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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. That's great man, I was actually out looking on HDTVs today, and I gotta say man, Sony has some real quality you know. The 26 inches are something to go for you know, they're great for video gaming you know. The 32 ones and bigger are IMO not that suitable for video gaming, it's just too much you know, can be quite an experience if you're playing F1 or something like that, but in the long run, a 26 one is better. But of course, it's a matter of personal taste and all.

    Yes, I know. I'm thinking about getting a summer job so I could get one in time for GTA IV.

  2. That's great man, I was actually out looking on HDTVs today, and I gotta say man, Sony has some real quality you know. The 26 inches are something to go for you know, they're great for video gaming you know. The 32 ones and bigger are IMO not that suitable for video gaming, it's just too much you know, can be quite an experience if you're playing F1 or something like that, but in the long run, a 26 one is better. But of course, it's a matter of personal taste and all.

    Yes, I know. I'm thinking about getting a summer job so I could get one in time for GTA IV.

  3. That's great man, I was actually out looking on HDTVs today, and I gotta say man, Sony has some real quality you know. The 26 inches are something to go for you know, they're great for video gaming you know. The 32 ones and bigger are IMO not that suitable for video gaming, it's just too much you know, can be quite an experience if you're playing F1 or something like that, but in the long run, a 26 one is better. But of course, it's a matter of personal taste and all.

    Yes, I know. I'm thinking about getting a summer job so I could get one in time for GTA IV.

  4. But also, nothing has been mentioned of helicopters. He only said planes there, not all aircraft. Hmm...


    "Bellic is not going to be riding a Unicycle or Rollerblading around, we're giving a choice of variety that feels right for the character. We are not suddenly saying there will be no more motorbikes, were keeping all of that stuff, we are keeping the same range and diversity that we had it's just going to fit the character."

    I guess there is a high possibility that we'll be seeing "motorbikes" in the game.

  5. This sucks, what is the use of the huge NY if we cant fly? i mean one of the greatest SA features was flying and parachuting. R* just could have used another city, a city that has nothing to do with 9/11. IV just keeps on disappointing me... <_<

    Just because there aren't any planes doesn't mean we can't fly. There could still be helicopters, as King 2003 said. I think Dan Houser is just pulling out legs a bit by say no planes.

  6. I wonder if their a mod 4 that

    Well it all depends, do you have GTA III for the PC or a video game consol? If you have it for the PC, is it the actual game or the Liberty City mod for the PC version of Vice City?

  7. Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to inform all of those that didn't know that the official Home Beta trial has begun. So for all of those that entered into the beta, please post here about what you got to try out or you could also check out Your PS3 Home where we'll keep you updated on all you need to know about PlayStation Home. I'll also continue to update this topic once there is more news about "Home".

  8. This just got me thinking, would if a Nascar team was sponsored by Rockstar and it had the Rockstar logo with the "IV" logo all over it...that'd get some attention. It would also get fans to go "Holy shit!!!, this means racing is a big part of the game. BLABABLABLA!!!"

  9. Avatar: 4/10, not really that great, but at least you have one.

    Sig: 6/10, the userbar is pretty cool and you have another one that shows variety.

    Person: 8/10, I never really seen you around the forum, but you seem pretty nice. "thanks buddy!"

  10. No, i'm not saying that Carcer City will be called Prison City.

    Whats the actual theory on Carcer City? Can someone please explain because I am a bit confused

    King 2003 and I are working on a ligit theory about Carcer City. So just hold on and once we have enough info to back it up, we'll release our full thoughts on it.

  11. Carcer City sounds like it would be great even though I can't remember how it looks like since I played Manhunt for a short while at my friend's house. Read a bit of your ideas about how Carcer OGTAM, sounds pretty cool.

    Where did you read my ideas?

  12. well i think that it will be like SA in a way but instead of them being all on one map you can fly there but on the other hand it would be really awseome to like take you car on a cross country road trip terrorizing all the small towns on the way(the drive must take a WHILE though for realizim)

    I think it's going to definetly be Upstate Liberty along with possibly Carcer City (possibility theory I'm working on with King 2003).

    I like seeing that someone is using the "Future IV Player" Userbar I made.

  13. Probably be dead

    WWYDI you were standed on a desert Island and had to become friends with Wilson the VolleyBall?

    LOL, I saw that movie earlier too. I would probably give him a better name and then attempt to get off instead of wait for 4 years. :thumbsup:

    What would you do if you were Wilson?

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