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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. You\'re right OGTAM, everything does have to have an end and it does. I\'ve already said where that is, as Chrisman pointed out that\'s not true of nothing which by its very nature doesn\'t require an end. Oh and CroScorpion, if you go straight forward you\'d leave Earth at a tangent and go out the galazy then resultantly out the universe into nothing. If however you go in a circle round the earth then of course you\'ll come back to the same point (you went in a circle!) And according to your logic GTAPlayer, the human race would still be cowering in fear in caves from all the predators outside.

    No, you guys explained where the universe ends...not where the outside portions of the universe end...the completely empty space.

  2. Thank you Chrisman, thus my point is proved. The only place nothingness ends is at the end of the universe, therefore your two questions are actually the same OGTAM. And I said in order to accurately find out the size of an object. And technically we don't know the size of the universe, and even if we did it would be inaccurate the moment you read the figure as the universe (and thus galaxies) are expanding.

    Everything has to have an end.

  3. Yes actually it does, there is no definite barrier or wall at the end of the universe, it's just particles and waves spreading on outwards filling the void beyond the universe. The edge of the universe is simply the point at which there no longer is matter or vice versa. Pragmatically the exact position of the edge of the universe is unknown since it's so far away that we can't gain accurate readings and also by the very nature of finding accurately how big something is, you need to be outside it. My example of expanding gas is probably the best way to think of it. It might be of interest to you to know that many gas giants such as Jupiter don't actually have a definite boundary of the core, they go in a gradient from vacuum to gas to liquid to solid as the gravity and pressure increases.

    Try reading my question again.

    That still doesn't answer my question. Where does the universe end or better yet, where does the "nothingness" end?

    and if we have to be out of something in order to get its size...how do we know the size of our own galaxy? We're in it.

  4. Space is not nothingness, it contains matter therefore it contains something. The fundamental difference between ordinary space inside the universe and outside is on average about 3 particles. It's a fundamental difference, space isn't empty, it's what's outside the universe (and thus outside space) which is empty. The end of the universe is merely the edge of matter, as light travels (and other matter) outwards, its very prescence is expanding the universe. You may want to imagine the universe as a gas spreading out in vacuum, the end of the gas is spreading out, and outside the gas is nothing, therefore as the gas spreads out, what can be construed as the gas is essentially expanding. Hope this clears things up

    That still doesn't answer my question. Where does the universe end or better yet, where does the "nothingness" end?

  5. Very sorry for the double post, but I got sent a video that might spark a good conversation in this topic.

    William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 1/10

    Like the title says "1/10", so there are 9 other parts to it. Watch all of them. I think you'll find them pretty interesting.

    I'm not going to give my full opinion until I see that someone shows an intrest in the videos. I do believe this stuff could be possible, but there are some things I sort of question.

    Please leave a comment after you watch all of them.

  6. I think that Rockstar should make the graphics on GTAIV better than the other ones seeing as it's going to be for the next generation consols, but I don't think they should go full on graphics, just enough. Most of the space should be used on map size, missions, add ons etc. I would go for gameplay over graphics any day, but I would still like to see some improvment since I spent $600 for the PS3.

  7. Yeah, they're all really fun. I would like to actually play it right now, but I don't have my PS2 memory cards and I don't feel like doing the main missions all over again just to go to the stadium...although I could play the PC version, I did beat all the missions on the PC version recently...hmmm.

  8. Here are some more userbars if you want to create a little "GTA Real Estate Userbar" section to the topic post.

    GTA Real Estate Member Userbar



    Vercetti Crime Family Userbars



    Greasy Chopper Bikers Userbar



    Leone Crime Family Userbar



    Blood Feather Triad Userbar



    Grove Street Family (OGF) Userbar



    Haitian Userbars



    EDIT: Woohoo, my 1,000th post. First time I got 1,000 on another forum before I got banned. This is an accomplishment for me. :D

  9. When Tony was ordered to blow up that one guy's car that was threatening to expose Sosa. The guy's kids were in the car and Tony didn't want to do it and shot the guy with the detonator instead because he didn't want to kill children. Then Tommy showed some slight care for children when he was talking to that old bitch at Cherry Poppers. His intentions were to sell ice cream to children...but ended up selling some other stuff after the crazy ice cream lady enlightened him on what she sold instead of ice cream.

  10. Yes it is. He's gonna be briefly shown in the next episode.


    Grand Theft Auto Real Estate: Episode 2: L.A.V.A.


    Episode 2 of the GTA Real Estate series will be released Friday, March 2nd. As soon as the second episode is finished, it will be submitted to machinima.com so that all of those that can't download it could watch it. Just to give you guys a little hint, "L.A.V.A." stands for "Leone and Vercetti Alliance". Please comment on the episode once it's up for downloading.

  11. cuz tommy was cool. CJ was a little bit gay. and so was claude.

    but okay. cjs prolly not gunna be in the game. like playable/missionable/whateverable. but hel prolly be in a cutscene or something. and tommy will be dead. hel be 55 years old!!

    Actually he'd be 56...which isn't that old to begin with. Look at Sal and Avery, they were old and they were able to get around.

  12. Certainly, VC definitely had the feel. Your right, it would have been the music.

    Anyways, back to the whole Tony/Tommy comparison. Tony was a tough guy, he always thought someone was out to get him and he got high off of his own supply. Tommy on the other hand, he was a hardass and did what was needed to be done and he didn't do drugs at all...he was clean. They have completly different personalities, BUT they did care about children.

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