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Posts posted by TUN3R

  1. Nothing really special sorry...

    You should show a little more constructive criticism so that this person can improve on their work. Just saying this isn't worthy of a full post.

    To BenF206, for a first, it's okay, it will need a lot more work if you're ever going to rival against others. The first thing that pops in my head is, where are all the shades on the jeans? it doesn't look as natural as Claude Speed's vanilla jeans. Everything else looks good.

    Also, this topic is in the wrong part of the forum, you should post your work here:



    Hope I've helped. :)

    no its cool i like raw truth

    Normal people do. Good luck with your work.

  2. Do you actually like any game?

    I do agree with you a bit. The game is awesome and all, but some of the bugs/ lagging I've seen on some videos are insane. How have they not got someone to fix that shit?

    1st question: Yes, but only good ones.

    2nd question: Bethesda.

    The last 4 posts perplex me. I haven't run into any bugs outside of getting flown into the air from giants(and why would I complain about that). No frame rate issues, nothing. Game runs like a beauty for me.

    Try playing with your eyes open.

  3. Just edit your saved game using a save editor. Assign territory to the various gangs and then enable or disable gang wars (if you disable them the gangs won't attack your territory, but they will still be around).

    Okay, just realized my mind skipped the 'save editor' part of your post. Any suggestions as to which one I should use?

    There's only one as far as I know. I believe it's here at TGTAP as well.

  4. Tried it out eventually... half my Steam ''friends'' kept shouting ''OMG U GOTS 2 TRIES SKIRIM IT'S THE BEST GAEM EVAR''. So I did. It's the same buggy ass piece of shit as Fallout 3 and New Vegas if not worse.

    Decided to delete it before I got to the BSOD part and have to re-format my PC... f*ck you Bethesda .i.('_') .i.

  5. I hope they make the game more mod-able this time around, With decent dev support the community created servers will anytime be a lot more superior than whatever Rockstar intends to offer.

    Nein. Mods and multiplayer don't mix. When I play CSS or L4D2 I'm lucky if I manage to find a non super-power / warcraft game.

    He means something like Multi Theft Auto. http://mtasa.com

    I would love something like MTA. I can do without some of the rediculous mods, but shit like racing around like crazy, dogfights in the planes/heli's, was so fun. I can't remember if I've already posted in this thread (I can't keep up with what day it is..) but it NEEDS gang support. A clan system is so desperately needed, even if the game doesn't exactly revolve around gangs.

    Clans are for five year olds and ragers. You don't need colors or >*>*>[stupiD ClaN TagS]<*<*< to form a group with other players.

    Not to mention that solo players are ether left out or disadvantaged in a lot of official events if the game supports clans...

  6. I hope they make the game more mod-able this time around, With decent dev support the community created servers will anytime be a lot more superior than whatever Rockstar intends to offer.

    Nein. Mods and multiplayer don't mix. When I play CSS or L4D2 I'm lucky if I manage to find a non super-power / warcraft game.

    He means something like Multi Theft Auto. http://mtasa.com/

    Yeah, something like CSS. Server based where server owners can use their own mods.

  7. I hope they make the game more mod-able this time around, With decent dev support the community created servers will anytime be a lot more superior than whatever Rockstar intends to offer.

    Nein. Mods and multiplayer don't mix. When I play CSS or L4D2 I'm lucky if I manage to find a non super-power / warcraft game.

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