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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Oh, thanks I learned something new today. :D Anyway, I found a new outfit from the pics Chris put up recently. It looks like Vic just put on a purple suit with no shirt on but whatever it's a new outfit! vcs19sx7.jpg

    Yeah I saw that last night but I didnt think it was that good of a shot...I was just gonna wait till a better shot of it comes up.

  2. Plus the fact the I reckon the majority of hardcore GTA fans like ourselves who are members of forums are already signed up for the Rockstar and/or GTA mailing lists.

    All the webmasters are anyway so we know as soon as we get the email. We used to know hours before anyone else because Richard used to email us to let us know when they would update. Pity he's not there anymore.

    If you really want a "nice find" credit, then you can do so one in one of two ways.

    1) Look around hundreds of gaming sites when they post GTA reviews/previews to see if they have any new screens.

    2) Subscribe to a gaming magazine so you receive a copy weeks before anyone else, then post scans of the mag here for everyone else if there's GTA related stuff.

    most people on the mailing list got the info 2 hours after the official update. So its better just to go on every day...preferably 8:00PM(USA East Coast) since its when the site was official put up and then again for the updates.

  3. Nice idea, but two things:

    1. We don't know if VCS's multiplayer features will be properly online or not yet.

    2. If they aren't, it's too late for a petition since they'll be getting ready to ship out the game in a few weeks time.

    EDIT: Lol I see it's been slightly abused, did you post at GTAPortable by any chance? (The anti-Neil Christie comments is why I thought this)

    Yeah well my friend wanted to have this every where so people could sign it. Just helping a friend out.

  4. Even though this is in the wrong section, I'd still like to express my opinion. I agree with TVG, Vice City was the best as it had the best storyline, music and atmosphere. San Andreas was great but it had some annoying stuff like TVG mentioned (girlfriends, fat, muscle, driving skill, etc.). So Vice City is my favourite GTA.

    Yeah I agree with you guys. SA was pretty good but the storyline was shit. Vice City is my all time favorite GTA game and favorite Video game of all time. I think VCS will come close to 2nd place as my favorite GTA game but hell it could be my favorite...I need to play it to find out.

  5. The first one, I think so because it is pretty different from the rest. The USMC one on the other hand looks exactly like the Militiary one with the printed writing on the left chest. So put the first one up for sure but the second one is your choice.

    I just added both of them.

  6. The one with Vic beside the Cuban Hermes is all right but I like the other ones better.

    By the way you still haven't posted this one even though it got kinda messed up and you can't see it anymore and here's a new one too: vicumbertojz2.jpg

    -Something new maybe another Cuban outfit or maybe even a Haitians one to trick them in a mission?


    -Looks exactly like the Army one but has USMC written on the left chest (what does that stand for anyway; United States Militiary...? or maybe United States Marine...?)

    These are very similar to the other ones, should I still add them?

  7. I saw this one screen of CJ swimming away from a shark as if the shark was about to eat CJ with its mouth open and shit. Ever since SA's release though I havnt seen the pic. I havnt seen a shark in SA before, does it attack you?

  8. i thought you got the hunter on the roof of the vercetti estate when you get the 100 packages, i could be wrong, i was to lazy to get more than about 50 packages, i just wanted some guns

    No you get a Maverick up there when, I think, you take over the mansion. Hell it could be up there before that but I never took the time to get up there by finding another heli just to see if it spawned up there if it even did.

  9. Looks like R* are giving out screenshots and videos willy-nilly now, and good on them for doing that, we seem to be seeing a lot of Vice City Stories lately.

    GameTrailers were first with their video showing off some of the insane stunts you will be performing in the game, the video is about 30 seconds long.

    Link: Insane stunts video

    IGN were next with two new videos. The first is called Running From the Law and shows Vic doing exactly what the title suggests, the other is called Jet Skis Can Fly!, and likewise, has a self explanitory title and shows jet skis jumping Leaf Links golf course. They were also kind enough to release a new screenshot (see below).

    Link: IGN videos


    GameVideos followed suit and posted a video mainly focusing on the addition of helicopters to the game. The video is also around 30 seconds long.

    Link: Helicopters video

    Finally, 1UP have posted a new screenshot showing Vic donning a USMC shirt.


    [sarcasm=mild with a side of exaggeration] GOSH I put a topic up about that a day ahead of you and I don’t get a "nice find" not even a pat on the back, where as someone post a new screen and you're like "Great find, you get a gold star"...I'm hurt...really hurt :'( [/sarcasm]

  10. Can someone tell me where to find the helicopters in VC?

    I only find the Maverick and Police Maverick :(

    Well there should be a Sparrow on the Office Building by the Greasy Chopper, red target. Depending on how far you got there should be some sort of Sparrow behind the mansion, green target, it could be a Sea Sparrow or just a regular Sparrow...or neither. Last but not least there is the Hunter which is unlocked after you get, I believe, 100 Hidden packages which could be found at Fort Baxter Air Base, blue target. I hope I was of some help.


    EDIT: There are more around its just those are the ones I remember at the time which arent Mavericks.

  11. your right, tommy would just kill anybody on the street, and look what it got him, 15 years, cj IS smarter, he wouldnt just kill someone on impulse, hed find a way to get them back, but hed sit down and think about it, plan shit out, so he makes sure he wouldnt get no 15 years

    Tommy was only 20 years old at the time he killed those 15 people and it was unexpected that he would have to kill them. He was sent to kill one person and that was it. It was a plan thought up by the mafia and Tommy was ordered to kill that one guy and got caught because something went wrong, if he didnt take that mission from the mafia there probebly wouldnt be a Vice City video game with Tommy as the main character...but since its a video game that wouldnt happen cause the story was thought up but we're basically talking in here as if these were real stories and people. CJ never killed anyone for his excuse to run away, he ran away because he thought he would be the next one to get killed after Brian, his borhter. So CJ still isnt smarter than Tommy because CJ just ran away from Los Santos because he was scared...in other words hes a pussy.

    You said he was smarter cause he would plan things out...hmm than how did he get caught in the beginning of SA, just dropped off in the middle of rival territory if he plans everything out? Then he was taken again before going to San Fierro...when did that kind of thing ever happen to Tommy in the Vice City video game?..it didnt.

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