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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well its not impossible Carcer City won't be in GTAIV but in my opinion it will be very unlikely. Theres more chance of Moscow or London being in it.

    Do i get my two cents? :P

    Carcer City could be in IV, but not as it was in Munhunt, it would have to be GTAisd. But we dont know if Moscow will be in IV ethier. I would say not, cos we havent ever had it in a GTA game. But London could but as others would say, it would be to much of a Getaway sort of game.

    Neither has Carcer City...

    when are they gonna hav the trailer on the playstation store, i wanna watch it on my hdtv

    Dude, they already have it on there.


    Anyways, King 2003 and I decided to set our differences aside and put our heads together and we're currently thinking of, not so much a theory, but a possibility. Once we have enough info to back it up, we might post a topic about it.

  2. You could always use my old Confirmed Outfits topic that I made before the release of Vice City Stories. The pictures are a little more appealing. You should put all of the info in a table to make it look more appealing.

    NOTE: I don't have all the outfits in that topic or the correct names due to the fact I made it months before the release of VCS.

  3. ^Never heard of you

    <Watching the episode of That 70'S Show where Buddy makes a move on Eric

    VIs watching the episode of That 70'S Show where Buddy makes a move on Eric

    ^Member on GTA Real Estate

    <Watched the same episode of That 70's Show as 2003 yesterday (Very odd how you were some what right)

    \/ Thought about being gay.

  4. That's cool OGTAM, just give it some time to expand.

    A point though, if you just play the game you'll find this all out anyways...

    Well I think he should have had the whole thing done before he posted it. "Under Construction" topics usually don't get finished and people tend to stop looking for updates.

    Have i stoped updating it yet? I just updated it. And tend to add pics of the characters OGM.

    I know that, but like I said "he(you) should have had the whole thing done before he(you) posted it."

  5. You want my critique?

    This needs a LOT of organising done to it if it's got any chance of being pinned.

    Characters list has no order to it, no pictures, and no information of who they are and what role they play in the game

    Vehicles list has no order to it, be it alphabetical or categorical, no pictures and no stats (no usefulness)

    All the pictures are tiny thumbnails, you should just upload the full image because they get auto-thumbnailed anyway - you could have saved yourself so much time.

    Yeah, I don't get why people find this so special.

    ^ass kissing anyone?

    Vehicle stats, maybe order charachters in order of appearancem, or views or w/e, a pic of each car's be nice, plus the full artworks |(again)

    OGTAM, if you don't like the way someone's posted a list, either suggest how to make it better, ior just ignore it. Dont be moron and just sit there ripping the piss out of it. -_-

    I said that before he came on here and said it again because someone finally agreed with me and that person just so happened to be Chris.

    EDIT: "OGTAM, if you don't like the way someone's posted a list, either suggest how to make it better, ior just ignore it. Dont be moron and just sit there ripping the piss out of it. -_-"

    I wanted to know why people thought it was so great first before I started to help him out. No one answered. All King 2003 said was "stfu"...that doesn't help much.

  6. This is why a think the two expansion pack will be the downloadable content for Grand Theft Auto 4.

    1. Rockstar dont have to make up a new story line so it faster to make the London content then making up a hole new area.

    There are still rumors floating around that London could still be in GTAIV, but it's pretty much confirmed that Liberty City is definetly one of the locations if not the location.

    2. Grand Theft Auto 4 is and will already taking a long time to complete which proves the first point.Rockstar hinted that the content will be early 2008 which is very small amount of time to make a new setting.

    Yeah, the downloadable content could be done, but the content isn't going to be as hard as creating a new game.

    3. Many different gamers will be at different parts of GTA 4 example is that some might of completed the game when others might not of.

    Yeah, that's correct, we don't finish the game at the same time...

    4. The missions cant be based off the main story line because of coment 3 which points to london.

    I don't get how your 3rd comment points to London...but ok.

    5. Most gamers will want a break from gta being based in the USA which points to London again.

    Actually, a lot would like to stay in the US, some would like to have a different location and others want both or don't give a shit. Just because players wouldn't want it to be in the US...what makes you think it would definetly be London?

    6. If Rockstar do make London the downloadable content they will stop a lot of rumors that go around on the forums that London the setting and it will stop a lot of the questions.

    They would also stop rumors of GTAIV being London if they say its some where else...

    7. And finally i honestly dont think that the London 1969 and 1961 could be a game on it own.

    Well when they start up the next generation of the series, they usually start in the present time and like I said before, London could be the downloadable content, but they'd still have to make the whole map...they're not just gonna give us the 2D version.

    That is my Evidence why London will be the setting for the downloadable content.

    It would be an honor if jordan could talk about my points on his podcast or make an article or if chist could make one on the gtaplace.

    You heard it hear first by the member macca also know as edwardthegreat on gtaplace.com

    My real name is Edward Thompson and my email address is : [email protected].

    Thanks for reading !

    This doesn't really prove anything...

  7. It's always ME ME ME with you.

    2003, you would shit your pants and run off, not walk up to them and ask them if they were hungry. I think they are real, no wait. I believe they are real and no-one can do shit about it. Nor can my mummy.

    Damn, laying down the law here aren't cha? I too believe in the possibility and I think it's pretty stupid just to throw it out. There are a lot of interesting videos on Youtube about all of this, and no, not videos made by people on Youtube. They upload videos of shows that were on TV; History Channel, Discovery Channel and hell, even the Travel Channel.

  8. Well they can improvise OGM, just like they did with Las Venturas (Las Vegas) being in San Andreas (California). And if there Is Upstate then a good chance theres Carcer City.

    Actually, San Andreas was never said to be either California or Nevada, but could most likely be categorized as being both. Yes, the San Andreas Fault is in California, which causes you to lean towards GTA San Andreas of being based off of California, but having a Nevada location in it, it could be argued as either or both.

    Now to get back to my point, even if they improvise, it would still be in the wrong direction and Rockstar has stayed with keeping their locations in the corresponding places to the locations they are based on in real life.

  9. I already searched through to see if anyone posted a topic like this yet and found nothing...so maybe this is of some news to a few of you.

    After waiting for a long ass time, VRock Army A.K.A. Rockstar Games sent me back the self addressed stamped envelope with the following inside; VRock Vulture Bumper Sticker, (2) Rockstar Games Stickers and a card advertising Vice City Kubricks (which I already have).



    So if you did this and got something, post pics if you can. I think everyone got something different whether it be more stuff or just different stuff all together.

  10. You want my critique?

    This needs a LOT of organising done to it if it's got any chance of being pinned.

    Characters list has no order to it, no pictures, and no information of who they are and what role they play in the game

    Vehicles list has no order to it, be it alphabetical or categorical, no pictures and no stats (no usefulness)

    All the pictures are tiny thumbnails, you should just upload the full image because they get auto-thumbnailed anyway - you could have saved yourself so much time.

    I'll do more to it ok? But you can see the pics. And OGM stfu, you're getting annoying.

    You seriously need to go to some anger management courses or something. I was just trying to tell you this isn't anything special and Chris just pointed that out as well, but you didn't say anything back to him like "stfu" because he's an admin you feel you should kiss his ass. If you don't want my criticism, than I'll stop...just trying to help you out. You were the one that came to me asking how to prove yourself "knowledgeable" of the GTA series, but now you think you're all that. So fine, I'll stop trying to help.

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