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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. @OGTAM: So you are convinced that all those vids are actually read and that there is an conspiracy?

    There might be some other life form, but them coming to earth? No.

    I've studied UFOs for YEARS, argued with people one hell of a lot on the ol' pravda forums (if anyone knows that), so if you want to know what's happening, read my stupidly-long post. Youtube videos are NOT the ultimate source of truth, and claimed "leaks" are usually bull. however documentary video footage of US troops taking nazi technologies and blueprints for flying saucers after the fall of the nazis IS good evidence. I've seen it. If I could remember the damn documentary's name, i would. In any case it'll be on some discovery-style channel i'm sure!

    I never said that I believe the videos I see on Youtube, but some of them are documentaries that were onced aired on TV and I don't think they'd just throw together a big hoax about it. People that create hoax don't usually get their stuff on TV. If you guys think you're so smart in this area, tell me what these things are in the following videos. Now I have a feeling what you're going to say, but I want you to say it to prove me right. So go ahead, give me your opinion.

    There is a documentary about this ^^^ and as soon as I find it I will post it here.

    Now I personally think Youtube may be a conspiracy in its self. There was a person I was subscribed to that had the best videos in this area and his videos were getting taken off of Youtube for no reason and his channel was eventually completely taken off of Youtube. The rules are that if you get 4 of your videos taken off of Youtube that your account gets closed and Youtube never gave him any reasons as to why his videos were being taken off. They gave him absolutely no warning.

  2. They don't have much info on the planet at all. They haven't even seen it - it doesn't shine on its own from this far away, and their sun is so bright it covers up what we might see if that planet was on its own.

    They have detected it by looking at their sun, and seeing how it wobbles from side to side when planets are orbiting it. From this they can calculate the size of the planet and its distance away from the star - and because they know the size of that star, they can judge how hot it will be where the planet is.

    So they've figured out that there is a planet a bit bigger than Earth the right distance away from that star for water to be liquid - which massively increases the chances for life (as we know it).

    I would consider being able to find out how far it is from Gliese 581, it's speed, it's weight, it's size, it's average temperatures a lot of info.

    I think it's stupid thinking other life forms have been to this planet. Never said that there is isn't or can't be any other life form far away.
    because there are so many conspiracies that say the government is hiding information about extra-terrestrial life.

    I do find the so called 'conspiracies' that the goverment is hiding something is just something made up and stupid to actually believe.

    I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. There are people that say the government is hiding information about an extra terrestrial life form, but this whole thing is acknowledging that now that we have a good place to look for this extra terrestrial life, that if they do find extra terrestrial life that the government will be open about it.

    Learn the definition of "alien", to us, they ARE aliens, no matter what they call themselves. Just like WE'RE aliens to them, no matter what we call ourselves.

    Actually, we're not aliens to them. If extra terrestrials even thought of the possibility that there is other life out there they'd probably have a different name for us. Now if you're just saying that they consider us what we consider them by calling them an alien, than yes, we're alien to them. Not sure if that's what you were trying to say...but yeah.

    Jace, USA is huge, they gotta have a bunch of conspiracies.


    1- Just because it's big doesn't mean they are actually hiding aliens.

    2- No where in the whole article is stated that there IS life. They only said that there is a possibility.

    He never said anything about aliens. He said conspiracies. Conspiracies aren't all about extra terrestrials.

  3. Alright man, great, that's what I was hoping to hear.

    After read the interview with one of the game producers, watching a video with one of the game producers, what Scott Blackwood mentioned, after watching the nice gameplay trailers and the remarkable screenshots and all, I'd say it is pretty damn much going for as realistic as possible, to catch the actual feel of skateboarding, know what I'm saying. So no more crazy combos as in the THPS-series. Of course, we'll see how good this performs on a video game, but I sure hope it's going to be a unique experience. And I'm just glad more skating games are showing up, the THPS-series is great but having something else on the gaming shelves that is way more realistic is great man.

    Edit: I think I forgot to tell everyone that Skate is going to have online play, so I'm looking forward playing it online on the PS3 someday.

    Ok, now the online thing makes me happy because THP8 didn't have online play. I'm not quite sure what you think they'll do to prevent players from getting huge combos...it's just how the game works. If you're good at it you could get good combos.

  4. Just a tiny little new, well just heard that if you're a owner of PES6, the PS2-version, then you might have had some problems running it online on the PS3? Well heard that if you have the new firmware 1.7 it should fix the problem you know.

    Yeah I heard that too but I aint geting any new football games now because the seoson is nearly over. I will buy PES 7 which will come out on PS3.

    BTW you iknow Driver for PS3 I might be getting it, it looks good and is it a PS3 exclusive?

    Do you have the link to the official site or some screens?

    I'm not able to play any of my PS2 games online. It keeps saying that the connection times out.

  5. Sorry to burst your guys bubbles, but there is absolutely no way our kind will get there before we die...unless some kind of extra terrestrial has technology that could get us there...it's not going to happen...at least not any time soon. What still amazes me is that our technology found this planet and was able to get so much information on it.

  6. Yeah man, I can take jokes, but I had enough, so I'm asking you to stop doing this again, alright man? I don't say anything about your typing or something like that, right, so you should do the same, are we clear? Good.

    And I never said that the THPS-series never went for being realistic, look at my other post again, I said that the THPS-series is not trying to be as realistic as possible, know what I'm saying. The THPS-series is of course realistic in some ways, but it's also a bit unrealistic you know. I once read in a gaming magazine that the THPS-series is not trying to be as realistic as possible, it's more about the fun and all. And about Skate being as realistic as possible, come on man, just watch the damn trailer, but of course you complain that they look stiff and all, sure man, you have your opinion and I have mine. Did you ever read what Scott Blackwood said, the executive producer?

    "Our game offers a skate mecca for both skaters and gamers in search of the definitive authentic skating video game experience," said Scott Blackwood, executive producer, EA Black Box. "We're focused on capturing the actual feeling of skating with the innovative control system, the physics driven animations, the intelligent cameras working together to really deliver the closest thing to being on a board."

    Man, they're trying to make it the closest thing on a board and perhaps it's going to be the closest thing on a board you know, so of course they want it realistic.

    And yeah man, there's going to be some pro skaters in Skate, like Danny Way, Mike Carroll, Paul Rodriguez, Jerry Hsu, and Chris Cole.

    Well after joking about it twice...and you getting pissed off about it, then I'd assume you couldn't take a joke. But if it bothers you that much, I'll stop.

    Of course the executive producer would say something like that, he wants to sell the game. I don't think he'd say "Well we tried really hard...so buy it."

  7. Yes, I have pre-ordered it. I pre-ordered the day that the screenshots and the trailer released. Though I think there is no point to it. Except to help you manage your excitment and so the money you are collecting does'nt get spent on somethings else. It's still 6 months off and I'm ecstatic beond believe. You know if I were a game maker I would'nt anounce a game until one month before the release that way fan boys don't shit there pants waiting on the game.

    That would be a pretty bad marketing plan. They announce them early so that fans would get excited about it so that by the time the game was released, they already knew they were going to buy it.

  8. GTA IV for PS2? Are you a fool? Do you wont the game to be downgraded just to have it working on a 7 year old console?

    Well I want it for my Nintendo 64.

    You better not be mocking the N64

    Goldeneye for life1

    Want it for the NES, or better yet the 'gamegear' if you don't know what that is, don't EVER call yourself a gamer....

    Well, i'm gonna go to sleep now, since this^ will noly happen in my drerams. nightnight :zZZ:

    Nah, they should have it on the PDP-1. :bleh:

  9. This loks col. I think it might be pit to the post by the people like me who practically grew up with classic games, like Tony hawks. And you gotta ask whether this game will have the liscences for ofiicial, pro skaters, which is another big seller for Tony. I mean, it's brushed off the competition like it was nothin so far, and i think EA are trying to muzzle in on their success. It's gonna flop IMO, and Good ol' tony will stand stronger, and older, that ever...

    OGTAM, it's all part of GTAlayer's character, y'know? Just drop it, and ignore. Hell, if it bugs you so much make a flame topic, where people can tell you how unnecessary it is there. OK?

    Did you not read my post? I said I was joking. MAN, no one could take a joke on this forum. There might be some cheap sense of humors here. Good luck. :thumbsup:

    I didn't catch anyone familiar in that trailer who could have been a pro...so I'm not sure if they do have any pro skaters.

  10. Why would someone buy gang sigs of Sher-E-India?

    Well...someone might want to join some time...and might want to start supporting early. Maybe they just like the look of it...or maybe they're crazy, drunk, high...or all three. They could also be only crazy and drunk, drunk and high or high and crazy. There are many possibilities as to why someone would want a Sher-E-India gang sig.


    He has just put up some examples.

    SO that to see how his work his.

    I thought that was common sense.

    I was joking around with Jace...I knew they were examples.

    Anyways, your sigs are turning out pretty good" Ram the don". Keep up the good work.

  11. @Wu-Zi-Mu, now like I said before, I don't really care if the sig you made for me is edited at all. But if you want practice taking exact orders...Make the text a lighter pink, not fuchsia or whatever that is, and then have the text be outlined with a light gray color(Stroke).

    @Ram the don, that's pretty good for your first GIF Image. My first GIF Image is my current avatar, as you can see it took really no skill since I just got the frames and put them together. I like the part in your sig that has the text bouncing around, but you should have the picture fade in along with the text on it and then fade out back to the text bouncing around. It's very tedious, but would look really cool.

  12. Did you get your internet working? Plus I downloaded a demo of Motorstorm and using the Motion Sensor is brilliant, changing the cars, driving, best thing ever.

    But if anyone is getting a PS3 I would get (Which I got it) Resistance, best game for the PS3, no doubt.

    Motion sensor on Motorstorm is unreal but I am hooked on Double Agent, Its really good but I need to get a wireless connection thing so I can go online with the PS3.

    GTAPLAYER, I am GTAIV secured but I am still not thinking about pre ordering it yet.

    Like I said in the one topic, I pre-ordered GTAIV so I'm garrenteed to get the game...I mean, I know I was going to get it eventually...but it's nice to be 100% sure about it. I'm thinking about making a third color code for the first post for Pre-orders. :thumbsup:

    But yeah, Resistance is the best game for the PS3...for now.

  13. Now I'm only gonna tell you once, stop fckn messing with me, alright? I have had enough about you quoting my "you know" and all, I'm typing the fckn way I want, and you type the way you want, it's just ridiculous man, so stop doing it, good.

    I haven't played much Tony Hawk's Project 8 but I'll get the game someday and compare it to Skate, and yeah still, Skate is far the most realistic game I've seen, period. The THPS-series is not trying to be as realistic as possible, that's Skate's job, know what I'm saying, so keep that in mind. Still I don't agree with you.

    When did I say that you couldn't post the way you wanted to? You can't take a joke? I did that twice to you. Is it that time of the month or something?(again, joking)

    Well I don't know where you're getting this information that the Tony Hawk series never went for being realistic nor do I know where you got the information saying that EA is attempting to make it as realistic as possible. I think that's just your simple opinion just like my opinion is that the physics and graphics look like they're from Game 2.0. I'm at least backing up my opinion with things you could clearly see in the videos. "You know?"

  14. This is actually very interesting. It’s sort of funny that they said "this planet will most probably be a very important target of the future space missions dedicated to the search for extra-terrestrial life." because there are so many conspiracies that say the government is hiding information about extra-terrestrial life.

  15. Why would someone buy gang sigs of Sher-E-India?

    Well...someone might want to join some time...and might want to start supporting early. Maybe they just like the look of it...or maybe they're crazy, drunk, high...or all three. They could also be only crazy and drunk, drunk and high or high and crazy. There are many possibilities as to why someone would want a Sher-E-India gang sig.

  16. I saw that last week. its funny and makes me laugh but it would be alot better if it wasnt staged.

    I like how he blames it on mario. "oh that was you mario, that wasnt me."

    "You're breaking my balls Mario!" I think it's funny when he's about to do something he makes that weird sound. "Hegegegeg...HEGEGEGE!"

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