamed to /b/
  22. I remember that, I was positive those things were turned of
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