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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. which screen shot? I must have missed that one...

    EDIT: ok I found the screen shot you're talking about and I have seen it but just simply over looked it. If you look to the far left you could see a building in the background which I think is Sunshine Autos. if you go into the SSA lot you'll be too close to those oil containers so I think the trailer park is a little bit further back. I believe SSA is still there in 1984.

  2. Think it's almost certain we start on the main land, working back towards the luxurious beaches of the first island. As soon as people get a chance of free roam they're just going to head for the airport and army base.. :-/

    thats what I was guessing earlier. I guessed that the trailor park is where Phil's Place is located in VC 86'. Although it hasnt been confrimed but it seems to be over there some where.

  3. This topic is basically for everything that is mentioned on me TV News on the official Vice City Stories website.

    The first thing I want to talk about is the comment the one host says "the water sometimes seeps up through the floor boards.", making fun of the glitch in pretty much all the GTA games when the water glitches through the ground.

    Talk about anything here that is mentioned on me TV News.

  4. yeah I noticed that earlier and I forgot to say happy birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!.

    we really need to get a sarcasim button.

    This is really odd but its also Cubanwhip's birthday, another administrator on my site...just thought that was odd. Anyways back on topic.


    That game gets better and better. Did you see all of the interiors in that game.

    That interior Diaz was in is I think the house across from the mansion...not sure. I just figured that from what I saw out the window...couldnt really tell too much what is out there...I already have the trailor on my PSP. I'm gonna be watching that all tomorrow during school.

    How about those other interiors such as the military interior. Thats gonna be kick ass as well as all the other interiors featured in the trailor...IM SO f***ING EXCITED...AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH :w00t:

  5. Narc is a really weird game but i found myself playing it just cause of the drugs like i would get all addicted to blow and shit and make my character from a really good cop into a really bad man that beat up old lady for Xanx, it that was in a GTA game that would be sweet, Could you imagine Tommy's empire crumbling because hes so into drugs and nothing else

    NOOO!!! Not the Vercetti Crime Family :nope:

    Although it would be cool to have it as a side thing just for fun...not part of the storyline unless the rest of the stories rely on it.

  6. I think it was pointless. The only good thing that and the clothing shops were good for in SA were to waste your money on something. I would rather have outfits instead such as VC and LCS had. If they have a vehicle mod shop it should have GTA type of modifications such as: Oil Slick, Spike Stripe, Bullet Proof Glass, Dent Proof, Explosion Proof ect.

  7. Well why wouldnt you be able to start on the second island instead...that would be different...different is good some times. MAybe they'll start you over there because there is too much new stuff on the original first half of the island and they dont want you to have that right away.

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