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Posts posted by TUN3R

  1. So this is actually a flaw in the multiplayer system then?

    I mean if you have a party... you're supposed to go into a match against another party right? That's like the whole point of a party based system. That's how every other game using parties (CoD for example) works.

    Hmm... interesting design choice then. And am I correct in thinking only the party host can invite other players? So say if it was me and a R* guy, we couldn't both invite some people, only he could?

    Da. Games For Windows Live.

  2. To be honest it was a bit of a mess for us on 360 the last time but that's probably because R* were only on the PS3 version. I assume they'll be handling it all this time. It's probably best if you guys add me AND one of the R* gamertags to be in with a better chance of getting in game. I can create a party and invite you guys but I'm not sure if we can force ourselves into a game with others. I always felt this part of GTA IV multiplayer was really awkward and I'm still not entirely sure how you're meant to join a game with your party. Whenever I tried this it was literally just my own party and no one else could join us so we had to play amongst ourselves. Anyone know how it's actually supposed to be done lol?


    So there's no guaranteed way to join...

  3. It's True, there are no crocodiles in the sewers. There aren't even any sewers... well apart from the drains which, in every LA game or movie they are used as roads :P

    A: Seagulls. Or Pigeons? Same thing.

    Q: Which is the only color in the game you can't have on clothes and cars (hacks not included).

  4. nah that doesn't work because when i delete the old one (if there is one) and paste the new one there the game still shows my old save games when i load it. So i don't think they're saving in that folder.

    What OS are you using? And what version of the game (Steam,Mac, etc)?

  5. I believe its in early stages, most of the cars in the trailer were in a GTA IV render. I only noticed three new vehicles in there.

    Edit: They've done the same to other GTA's in the series, mostly Vice City.

    Or maybe it's because the cars in IV are awesome?

    Anyway yeah the game it's probably in pre-alpha at best...

  6. I have a Wii, it's pretty pathetic but ya know... not as bad as PS3 / Xbox.

    Don't have many games for it though, since I CBA to pirate a lot of 'em...

    No More Heroes was pretty cool...

    Super Mario Galaxy is awesome, although the double Luigi bug still gives me nightmares...

    NFS Undercover on Wii isn't too bad...

    And well those are the ones worth remembering...

  7. Windows XP / Vista / 7: My Documents > GTA San Andreas User Files

    Windows 98 or Windows 7 in Windows 98 compatibility mode: Users > Public> Documents or Public Documents > GTA San Andreas User Files

    Extract the save file in GTA San Andreas User Files. If it doesn't read it then it's ether made on the 1.1 version of the game, you extracted it with or in a subfolder, or it's just broken.

    This is for retail and Steam, IDK about Mac.

    Save game I use, tested it recently and it still works: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f537-san-andreas-100-save-by-konoko45

  8. Noises are normal. Depends on the noise...

    Anyway I have the power (lol) for Serious Sam 3 and any other game, it's just a matter of whether the developers give a shit or not..

    And since it's a PC exclusive I think they do... I hope they do...

  9. Well my adventure with AC:R ended rather quick, as I got the same ''Error Code 2'' as in Driver: San Francisco. Maybe I'll try to fix it some day but for now I got Batman: Arkham City (finally)...

    The game is an improvement in every way except that the stutter problem from GTA IV has come to haunt me here as well... why am I blaming the game and not my Core Duo? Cause I have many other games, including Unreal Engine ones, that run perfectly...

    So yeah... another crappy port.

    Well, my HDD is full and I wanna install Serious Sam 3 and still have some space for Postal III in december. I already deleted AC:R, now I'm thinking of deleting ether Batman since it runs like crap or GTA IV since it runs like crap AND I got an alternative for it...

    Decisions decisions... well Batman will fly for now, only cause I don't wanna re-enter 9999 for the ammo limit in GTA IV again when re-installing it.

  10. They better keep in the MP o.O

    I am gonna stick with my first post here. Just think whats the fact of making a big game which you cant enjoy it with your buddies, pals, partners in crime...whatever you call them.

    I'd rather have a small world with lots of stuff to do than a big one with nothing to do like in Just Cause 2...

    (something other than jacking cars and killing everything that moves)

    Well there was loads you could do in san andreas and with V being set in LS, hopefully it will have all the features from S.A along with a few new one's to keep fan's happy

    I meant in multiplayer. IV Freemode was just driving and shooting... and well, flying.

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