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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I accidently triple posted, i didn't do it on purpose, and OGM, you still do not know anything if CC is north of Liberty City or not. You just believe that. But i think its North of LC. Its my opinion.

    Ok, than that means it's based on one of the following US States; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine. Please let me know which one of these states you think is Carcer City.

    Carcer city is unlikely to be a GTA location as it was used in another R* game.

    I tried to point that out before, but this one is hard to get to.

  2. I accidently triple posted, i didn't do it on purpose, and OGM, you still do not know anything if CC is north of Liberty City or not. You just believe that. But i think its North of LC. Its my opinion.

    Ok, than that means it's based on one of the following US States; Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine. Please let me know which one of these states you think is Carcer City.

    If we use your source, Carcer City is one of the following; Newark(New Jersey), Detroit(Michigan), Pittsburgh(Pennsylvania), Philadelphia(Pennsylvania), or Cleveland(Ohio). Neither of those are North of Liberty City.

  3. You want my critique?

    This needs a LOT of organising done to it if it's got any chance of being pinned.

    Characters list has no order to it, no pictures, and no information of who they are and what role they play in the game

    Vehicles list has no order to it, be it alphabetical or categorical, no pictures and no stats (no usefulness)

    All the pictures are tiny thumbnails, you should just upload the full image because they get auto-thumbnailed anyway - you could have saved yourself so much time.

    Yeah, I don't get why people find this so special.

  4. And we may finally see what`s at the end o the tunnel from Shoreside Valey, I`m dieing to find out...Or maybe is like i GTA 3 :(

    Like the rumours have been going around it'll go to upstate liberty, a new part of Liberty City.

    Or how about just Carcer City. The heartland of America :wub::wacko::ph34r:.

    I already told you, none of the states North of New York have the characteristics of Carcer City. So "Upstate" is Upstate Liberty.

  5. One of the main reasons Extra Terrestrials would choose our planet is because ours is the only one that has a good grasp on sustaining life.

    So they have the technology to travel to other planets and galaxies but they cannot grasp sustaining life?

    No, but our planet is probably extremely far from those that have the same kind of sustanable life on it that these extra terrestrials may need to help them with certain shit. Beats the hell out of me.

  6. 1.OK, now I got it, but who said that the scene takes place in VC?I haven`t wrote that word in any of my posts before the today posts

    2.Again, you prove your inability to process simply ideas and sentences---what do you mean by again?when I did that before?

    3.I think it`s pretty obvious that the first scene of the trailer takes place in LibertyCity...

    The following quote from you implies that you thought GTAPlayer meant that the trolley was in Vice City. I never said that you thought the one scene was in Vice City, but simply that you thought GTAPlayer thought that. You're once again misreading the post.

    What scenes are you taling about?GTA Player said that there is a Visit Vice City sign in the trailer and I told him that VC doesn`t have railroads or trains...
  7. But I still think it's going to take place in Liberty City, there was of course a sign in the beginning of the trailer that said "Visit Vice City - $300" So there could be a possibility visiting Vice City or perhaps other cities aswell

    :) Well If I remember corectly thats sign means nothing because I haven`t seen any train station or railroads in VIce City 1986, of course VC may have in 200?, when GTA takes place, trains and railroads but in 1986 VC didn`t had ...

    We never said that that scene was in Vice City...

  8. Yeah basically what Spaz said. Also don't send me multiple PM's.

    You've posted this topic in completely the wrong section, your spelling and grammar is appalling, as is your writing style. All staff members here can speak English fluently and are very mature, until you can prove this you have no chance of becoming part of the team.

    At the moment I'm not looking for anyone new either. Not for the forums. Possibly someone to post news, most applicants have horrible spelling and grammar though, so I can't accept them here, it would be detrimental so the site. We need people with excellent English skills.

    Should they be able to type too?

  9. Well I'm a Christian too, but certain things in the bible are looked at the wrong way. Where does it say "There are no things such as Extra Terrestrials." I do remember something saying that the earth is the only place that was inhabitant with life...but when was the Bible last updated? Things could have changed since then.

    I agree with you to. I'm Christian as well and some of my teachers and the religious people around say if aliens were real, there would be no religion.

    I know other people has said what I am about to say but, its just stupid to think that were the only planet with life. Theres billions of other galaxy's. Plus, back when the bible was written, they didn't have the technology we do today.

    Did you ask them why there would be no religion?

  10. Someone said on gtaportable that they spoted a sign on one of the bridges that said "Upstate Liberty".

    Really or are you just pulling my chain?

    Nope, but i can't find the sign, so i gess its Liberty City and Upstate Liberty.

    Well if that person is right, than I guess I was correct, but I still don't believe that he found a sign. "The OC Master" said that it was at 00:47, but you can't see shit.

  11. OGTAM, if and that's IF you're right and rockstar did post this, then....my god, they really aren't kidding, there must be one hell of a lot to this game and guys....do you, maybe think..............it could be the WHOLE of the USA?

    Think about it, the whole idea of the american dream is poor or run-away foreigner shows up, to start a new life....could we have the whole of USA to play with? Is that what they are saying? Are we sure that video only showed scenes from Liberty City? Could it be that there were more cities there?......!!!

    I think it would be possible, but everything would definitely be smaller in size compared to it in real life. I just don't think the ShitBox 360 could handle it...hell, I don't even really think the PS3 could. If they used the same graphics as they did in the other GTA games, than I'd say it's extremely possible, but with these new graphics...very unlikely. Even if they used the older graphics, I think there wouldn't be that many interiors. Maybe they made their own little version of the USA and left out some of the less exciting places.

    There is a very slight difference between the consoles. Can't you have a discussion without making fan-boy comments?

    It definitely seems possible to have more than just Liberty City. How much more isn't really as obvious right now...

    I like to throw one in there every once in a while. I love how it bugs people. :P

    Someone said on gtaportable that they spoted a sign on one of the bridges that said "Upstate Liberty".

    Really or are you just pulling my chain?

  12. Thrust me, I'm extreemly difficult to confince.

    Still, I think it's just something made up in movies and somehow just grew and grew.

    And even if they do exist, how will it ever effect my life.

    They can't even live in outer space, they would explode.

    The whole conspiracy of the existance of Extra Terrestrials have been around since ancient times. Why would they "explode"? Maybe they have some other form of breathing.

  13. umm...how did ya change mind so quickly¿

    Now about what did I change my mind?

    And me being a Christian, I do believe in the humans being the supirior beings. And somehow think this elian thing goes against my believe and also commen sence.

    Also the alien conspiracy. What the hell?! Why would the goverment want to cover such thing?

    In my eyes it's just one big hoax.

    Well I'm a Christian too, but certain things in the bible are looked at the wrong way. Where does it say "There are no things such as Extra Terrestrials." I do remember something saying that the earth is the only place that was inhabitant with life...but when was the Bible last updated? Things could have changed since then.

    Take a look at this video. Someone just sent it to me and it seems interesting and I'm guessing it's the key video out of the 24 videos. This sort of answers why Extra Terrestrials would come to our planet.

  14. Yeah. The stupid idea of them coming here is. Maybe somewhere there is other life, but that UFO stuff is total crap. So is the interview.

    I got a lot of other videos that you could watch. I've gotten complete disbelievers to start believing in the idea of Extra Terrestrials visiting planet earth. One of the main reasons Extra Terrestrials would choose our planet is because ours is the only one that has a good grasp on sustaining life.

  15. OGTAM, if and that's IF you're right and rockstar did post this, then....my god, they really aren't kidding, there must be one hell of a lot to this game and guys....do you, maybe think..............it could be the WHOLE of the USA?

    Think about it, the whole idea of the american dream is poor or run-away foreigner shows up, to start a new life....could we have the whole of USA to play with? Is that what they are saying? Are we sure that video only showed scenes from Liberty City? Could it be that there were more cities there?......!!!

    I think it would be possible, but everything would definitely be smaller in size compared to it in real life. I just don't think the ShitBox 360 could handle it...hell, I don't even really think the PS3 could. If they used the same graphics as they did in the other GTA games, than I'd say it's extremely possible, but with these new graphics...very unlikely. Even if they used the older graphics, I think there wouldn't be that many interiors. Maybe they made their own little version of the USA and left out some of the less exciting places.

  16. First of all nice find,

    I think there will be another city which will be Moscow or London, But in my opinion I think theres more chance of it being in Moscow (because of Charachter) than it is in London.

    Now this might be going over the top, but would if it's Liberty City(including Upstate Liberty), Vice City, San Andreas, London and Moscow? How kick ass would that be. The map would be so f***ing big.

  17. Wait, I don't see anything to suggest that Rockstar themselves posted the video or made that comment.

    Well since it was put onto Machinima.com at 6 PM on the release day, that shows it was given to them by Rockstar Games. If they go by the same rules as everyone else, they also submitted it days before to get it on at the time they wanted. If someone else submitted it, it wouldn't even be up yet.

  18. gtaivtrailerpy2.png

    I found this the day after the trailer was released. I posted it on my site, but forgot to post it here. This is the description Rockstar Games gave Machinima.com when they submitted the trailer there.

    "Grand theft Auto IV, the latest round in Rockstars GTA series has finally been revealed to the world. It looks like we are heading back to where it all started, Liberty City ... or are we? GTA is no stranger to surprises and you can be sure this one still has plenty of aces up it's sleeve. GTA IV is set for release this October only on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3"

    This is what really got me thinking that it may not only be Liberty City...or maybe not even Liberty, but it's hard to think it isn't Liberty City after watching the trailer.

  19. UFO's are real. They just don't have aliens :P If I some kind of weird looking fly a plane over DC, they would call me "unidentfied flying object" (UFO) because they don't know what it is.

    We already went through this; the topic starter used "UFO" in the topic title, which is semi-inaccurate. That's why we've been using alien space craft, Extra Terrestrials, EBE and other names of that such to clear up what we're talking about in here. So if you want to talk about what the topic starter intestinally wanted it to be about, than jump right in. If not, please don’t continue to talk about how the topic title is inaccurate. I’m not just saying this to you, but everyone else that may end up posting in here.

    NOTE: Yes, the topic title is asking a question, "Do you thing(k) that UFO's are real?", but now we're posting proof of our thoughts about alien space craft, which is what the topic starter intentionally wanted to talk about.

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