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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Okay what colours do you want and do you want the strip effect over it??

    Well I was thinking gray and pink, for the "Vercetti Crime Family" on my forum. Other than that...just wow me. :thumbsup:

    Oh, and just incase you were wondering where I got gray and pink from, The "Mr. Vercetti" suit is gray with pink pin stripes...I just figured that that's the only real family colors acknowledged for Tommy's criminal empire.


    Do you want me to change the colours??


    how do i give you the code??? :unsure:

    Ummm...if you get bored you could change the colors if you want, but I don't really mind. Don't worry about the code, I copied the picture into my picture folder.

  3. WOW,that was a huge post i had to print that out i am going to have a go at it so i may actually have something to sell at this store. not that anyone will buy anything anyway

    another crappy signature


    Hey, I think it's good. I'll buy it from ya...even though it's Liberty Crime Family colors. :thumbsup:

  4. ahh yes i see............... i am in it now, it looks pretty complicated i might have to look at some tutorials.

    It's very easy. If you at least know how to use photoshop I could give you a tut right now.

    You must know how to create/edit images in Photoshop(CS2) in order to be able to create each frame for the GIF Image you're attempting to create. I don't see any of this as being hard, but very tedious.


    Create a separate folder for the images that are going to be the GIF Image. When naming each image, give them simple names such as; aa, ab, ac and etc. like so.


    After you have all the frames done and saved in a separate folder in order alphabetically, they don't necessarily need to be in order in the folder because Image Ready will put the images in alphabetically, you open up Image Ready. Once Image Ready is open, you go up to File/Import/Folder as Frames.


    Once you do that a window will pop up where at that point, you'll have to find the folder on your computer. So don't lose it.


    Once you do that, you should see a still picture come up along with an animation strip.


    This is where you could view it before you save it as a GIF Image. You can also edit the pictures in here, but it is a lot more difficult than Photoshop if you're not experienced. If the animation strip doesn’t show, you could find it up in Window/Animation.


    I hope this helps.

  5. This is a test to see if the ? symbol shows up in posts correctly like this ? and I wonder what you see instead of ? if you're not on a Mac or if you aren't using a standard character set.

    I LIKE APPLES ??????

    EDIT CRAP: Didn't work for me anyway because database shitted itself once. Disregard this post.

    Are you a Mac owner? :weird:

  6. @Wu-Zi-Mu, your signatures are pretty good. Do you make any GIF images?

    And what would they be??, mate TBH i don't know anything about graphics i just started messing around on photoshop Cs2 and yeah here i am.:P

    GIF Images are like the one I have at the bottom of my signature. If you have CS2, you should have Image Ready. You could make GIF Images in there after you make the frames in Photoshop. You should play around with that. Maybe have a bullet firing from the gun or something.

  7. Why would it get banned? Because the name is "Jackass". In other words "Donkey"...sounds like a gay reason for banning it to me.

    Firstly because, just like the movies, it's a pathetic excuse for fame. Secondly, it's net exactly the type of thing that the ratings people will be to happy with. If they don't like GTA, why would they like something about inflicting injuries onto yourself? Just asking for trouble if you ask me.

    Not sure if you messed up that sentence or not...because I was a little confused when I read it. But just because something is a pathetic excuse for fame...doesn't mean it'll be banned. I consider rap a pathetic excuse for fame...but you don't see that getting banned...just bleeped out and shit.

    Typo, sorry about that.

    About rap, well what do you call 50 cents video game? It was banned in Australia, New Zealand and somewhere else (forget where).

    Was that game solely based on rap?

  8. Why would it get banned? Because the name is "Jackass". In other words "Donkey"...sounds like a gay reason for banning it to me.

    Firstly because, just like the movies, it's a pathetic excuse for fame. Secondly, it's net exactly the type of thing that the ratings people will be to happy with. If they don't like GTA, why would they like something about inflicting injuries onto yourself? Just asking for trouble if you ask me.

    Not sure if you messed up that sentence or not...because I was a little confused when I read it. But just because something is a pathetic excuse for fame...doesn't mean it'll be banned. I consider rap a pathetic excuse for fame...but you don't see that getting banned...just bleeped out and shit.

  9. My PSN account is Chargr (exactly like that)

    I got Resistance, NFS Carbon, and thinking of what game to get next?

    Is NFS Carbon online?

    @Ciaran, I've edited your name.

    Yeah its online but not many people play so I really don't get into it. I'll play you if you have it?

    No, unfortunately I don't have it. It's the first Need For Speed game I didn't buy. I just wanted to know so I could mark it as online or not.

    BTW, I've added you onto my PSN buddy list. I haven't been on to check to see if you added me or not.



    SLIGHT ANNOUNCMENT: I've added the content from my "PlayStation Home" Topic onto the main post in this topic since that topic some what died. I've reached the max capacity for pics in the main post, so I'll have to post new screens throughout this topic. I'll post updates for it in here instead of the other topic.

  10. Sorry mate but no Advertising. Read the rules next time ;)

    At least we can fly in the game, some good and bad things in the post. Overall I'm happy.

    I really had no doubt that helis would be in the game. Taking out planes was a very reasonable decision. To be honest, I never really used planes in the other games, I just used helis. I mean I did use the Hydra from time to time to do stunts and shit, but other than that...only helis.

  11. Alright man, but you gotta keep in mind that this game is still under development you know, and a lot of good things can happen, know what I'm saying. And all I can say man, Skate is far the most realistic game I've ever seen, I'm really hoping this one to deliver something you know. And stiff... I can't really say I agree you know, it may not be perfect, but damn, I haven't asked for anything perfect, but this is the most realistic skating game I've ever seen so far, and their job is to make it realistic and to capture the true feel of skating. You gotta think the full pictures, know what I'm saying, you gotta see the whole view of this.

    I know, but THP8 was more realistic than this. The physics looked a lot better and didn't have the skater turn stiff when doing a trick.

  12. Nice screenshots Dan, I might go out and get this when it comes out. And Jared, I really don't think it will be banned.

    Dude, I didn't put Dan as my forum name, so don't call me that. I hate when ever people think that just because they know a name of someone’s that they go by with friends that they could call them that. You're my friend, but you met me as "Original GTA Master", not "Dan", so call me "Original GTA Master". I've known the Co-owner of GTA Real Estate for over a year now and even though we know each other's real names, we still call each other by the names we met each other as. I know you and probably everyone else don’t see the problem, but it bugs me and if you or anyone else decides to call me Dan, than you’re just doing that to piss me off and I can’t promise what I’ll say when I see you’re just trying to start something with me.

    I personally don't care about graphics much because these are just screenshots from the PSP version of the game and I don't expect much from hand held video games.

  13. In your opinion, yeah man, but IMO it looks pretty damn realistic you know. Althought I think the graphics needs a little bit of a tuning you know, just a little, still it's pretty damn amazing. And all I can say about the physics in the game, seems great man, thumbs up.

    Look at them when they do a grind, they look stiff. When people grind, they try to keep their balance and they don't do it by staying stiff as soon as they get on the rail or what ever it is they're grinding on.

  14. Yeah man, I'm glad Skate is coming, the THPS-series has like been the king and I think it's about time the THPS-series gets some real competition you know, and that will only make the Neversoft team work harder. But of course, Skate and THPS are both two different skate games, Skate tries to be as realistic as possible while THPS tries to be both realistic and unrealistic in a good way, so I'm just glad we're having more to choose from on the gaming shelves. Still we have no release date, only that it's coming this year. I have high expectations on this game, and I'm really looking forward doing a 360 flip in Skate you know.

    Skate doesn't look realistic. The physics look shotty.

  15. Ahem it's Artur. Lmao whatever :P Thanks OGTAM I was gonna look for those but I guess got busy with something. Tose screenshots make the game look so much more fun(ny). Can't wait to find out when it's released! :D

    Edit: Last one looks like the Party Boy "stunt". My idea is that you'd use similar controls of DDR for that stunt. The other ones look pretty self explanatory though. Thanks again for the screenshots! I'll probably add them on to the main post later.

    Ahem it's Original GTA Master, but you know...whatever. :bleh:

    Well I think it's only coming out for the PSP...so the DDR thing wouldn't work.

  16. And I don't think we're going to able to buy cars, nah... This is GTA man, this is not Gran Turismo.

    Uhh...you could buy cars in SA so why not in IV?

    I think they're talking about buying vehicles at dealerships...not import export places after having to find the vehicles first...after which having a very small choice of vehicles to purchase.

  17. I didn't really believe it when I saw this topic, so I did a search on google for some images of it and found these. I got a little more convinced after I saw them and the Official Site, which Arthur attempted to post. To me, it looks like it might have free roam.










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