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Posts posted by TUN3R

  1. I really don't see how people can go against their fellow gamers because they chose their own "weapon of choice" that being Sony, Microsoft, PC, or..... handheld, online, etc, etc

    We all like games and we pick our own platform, the problem lies in hardware always requiring software, that equation never changes, the two are separate entities, the software end in terms of even creating your own is up to you, the consumer, and up to the developer who put together the manpower, and money, all resources to offer a software product in any guise they so chose. That's all there is to say, I'm stopping any debate on this, since I'd like to see Rockstar offer AAA PC gaming titles, but like Multiplayer VS singleplayer, concentrated efforts in one versus the other results in disgruntled gamers, it's unavoidable as I see it. There's NO EASY ANSWER to this

    I don't go against people for being stupid enough to buy an Xbox or a PS3, I go against companies like Microsoft for trying to put an end to PC gaming, and developers like Rockstar for cashing in on PC gaming's misfortune and fucking up the competition's chances to actually make and sell good PC games. I read everything you said despite most of it being bullshit, maybe you should to the same instead of reading the first five words and replying.

  2. Evolution, as opposed to Revolution, that's how GTA's growth as a franchise has been historically traced, and this one will make the most of what they've found out using and developing on R.A.G.E., and the two consoles, again, I still expect a PC version, but I also don't want to be waging an unnecessary flame war with dear member Tun3r, so I'm really winding it down about now, I've presented what I think are fair, logicical points, not always proven beyond a shadow of a doubt as in some news about Rockstar they won't talk about, you have to make educated guesses in such instances, and I still found the news to be wholly believable, that being that the Housers are on record as Nintendo gamers in their youth, they were not programmers of games from the earliest days in the business, another FACTUAL point, the basis of covering console gaming first and foremost stems from those facts

    Except you have no clue as to what "logic" or "fact" even mean.

    The other point we argued on was the news about the Housers being demanding and task masters at work, don't tell me you never had a similar boss who made strict demands on your own work performance? Steve Jobs is a name I used earlier as a clear example of this, but because he was demanding and had a good feel for tech and people's needs with it, the products kept coming, and I think this magical drive works on rare occasion, most times it could end up with problems and failures as well, I believe. Again, my opinion, I'm entitled to it of course.

    The other point YOU argued about. I was discussing completely different subjects, you went off them every time.

    The Rockstar San Diego programmers' wives took issue with some of these demands, some anonymous source said working for Rockstar was frustrating because they were asked to switch projects mid-stream, this is not so out in left field to be cast aside as non-factual. I believe a California publication ran with that story and it was reported online, so I was saying earlier, Google any of these things, before you make up your mind that some random fan concocts this all to waste time or gain attention.

    I have every time. I think your sources are ether high 24/7 or on drunk 24/7.

    It's just pieces that help shape a puzzle of what Rockstar do as a secretive developer, they don't disclose their inner workings because for one thing, it breaks the magic factor of playing the game with it's own universe away from stark reality, the Not Knowing How They Did That is what Rockstar want to preserve in their games.

    True. They are releasing edited cinematic trailers full of eye candy to get their customers all hyped up so they buy the game without even knowing what it's like, that way they can't complain about it afterwards because they'd make themselves look like idiots for screaming "GONNA BE DA BEST GAEM EVAR!!11" every day of every week prior to the game's release.

    Anyway, I think it's showing more then just GTA IV with all the bells and whistles of San Andreas on Renderware engine

    I think this GTA will be deserving of a GAME OF THE YEAR title!

    You don't know anything about San Andreas or Renderware bro, you've already made that pretty obvious.

    Anyway GTA V will be GOTY, but that doesn't mean it will deserve it. Hell maybe it will maybe it won't, anything is possible.

    Oh, and as I said earlier, if I can find links to these factoids, I will present them here in time, I am pretty sure I remember these things, they stood out among all the other postings that are just down to fan's musings

    The other addendum is that I'm 46 this year, not 45. I've still seen all the history of technology in my lifetime, and that's a WHOLE damn lot! haha

    Wow, impressive. If only you were good at basic math too, cause the history of technology started dating back to around 2.5 milion years ago, when the first human (more or less monkey) invented the first tool.

  3. What's stopping him from making such as assertion? (Short answer: nothing) Yeah there's no gameplay videos out yet (as is Rockstar's way), but we can get a pretty solid bearing on how the game will play based on Rockstar's past formula, since GTA's hasn't changed an awful lot over the years. His speculation (I assume) relies on applying this formula - or a closely related variation) to a world set to be more varied and in depth than IV's, which to some seemed a little too gritty, a little too claustrophobic, and didn't leave much to the imagination, and one with a larger variety of vehicles, climates, terrain and protagonists. Environment is (as he states, and you ignore) a huge part of Blacklisted's GTA experience and it is difficult to deny that GTAV's will not surpass IV's in both scale and variety. The world and his wife bitched when IV didn't have planes, and now we're getting them - how is that not a winner? We're even getting some modes of transportation, such as submersibles, that haven't made an appearance in the series to date. None of this is speculation is wild or uncalled for, none of this is speculation is pulled randomly from something someone once said on the internet one time in 2003. We've had it confirmed with in - progress screenshots and with media coverage such as that from GameInformer.

    Yes it's called hype. Many developers have done the same over time and eventually screwed up.

    Plus let's not forget that the GTA III era games weren't all progress. Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories, although good games, were hardly the best in the series. Or even nearly as good as Vice City or San Andreas.

    I'd also like to add that you're arguing for the sake of arguing now. If you don't give a shit what I think look away now, but you run the risk of adhering firmly to your own stereotype.

    If you're spending this high a proportion of your time arguing with a 45 year old American dude on the internet then you should really step back a little. If you enjoy arguing this much, join a debate club or go in to politics. I remember the good old days of giving a shit what people thought on the internet. Then I got a job, found a nice girl, got some exersize, concocted dreams and aspirations and let the worries and the anger (it's there however much you deny it) just float away. The pursuit of the infallible and perfect internet argument is trivial, there's simply too much to contend with - much like life - but it's easier and doesn't make you stupid, or weak, or cowardly if you just...stop caring. Your future boss won't care if you can argue for hours, and if you're self employed it won't matter anyway. It doesn't mean rolling over and letting someone else 'win'. I'd rather not have the last word in an argument at work over who moved that box of glasses, or left the paperwork out on the side and go home at the end of the day with a smile on my face knowing that it actually doesn't fucking matter, no matter how adamant i am that i'm right. If you spend this much time arguing with the brick wall of fanboyism in which you seem to believe (bearing in mind alot of what we're dealing with is based on opinion), spending increasingly longer focusing on something that you assert as the very anathema of your being then frankly you're living a wasted life. Call me a prick all you want ('ok, prick' lololol) but my logic isn't all too fallible. I presume you're young, able, sociable, and intelligent, so use it to fucking leverage something that isn't hurling words with the sole intent to demoralize someone else 5,000 odd miles away. There's always more.

    tl;dr: There are worse evils in the world than people on the internet, I'd recommend directing your enthusiasm and energy at tackling them, instead.

    That's nice Llama.

  4. Most of the modding is vehicle centric, also more irrelevant bullshit that TUN3R never said but I like to pretend he did

    Again, shows what you know.

    Rockstar already said that the idea of a Digital Sandbox fits what they're after at the end of the day, but the stories are the second most important factor, which is why GTA IV is the way it is, from what I come up with, RDR is also much the same way.

    What does RDR have to do with this? Hell what does Rockstar have to do with this? We were talking about modding. Yes you read a lot of random bullshit from those morons at GTAF, I get it, you can stop shoving it in my face now.

    I've not modded based on earlier PC components and being a console gamer I make no bones about, I still bought them all for PC, and play on PC or laptop when they run OK, but the main thing I was saying above is that the PC Rage mods are the most impressive looking that I've seen

    Once more proving that your experience with GTA is nowhere near as vast as you claim, and that you haven't even seen a fraction of the mods that fans have made for GTA III era games along time. Maybe you should spend less time worshipping GTA and more time playing it. Or just avoid it altogether, whatever.

    , and making adjustments to those tools can aid any mods done for GTA V, so that is the main hope is it aids future modding in the short term

    Miracle! For once you might actually have a valid point. I believe Rockstar sacrificed LA Noire and Max Payne in the hopes of advancing the development of GTA V while making some extra cash along the way. AKA GTA V will probably share some technical aspects or even gameplay features with Max Payne 3, therefore modding Max Payne 3 might help understand how GTA V will work in the future. Kudos.

    (before new console tech) PC and consoles are likely to share those files you dread, but as I mentioned in the PC petition thread, RAGE and Euphoria are designed to maximize improvements that are still cross-platform. I think at the end of the day, this kind of argument from console and PC gamers results to an idea that the two platforms cannot peacefully co-exist, would you subscribe to that idea as well?

    Yup. Unless Microsoft, Rockstar and every other anti-PC-gaming company go bankrupt or come to their senses, which probably won't happen 100 years from now. Not the second option at least.

  5. Having the PC version just made the Modding segment more popular then it's ever been with the prior GTAs, I'd wager this as fact

    Shows how much you know about GTA. IV modding is limited as hell, I know that from experience, whereas in GTA San Andreas the only aspect that people hadn't modified back when I was still modding the crap out of my game was the world limit.

    Not to mention IV has a lot of junk / useless / piece of shit / rubbish files leftover from the console version, planned or leftover from GTA San Andreas. San Andreas was nice and clean, it had unused content but almost all of it was functional.

    By the way:

    As I said, 10 years worshipping Grand Theft Auto...

  6. Where am I getting at? How about ENGLISH from you as well, I honestly don't know why you're trying to discredit me, I got my info from GTAForums mostly, the EDGE cover story for GTA IV and as I said, if you don't think honest-to-God news ever showed up at GTAForums, then I don't know what to tell ya, dude, but I would bet you some cash there has been true news reports that Rockstar didn't substantiate themselves.

    I'm inclined to get Skyrim for PC versus console since it's what I would say more associated with PC style games historically. And I'd read a Q and A based on it's performance, if you're having issues, might be your CPU, where they deemed it most taxing on, versus GPU of the PC.

    GTA's Sam Houser himself gave much of the story behind RAGE and Euphoria in the EDGE magazine for GTA IV. I'll do some Search engine via GTAF's site to see if I can scare up the original postings, but a lot of time has passed since

    FYI GTAF is full of idiots. Don't know which is worse, them or saintsrowmods.com. And gaming journalism is nothing more than a bad joke, if you really take what those so called "journalists" say for granted then you're ether a fanboy or just too gullible. So far I'm inclined to think it's the first one.

    Next, I'm not trying to discredit you (well not on purpose anyway). It's just that half the time your English fucking sucks. Your spelling is fine but your articulation is terrible, and you always use words without knowing what they mean. I've said it before and I'll say it again, read... a mother... fucking... dictionary. Christ. Nobody can speak perfect English but yours is at the bottom of the pit.

    For RDR, I'm saying if you believe GTA should always be on PC as well, why not RDR and any further western or Rock San Diego franchise of that stature also be on PCs?

    Because Rockstar can't make proper PC games. Max Payne 3 came close but it still has plenty of issues, and Max Payne 3 is a small game compared to whatGTA V will be based on what I've seen so far.

    I believe what you're asking is "why shouldn't Rockstar release PC games at all, even if they are bad ports". I've alread answered this twice but you didn't bother reading, and I'm sure you won't bother now ether but I'll say it again: because if Rockstar fucks off, the competition might focus on the PC market, and we'd finally get some decent games. Console players get GTA, we get Saints Row / Mafia / True Crime / w/e. Everybody wins. But no, Rockstar always have to release the shitty PC ports to bank some extra cash, greedy fucks.

    The addressing of PC versus console I've been tackling from the unbiased position of being 45+ years old, been playing VIDEO based games since the 1970s, this is NO BULL', I've seen the total evolution of gaming in one way or another, and my opinion is that in the Houser's case, or specific developers and their lead people, it can easily come down to what system you started out on.

    So? Where's your point dude.

    Been thinking about this since we've been bringing it all up again, I don't like putting out the same old tired arguments found elsewhere, I think if you run a company making software, there's only a very marginal outside influence that will pave the way for the products final resting place (which platforms they cater to), the petition measure is one where they may well take notice, but sad to say, the gamer themselves speak most loudly with their pocketbook, where boycotting is probably your main resort to making a message that's felt. There are a lot of games now based on just having NET connection, no hardware specifically selected, that seems to be a large part of gaming's future, but the consoles will persist for another 10 to 20 years, and likely beyond that, they're not going away any time soon, so you have to live with THAT fact.

    YOUR POINT, where is it?

    PC gaming will never go away based on the amazing tech that keeps evolving, there WILL be someone out there wanting to explore it.

    So, I wouldn't worry about that specifically, Rockstar are one of those studios that don't bank on strong PC sales returns, that's the issue ultimately at stake here

    Who's worried about that? I swear you're making up stuff and changing the subject just to confuse me... when did we ever talk about PC gaming dying cause a new iPhone or console comes out?

  7. I'm not getting too hot under the collar about it, I take what good comes out eventually, that's all we really can do other then let Rockstar know, and if petitioning is the most effective, certainly go that route, I just urge others to keep letting them know so they can't push the issue under the carpet. That's how it becomes reality, if at all.

    FYI: Rockstar don't give a damn about what ANYBODY says, customer or otherwise. They never have, they never will, and for good reason. Most of the fans don't give proper feedback and just ask for stupid crap that will only ruin the game. "GUH BRIN BACK TONY VERCETITI!!11 REMAKE GTA VIEC CTY IN HD FOREVER!!11".

    "speaking in anybody's name", how else do you get to the facts? That's the way I see how, offer up what news bytes have come along in the years spent following GTA, and you basically seem to write those off because I offered them to you instead of the supposed mouth that feeds,

    Yes well like I said earlier, you need to pick up a dictionary. FACTS aren't something you make up by pretending that you and god knows how many people have the same idea, facts are something that was proven (or lied about by a very big number of people, or someone very infulential, if you're into history).

    I pointed out that you clearly can't expect the Housers or a Rockstar Spokesperson to clarify rumors or articles that don't show them in a good light, do you? HONESTLY, answer that if anything, for me??

    Umm... I do, actually. I doubt it would hurt them more if they came clean rather than hide the truth.

    I mean, the fanboys won't give a shit... and the rest of us would ether apreciate it or doubt Rockstar. I and a decent number of people I know (also GTA or ex-GTA fans) already doubt Rockstar so...

  8. (irrelevant bullshit)


    Steam has won any current contest for downloading software, but that's not really relevant to the segment size of console gaming.

    It's just very easy to program for the same hardware specs, no matter how you opt to slice that, it's always a fact that the hardware of a particular console is set in stone, a PC differs from model to model

    Consoles aren't made of stone, litteraly or metaphorically (since a third of them break). And they differ from model to model too.

    We also don't know how many people specifically work for Rockstar or on what game at any given time. What has been divulged is that the Housers are Taskmasters, they press their staff of workers like Steve Jobs did with Apple Engineers, in a similar relationship you can imagine. I'm using as a clearer example of what has come out in the forums and leaks, etc. A news-story about the San Diego team pointed out some issues with this workload tasking, as well, someone who did work there said they would have to switch projects based on some upper level management decision, I can't say how much truth there is there, but it's NEVER been said otherwise, I can tell you that much. Rockstar has never gone on record about these issues, and it's not hard to guess why either.

    Speak for yourself. I'm not talking in anybody's name, maybe you should do the same.

    Anyway... umm, what?

    If you take all the little factoids or information surrounding Rockstar and add them together, you get a better idea of the big picture, that's my take anywho

    That's what I am doing. That's what pisses these dumbass fanboys off so badly.

  9. DO NOT say I'm not making sense without explaining your way of thinking and/or perception, I know what I typed, dude, it's not a bunch of nonsense, help me to help you get it straight in your mind. I have Aspergers and I'm told that presents some communication difficulty, but I know what I typed, for gosh sakes!

    You just did. Sorry to hear about it.

    2K is part of Take 2 Interactive I assumed, though I just didn't do research enough on that, but what I told as the basics history of GTA, Rockstar, and DMA is all based on fact, not whimsical fanboy musings.

    I keep reading Rockstar's Newswire like most of us, they don't single out PC gamers when it comes time to do some Multiplayer events, they never really addressed PC gaming deficiencies because I doubt you'd make a point of areas where YOU have difficulty and can't show your OWN best side, would you?

    It's already pretty obvious how thin your research was.

    FYI: Facts are ether the real things that you back up with proof or the real things that are so obvious even the CIA couldn't contest them, not the subjective fanboy BS.

    Would you handily admit your own deficiencies?! This is why I believe Rockstar don't make an open issue of the PC versus console releases they've done so far, or continue to do.

    So... they don't make them, but they used to, and they still are? You wanted proof that your articulation sucks, here it is, with the pretty colors and everything.

    I'm being unbiased on this, not choosing sides, PC or console, I just choose console gaming for the same reasons millions of other gamers also do. I challenge you to walk into Gamestop and find a PC section nearly as large as any ONE console variety section in the store, I've yet to see one. The PC section of the store in Minneapolis is about 4 shelf spaces at best! Target has more PC games, but most are basic, no-name games, not A-list titles, or even ones available on console, so it just presents something more of a head-scratcher for ya.

    I won't find one. Mainly because we don't have Gamestop here, but also because, PC gaming at least, evolved to the point where CD's or DVD's that you can scratch or lose have become very unpractical.

    Now I dare you to find me a bigger / better digital distribution service than Steam on PC / Mac. Hell, I doubt you'll even find a better digital distributor on consoles than Origin on PC...

    I also dare you to compare the best selling game franchises and see which of them sold most. I know you're too lazy to even do a proper research before getting your fanboy on, so allow me to lay down the facts for you. Here's the Top 10, excluding Mario, Pokemon and Tetris, since those existed waaay before gaming even became a serious industry, Tom Clancy's series because they aren't just one series, it's just that the person behind them was smart enough to put his name in the title of every single one, and Final Fantasy because it has more games than I care to or can affor to count and compare.

    1. Mario

    2. Pokemon

    3. The Sims (Over 102 milion copies worldwide, new release every year AVERAGE, not actually every year. It has only a handful of games but more than a ton of expansions that were distributed and costed as much as the games, yet they sold. Mainly a PC series, 90% of sales being for the PC versions)

    4. Tetris

    5. Final Fantasy

    6. Grand Theft Auto (over 80 milion copies worldwide), new release every 2 years average, mainly Sony, Xbox and Windows PC platforms, sold in almost equal amounts on every platform but keep in mind that most PC versions came out a few months after the console versions)

    7. Madden NFL (over 70 miion copies worldwide, new release every year since 1988, almost every popular platform, no particularly high sales on any platform)

    8. FIFA (over 65 milion copies worldwide, new release every year since 1993, shitload of platforms, but for the most part the Sony platforms' versions seem to have sold best, most sites estimate around 2/5 of the copies were sold on PS3, 1/5 on Xbox, about the same on Nintendo and the last bit on all the other platforms)

    9. Legend of Zelda (over 52 milion copies worldwide, new release every 1.5 years average, multiple platforms but all Nintendo,)

    10. Tom Clancy's Series

    I've done my homework. Good luck.

  10. The Modding by dedicated HARD CORE enthusiasts have sought to overhaul all the GTAs using the RAGE engine, if not Euphoria. That's a tall order by anyone's standard, you have to respect those guys! Even Rockstar was tipping their hat to them, but they just won't come out on what PC gaming means exactly to Rockstar North or Rockstar Games, and I'd agree with Tuner in the sense that it's very frustrating, but the basic underlying point I'm also trying to make is that designing a game for more then one system is also as tall an order, and expected to get it right without errors, that's doubly difficult! The companies making PC hardware want EVERYONE if not MOST people to buy THEIR product, this is what makes catering to more then one a difficult task, all in one or three discs you buy as the end product!

    To do multiplatform game software is not something that happens overnight, and using tech developed in 2005 also shows why it's taking 5 years or more to make a game as vastly improved as GTA 5 is looking to be

    I do believe it's not breaking any tech barriers for Xbox360 for example, but it will be pushing Rockstar's own compression artists to new heights!

    Just to have the wherewithal for the modding on it's own without outside help from any big company with their software expertise is admirable in my mind.

    BTW, I have played both PC and console for GTA IV and Episodes, and EPISODES from LIBERTY CITY is the more challenging PC offering, GTA IV's original PC release has run much better on my admittedly dated PC hardware

    You seem to have an awful lot of that first hand kind of knowledge about about Rockstar and the development of their games. Let me guess, one of your family members works for Rockstar? Oh or maybe you know someone who knows someone who is the second cousin of someone who is best friends with the Housers? Which is it?

    I'd have asked if you work for Rockstar, but with that English I can't even be sarcastic about it...

    But Tuner, GTA4 is terrible. It's a scourge upon the gaming community and I perpetually take the inefficiency of it's port as a personal insult each and every one of my waking moments. Not only this, but it's a feeling so vehement that I need to vocalise it constantly; frankly if the fact that they're not supporting Max Payne 3 means their program contains a lower concentration of ANYTHING to do with that rotting pile of shite GTA4 then I'm a happy fuckin' bunny.

    You said it. But at least it doesn't take up 15 fucking' gigabytes with stupid CGI cutscenes. Anyway glad I'm not the only one who doesn't buy into Rockstar's bullshit (even if I'm the only one who means it).

    Wouldn't it be better if they supported more than one game?

    If that game has about as much modding potential as a 40 year old Trabant, no.

  11. Well, I'm not wrong, I'm pretty sure about what I present as facts to the best of my knowledge, no joking in that either, I'm serious. It's been nearly 10 years as a GTA fan for myself, and I try and hold on to the gems of knowledge that have passed since that time, so what I'm doing is bringing those up for this discussion, I don't have links to ten years of online posts, or magazine scans, but you can certainly try cross-referencing any of what I suggest, I just take some exception to be calling untruthful about the information, I would say we as consumers aren't "in" on the decision or development process, so we can only speak about what is known from that type of information that gets out or is historically accurate as a methodology and as you said, Rockstar chosing SOME PC game versions and none for other releases is one of those we use historical data to supplant any idea on what they MIGHT do in the future

    The idea to just petition them from the consumer end is about the best plan, but keep bringing it up via Mouthoff or the Q AND A with ROCKSTAR and let them know, Red Dead Red deserves it's day on PC platforms as well, and hopefully they're adding staff that might be proficient to that end

    You're not making sense again...

    Happy new year by the way.





    Want me to donate some brain cells? You seem to be out of the stuff.

  13. I can't do all the leg work of 8 years plus spent at GTAForums and the magazines I also personally bought, suffice to say I'm in my 40s, I've been around longer then these guys making the games, I don't do anything but take my gaming seriously, SERIOUS FUN that is, I can try and find archived articles from GTA IV's time of release, but you should be able to nonetheless...it's just a challenge that's very time consuming. I submit to memory the facts I did read in my time as a forumite of GTAForums, and as I said, magazines covering GTA prior to even joining GTAForums or these forums, but I've been dedicated to GTA in particular since Vice City's release.

    The point I made earlier stands, Rockstar North and Rockstar Games is the Housers heading in the console area, not PC based games as DMA did starting the company originally

    Finally. Yes that's true, but it's also wrong (wrong as in bad). You don't make multiplatform games and focus on some of them more than on the others (or not at all, like Rockstar). That's like making a car for the US, European and Asian markets but build only the ones destined for the US and European market properly, leaving the poor Japs' cars without seatbelts and the possibility of breaking down every five minutes. That's been my point all along.

    If they don't want to make proper PC games then don't make PC games at all! Let Volition and the others do it!

  14. I'm not trying to get on your bad side, BTW, I take exception to this Fanboy ranting whether I'm accused or not, I do want to argue the facts, and solely the facts have any REAL bearing, and the facts are DMA and Rockstar North focused on two different platforms, it's also true Sony came in and helped Rockstar iron things out while the Xbox version was held up for simultaneous release with the PS3, this time Rockstar have spent their resources maximizing all that effort for GTA 5, it's rather obvious when you think about it, This maybe the last GTA for the current consoles, PCs will scale and evolve as they always do

    I am not wrong at all, you're interpreting me wrong, good sir, what the DEVELOPER KIT aims to do is offer a workable development platform for software makers, of all sorts, whether in house or not, it makes no nevermind, the point is this is not shared information with the general public, it's under an evolving phase and nothing is complete until the systems are out and the games are written, coded and completed

    None of that is "obvious", hell I'm still trying to make sense of what you're saying. You can back up your defensive arguments with proof or you can keep being subjective, like all fanboys are. I already showed mine.

    What's obvious is that Rockstar release games on PC just to bank some extra cash and to screw up the competition's plans (comptetition that, for the most part, actually want to deliver a well made PC game, like Volition or 2K Czech).

  15. I made perfect sense, if you read what you quoted and your OWN response, you assume, as you should never do, that Rockstar create their software on a PC and then port it to consoles, and going MULTIPLATFORM, meaning Xbox360 and Playstation 3 is not that hard, the PC native programming happens across the board, or so you summize to tell me in the above, explain yourself further before accusing me of not making sense.

    That's what I was doing, I stated facs, even posted a link that showed you were wrong, but obviously you weren't even reading decided to ignore them like the fanboy that you are.

    Anyway umm... WTF? Do you seriously expect me to make sense of that? You contradicted yourself twice just in that one sentence (bold).

    As I said rather plainly, a DEVELOPER KIT is sent to developers, what goes on in designing and programming both consoles and software is not general knowledge to the consumer, if it were, you better point out where you got that gem of an idea, it's not true

    Contradiction once more. Anyway, YOU better point out where you got your idea :) Who sends the developer kit (whatever the hell that is) to the developer? Jesus?

    What is known at least by me from history spent reading about the games is that GTA was developed originally on PC, that's easy enough to make sense of, but what may have been missed is that GTA IV developed for Playstation with some degree of difficulty, Sony was called in to help with programming GTA IV running on the PS3 Cell. This was reported in a link to GTAForums while I was there, not any Xbox forum, I was never a member of this Xbox forum you mention. I own both consoles and PCs as well as laptops, I multitask!

    That's an understatement. The PS2 at least could barely run GTA San Andreas, and it dragged the other versions down because game developers believe everybody is equal except PC gamers.

    Anywho, normally I'd ask you for that link but tbh I don't give a damn. It's probably true, but it's just more proof that Rockstar North only gets involved in the development of the console versions.

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