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Posts posted by TUN3R

  1. Have you even tried to run GTA IV yet? I doubt it's going to run very well on a Windows emulator. Especially on a Mac, which aren't built for gaming at all. I'd get past that point before worrying about modding it.

    That's my point (sorta', should have given some details but thanks anyway Spaz you're dismissed). Modders usually give instructions on how to install the mod themselves.

    FYI: GTA IV can't even run correctly on Windows, let alone an emulator...

    GTA IV work's perfect on my windows rig acctually lol

    Well it doesn't on mine. Or my cousin's... or most of my friends'... or the internet cafe I used to go to...

  2. lmao. IV was great, i mean it did great selling in the opening week everything was going great then came the real trouble, low end pc users were like " :angry: " heck, half of them even dumped their pc lol. Also remember the list of errors it had. It brought half of the latest rigs to their knees

    High-end and average PC users aren't very happy with it ether :P

  3. Yes and it will be released in march 2012.

    No actually, it's made by Rockstar Vancouver in colab with some other Rockstar studios, Rockstar North isn't involved in any way though.

  4. Yeah Rockstar have created their own version of the RAGE engine. Its also the protocol to the Euphoria engine

    What do you mean ''their own version''? RAGE is made and owned by Rockstar... Euphoria is just a physics engine, Midnight Club LA for example doesn't use it, only RAGE alone.

    RAGE was probably built on RenderWare (Criterion Games) but I doubt they used it for more than just a template / base.

  5. Yep, it did. IV sold out 20millions where as SA sold 21.4 millions by 2010


    Yes but there's a 3 year difference between 'em... not to mention GTA SA sales jumped once it became available on Steam.

    Plus there are people that bought GTA SA on Steam and never played it. Not gonna mention any names... Chris :P

    (as in, never played the Steam version. hopefully i've avoided any confusions)

  6. IDK, IV multiplayer sounded great on paper (the city, with traffic and cops and everything on multiplayer, woohoo) but turned out flatout boring in reality...

    Plus it seems that, although the game runs better in Freemode, 90% of my game crashes happened in MP. No mods.

  7. Could be called ''GTA V'' for marketing purposes... people usually think of spin-offs in titles that aren't numbered.

    But it's MAIN audience are already established GTA fans, and they all already "get" their naming process, or did, until they went and changed it.

    True. But the audience is constantly expanding...

    I mean, GTA SA didn't sell as many copies as GTA IV now did it?

  8. I suggest you add the car instead of replacing an existing one. There's a tutorial on GTAF, don't remember exactly where since I've memorized the process since San Andreas...

    Anyway you can change the car's sound in 2 ways:

    1. Changing the actual sound, don't know how to do this one for IV yet.

    2. Changing the car's ID in the vehicle data file (forgot what it's called by default, I use a self-made one so...), replace it with ''sultanrs'' or whatever the ID for the Sultan RS was.

    EDIT: Fount that tut, full of mistakes though so be careful:


    The vehicle data file is ''newveh.ide''.

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