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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. CJ was stronger as he got through alot but Tommy would just kill them and be done with it like if he dealt with Johnny Sindacco. Tommy would just kill him and then they would never find out anything CJ used his brains which makes more dangerous as he is cunning. Muscles and guns arent what makes you a true threat and danger there other ways.

    CJ never seemed to smart to me :lolbounce:

  2. I think CJ is tougher as we went thorugh alot more, emotionally wise

    LOL we arent talking about their emotional side...lol.

    We are talking about who is more dangerous and since you're saying CJ was emotional...I'd say Tommy is more dangerous. Now I'm guessing someone will come on saying something extremely stupid like "Well he might get dangerous when he gets emotional." :rofl2:

  3. I also like the land Stalker Because It resmbles my real life car

    (Flips.slow,and catches on fire)

    lol that sounds safe. I liked it as well but I thought the Rancher was a little better because of its size...actually I liked the Sand-King better than the both of them.

  4. In a trailer or the official one I saw 2 completely different women both of whcih were holding babies which could lead to a great GTA IV storyline because one could have been living large as a baby leaving the other to be trailer trash. I think it is very possible and its one hell of a way to introduce a future main character or just another character for missions. I was also thinking about this but I just didnt feel like posting a new topic at the time. I agree that these 2 babies could be involved in the next generation of GTA games.

  5. Here's what kept CJ in Liberty City for five years: A JOB. Working for the Mafia. Mugging people, stealing cars...if it pays well, you're gonna stay!

    Really? Where is there an official thing saying he worked for the Mafia...yeah I know he was talking on the phone in the SA intro to someone and Johnny S. was scared shitless when he saw CJ, again...maybe, which could mean CJ had something to do with his "illness". But there is nothing that said he was working with a mafia and that he was getting payed...He had a shitty outfit and was still stealing cars during the Intro so he must've not been getting paid very well enough.

  6. Hey, you saying Wikipedia is wrong ALL the time?

    Tommy DID kill fifteen people (mafiasos) and got fifteen years for it. Didn't get the death sentence or life without patrol. Claimed it was self-defense.

    Yeah I think Wikipedia is always wrong. They constantly change info and its BS and yes I know people change it and thats why its always wrong so please dont argue with me anymore unless its over PM or something...I dont like spamming topics.

    yea, you can say cjs a pussy because he ran...but didnt toni just come back in lcs? he left to, but no ones talking about that. just because cj had a family, as far as we know tommy had none, cj was trying to protect sweet and all his people.

    Toni was forced into hiding by Salvatore Leone from my understanding and Sal is Toni's boss so he was just following orders. CJ did run from LS to hide in LC, CJ just said he went to "think" so he didnt look like a pussy...He ran away from Los Santos for FIVE years! It took him that long to think?...BULLSHIT


    CJ did not run away to Liberty City out of fear. He went there to think stuff over after Ballas killed Brian.

    EDIT: 200th post, YEAH!

    He didnt run to think about his brother's death. He ran away because he was scared that he might be next.

    I'm just glad that they didnt make Victor out to be a pussy...We dont need another one. Hes tough and he'll be at least my 3rd favorite GTA main character...pretty much tied with Toni...I'll just have to play the game to find out what I think of him.

  7. the only things we know about these "people" are game features, its a fact that tommy can only hold 1 gun, while cj can hold 2, the question is "who is more dangerous", "not whos tougher", the fact is that a guy with 2 guns is more dangerous than a guy with 1 gun

    The main characters have backgrounds not just features lol. Tommy killed something like 18 people in Harwood...what did CJ do? He ran away to hide in LC.

  8. Official Vice City Stories Minigames

    -A brand new golfing mini game will be playable at Leaf Links. Controls are simple and only require one button, tapping it starts the power meter, pressing again to stop it when you reach the amount of power you require, and then once more to set the accuracy of your shot. Revisiting Leaf Links will enable you to retry the minigame and beat your previous score. One mission requires you to beat Gonzalez at the game.

    -Empire Building: This is actually quite an advanced feature in the game. After taking over a site, the gang that previously occupied it becomes your rival. There will be six different business types that Vic can run, the article mentions three - protection, extortion and prostitution. The three others are currently unknown.

    You are able to choose what type of business to set up at the site you acquire. Your choice will have an impact on the business' level of success. A smuggling business will perform better near an airport or docks for instance.

    -Businesses are split into three categories - low, middle and high. Each of these will require a larger amount of money to acquire staff and resources. Similar to your gang control in San Andreas, your businesses will be prone to attacks from rival gangs.

    -Notification about attacks on your businesses comes through on your pager. The more staff you have the better their chance of defending it for you if it comes under attack.

    You'll have the option to save the game at any of your businesses, this means there will be more than 30 possible safe houses across the city.

    -The employees of your businesses can be recruited San Andreas style to provide protection and support to you on the streets.

    -Pedestrians on the street may comment on your success - Rockstar say it's all about having the people of Vice City recognise your power and control.

    These seem really cool and the idea of Empire Building is basically what GTA Real Estate is all about \/ \/ \/

  9. The san Andreas one would be good but what characters would it have there are so many to choose from.

    my guess is Carl Sweet Smoke Ryder and maybe a Balla and a Varga and maybe woozie

    I'd say CJ, Sweet, Ceasar, Woozie and Kendl or Denise

  10. You still haven't up the Jet Ski one so here it is, plus a new one and a better pic of Soiree: vicjetskioutfitlk3.jpg - Jetski

    vicoutfit1ph5.jpg - I don't know maybe Cuban?

    vicsoireesp4.jpg - Soiree

    vicoutfit2ai1.jpg - Oh and this could be a different suit but it looks exactly like the Mr. Vance one (just different colour) but Street and Casual look the same as well too so you never know... I doubt it though, something is probably wrong with the pic (bad quality, etc.) but it still looks cool!

    Nice list so far.

    I already have two of those but the one you have has a better shot, good job. I'll post these now in the main post.

  11. Lol, then you've spent a little bit too much on 5 lego characters imo.

    Yeah I know lol

    How much are they selling for? They look kind of nice.

    The whole set cost $35.99 so it basically cost $7.00 per VC Kubrick. Then with the shipping its about $44.99 or something so it cost around $8.50 per VC Kubrick. I dont really care though cause I'm technically not using my own money.

  12. Yeah this dude is a douchbag. So what if the forums are a little filled with the same topics. That doesnt mean the forums are bad. Deleting topics or putting them in a trash forum would make it better for one reason and one reason only, we wouldnt have to deal with retards like this making stupid topics such as this one. If he wanted to help, the proper way would be by PM.

    How would he send PMs anyways? Hes banned...

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