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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I just think male allure smells... manly. I stick to my point and still think it's the otherworld that mainly influences people. Sure there can be exeptions, but most people are more influenced then anything else. People who for no reason start to question themselfs being straight.
  2. How the f*** can you possibly be a mod if you can't see that you're spamming and being a n00b aswell. But again, if you want to reply just make a topic abou me, damnit.
  3. lasers don't really need a surface. Right now I'm just having it on my lap.. And I'm sure the G5 uses laser. *checks*
  4. I guess mario party 8 could be fun too. Or those raving rabits thing, looks insane BTW, 'sup with the sig mrLlamaLlama?
  5. I've never been forced to do anything. My father has no religion and it's entirely my own choice.
  6. You failed at your own reasoning, G.
  7. Logitech is everywhere. Every single shop dedicated to electronics has logitech over here. And most of Logitech's game pad's have the exact same lay-out as the PS2's Dual Shock.
  8. That's one way of abusing... never thought about that really. I think they mainly mean post something bad, get someone upset and flaming and then you delete your original post.. or something like that.
  9. I'll go through your first post in the morning. But I am on one line with Sky. The very fact that 99% of people are straight already shows it's on instinct. Animals live on instinct so can't really reason. They're just straight, so yeah I do think it's on instinct. If you would have never heard about the existence of gay people and were brought up in a different way you probably would have thought different and also not been gay. But that's just my reasoning.
  10. The genetic codes of humans and apes are said to be less then 1% different. Forgot where I read that though.
  11. I once was bitten in my leg by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I shit you not.
  12. Wel, people from afrika (negro's) have big dicks, yet Asians usually don't. That's something to compare it with..
  13. IMO vary rarely you genetically are gay and most of the gays out here are just influenced. I think every living being is born with a instinct to be attracted to the opposite sex. Also in the bible there is said that a city got destroyed, a city were lot's of gay people where (just one of the many thing in the city). That's why the Catholic Church is against it. And they're also against the condom cause that also corrupts the main thing of nature. But so does masturbating... About Texas, aren't rednecks not usually against gays? Might be wrong, but I always thought they were.
  14. It's called religion cause you can't prove it by science and stuff.
  15. Pandora


    My dad always told me I was born in a big vegetable plant and that he and my mom decided to take me with 'em Of course I didn't believe it, but didn't know how baby's actually where born. That's until I met this guy called: Oscar.
  16. I'm to lazy to stand infront of the mirror at all. I do get some comments about that at school though.. Or just extreemly hot. That works too.
  17. That is the muthaf***ing most famous plane in the world! How could you ever think that we didn't know it. I love the concorde and everything about it. I once even wanted to masturbate for it, but failed. Never the less it's still a awesome plane to be remembered for eternity. But it doesn't look like the British Airways one and it's also not of Air France. But they are the only ones who had a concorde.. Quote Jeremy Clarkson at Concored's final flight: One small step for man, but a giant leap backwards for mankind.
  18. Well I'm sure that there aren't any Catholic gay priests. I'm Catholic BTW. And that's the whole point. From a religious perspective gays are corrupting what god intended the world to be.
  19. I've had it. f*** off with the quack or I'll close the topic. And don't want spam in the spam topic, k?
  20. 317 meters if I'm not mistaken. I'm the real Gof. So I'll awnser now.
  21. That's been shoped! The original is a drawing by Esher.
  22. *looks up the meaning of molesting* Really? Well... then they're just bad priests and not supposed to ever have gotten that position. BTW, are you from Texas? Being a redneck.. Edit: @ Silb: Well it's against how god intended nature to be. What's actually a good argument. But then being gay isn't actually normal but the people can't help it and still deserve to be respected. But I do think being gay shouldn't be encouraged, it only should be encouraged to respect them just like all others.
  23. I somehow actually preffer someone starting a thread about me then I about then. I usually don't want to be a "n00b busting" person but this guy is driving me insane. And if I don't someone else is bound to make one soon. I can't be the only one who can't stand him.
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