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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. He looks quite like him from the back (haircut and some "facial features"). We already said that but you probably forgot...

    Not just that, his posture is the same as well. Take a look at the clip again. Watch how he ducks down and then watch the VC intro how he ducked down...its the same movement.

  2. I havent bought a game in a long time...I got my eye on Scarface right now though. How bout you guys? :gappy:

    :D I got Scarface as you know...ITS KICKASS. I thought it was supposed to come out October 8th so on the 6th I went to reserve it at Gamestop so I could get this kick ass poster of Toni, only reservers could get it, but I messed up the dates and found out that it was already out. So when I was at Best Buy I saw the collector's edition and I had to buy it and I dont regret it one bit. I was thinking about getting it ever since I heard about it a year or so ago because I really loved the movie, one of my favorites. Once I saw the collector's edition and read the back descriptions I just had to have it. MAKE SURE ALL OF YOU GET THIS GAME!!!

  3. Yeah its kick ass. I found out yesterday that if you swim for too long in the open waters, sharks come and eat you...pretty cool but it could be a bitch at times. I was bleeding so they might have a whole shark system or something.

  4. "dat guy wers da bl00 hawae shirt dats tommeh 4 sho!"

    are you seriously this stupid? We never said that was him because of his shirt. That looks nothing like his shirt to begin with...are you stupid enough to think that?...or are you just high?

    I was talking to Wheelman.

    I know... :mellow:

  5. Well a pirate is a person who robs or commits illegal violence at sea or on the shores of the sea. So its not like some big ass ship or anything that you're probebly thinking of. Just some people on boats trying to steal your supply...makes it a challenge.

    PS: Yes I LOVE this game.

  6. Well today I just found out there are deffinetly 2 maps which make the whole map at least two thirds the size of San Andreas, which is pretty big, thats just the land. The islands are scatered which make the map larger which in that case would be maybe 2X larger than San Andreas. I'm just guessing just to let you know. "The Islands" as they call them are very harsh because there are pirates and shit that go after your cocain which is a pain in the ass. I'm too lazy to read the credits but I'm pretty sure Bam Margera is the voice for the beer and wine store owner...which I thought was pretty funny.

    So far I took over Little Havana and Downtown and I own 2 storehouses along with about seven businesses. I also have about four million dollars. I'm getting sorta far in the storyline...maybe 40%...not sure...just guessing.

  7. just reading how you wrote about Scarface makes me wanna go to EBGAMES and just go buy the game!!! you make the game sound like a million dollars. It does resemble GTA,except the part about the part that you cand jump:/

    Yeah a little bit which is why its good to begin with.

  8. I knooooooooooooow it be AWESOME to have Tommy Vercetti back in Vice City Stories, but TRUST me when I tell you this, he's not coming out in Vice City Stories, I am 110% SURE, that he WILL NOT come out in there... maybe he's going to come out in GTA4 but not VCS.

    Well would if I say i'm 120% sure he will be? :mellow:

  9. Well the creators of the movie took part in making the game so I dont think they'd f*** it up. The land is roughly the same size but the map is larger. I think there is another map along with Miami which is I think where Sosa lives. So far the only locked place is Sosa's area which has to be in the game because on the map I got has it. and the only other thing that is some what locked is gainable territory. You start off in Little Havana and you have to gain that territory and then you move onto Downtown. You can own the Babylon Club which is pretty cool. You could sell your drugs to your fronts instead of the dealers which is much easier.

    I finally beat that one mission when they take all your weapons away...I was sneaking and took my weapons to my mansion to store them so they couldnt take them. But I just snuck around behind buildings waiting for the knife people to come around and I'd beat the shit out of them for their knives. After I did that I snuck up behind someone with an uzi and then I kill some people with AK-47s and then "pwned" the rest of their asses with those. by the way, the area you're abandoned with no weapons is "freedom town" where Toni started off in America.

  10. Well just a few minutes ago I just got finished taking over a storehouse area where the cocain will be stored. Then after I did that I got a call from Toni's lawer's assistant and he said he knew where Toni's wife was, so of coarse you have to try and find her. This leads you right into a trap which got me pissed off because they take all your weapons away and they chase you with uzis and shotguns so I just said "Awww f*** that." and then I turned off my PS2 and I'm about to go to sleep.

    Anywho, the game is getting a lot more interesting as the storyline progresses. I think in the end you'll be able to take over Sosa's Isand or whatever along with his business which would be really kick ass.

    PS: That sucks that the Collector's Edition is only for the PS2...well for you anyways... :D

  11. I know it seems cool to have Tommy Vercetti back in the game, but it AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN... He was in jail doing time... just like claude didn't came out in Liberty City Stories... It's just not going too..

    Or maybe..... It's not really Tommy Vercetti in the video... maybe it's his long lost brother...


    We already discussed the whole Tommy being in prison still. Yeah Claude wasnt in LCS but he did have another appearance in SA and I think its about time Tommy had another appearance.

  12. Yesterday I was taking over some Diaz Brother territory and one of the drug crates landed in the water and I was thinking "f***...How the hell am I gonna get that?". So I was gonna try to run onto it, since you cant jump, and I fell into the water thinking I was dead and then I found out that Toni could swim. I felt like a dumbass and felt happy at the same time :lolbounce:

    I also found out that you could gamble multiple ways. Gamble in casino games, much like San Andreas, along with other things like fights at a trailer park, races and I'm sure there are more.

    The vehicles are even more kick ass than I thought. You could buy actual yachts which are most likely as big as Cortez's from Vice City but I dont know if it is driveable or not. I havnt unlocked everything because I'm screwing around a lot on the game...not making too much progress.

    I'll post more features as I come across them.

  13. How does that explain the conversation Sonny had at the beginning of the game talking about tommy being released and how this is bad.

    Wait you're saying that just because they said that its bad for Tommy to be on the streets that he couldnt of been out earlier? Explain that please. Just because there is some old news doesnt mean they cant talk about it.

  14. deffinetly but...its not like they're gonna make any more of these. But this game keeps getting better and better. I just found that you could run multiple empires, buy vehciles, furniture, workers. Its the most amazing game I have ever played. THIS IS A MUST BUY...SERIOUSLY. If you're a GTA fan you'll LOVE this game

  15. THIS GAME IS AMAZING. There are so many cool features in the game. You could reason with the police if they start to come after you and shit...its amazing. You can put money and coke in the bank and shit. Just the way the game is set up is soo amazing.

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