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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. he couldnthave been hit with blanks, tommys guys died too.

    I dont think they did die. If you watch the intro to VC and then the last mission, "Keep Your Friends Close", you'll notice they're in that cut-scene too. So it could have all been set up some how.

  2. I keep my GTA games I perfect condition. Never ruined my GTA games in any way before. I have 2 copies of VC myself, PS2 and PC. I use my PC version to make videos and take pics for my site and then if I just want to play around I play the PS2 version.

    But back on topic. The Malibu was a kick ass interior I just wish that you could do something more in there like dance but they had to add that in SA which didnt have the right feel to it as it would if it were in VC. But I heard a rumor that the Malibu wont be featured in VCS...Maybe it'll be named something else or it could be under construction.

  3. I loved all of the ones VC had and I would want all of them back and some new ones. I would like to buy a house on Prawn Island, maybe North Point Mall, also some mansions on SF Island. I would obviously want interiors with all the safehouse. I always wanted to go into El Swanko Casa, It always looked like it would be a nice house to live in or someshit.

  4. lol this is a game here not real life, it could just be a prototype. lol hovercrafts werent made by the governemt, they were made by the people.

    Depends on what type of hovercraft.

    Actually back during WWII the military, the government, invented the hovercraft. It wasn't made by "the people" as you put it.

  5. Maybe they DID? Maybe they were ACTUALLY looking for something to put in VC that would hint at something in SA? Maybe that's WHY they did it? Not just, "Hey, we are going to have this plane in the next game, let's put it in VC!"...

    You have to start thinking like Rockstar.

    Thats how I sorta came up with the Radio Theory.

  6. ummmm no! lol what are you talking about??? we sorta knew that the citys would be that according to gta1. i remember my frend was playing gta3 in like 2000 something and i was playing gta1 on the computer and he saw tha maps and new that VC was going to be the next city and he sed "I cant wait till san andreas comes out!" and i thought well that will be the name! and it was.

    Well no shit but the guy that you're saying "ummmm no!" to was saying that because he read my "Radio Theory". They have been saying the next location on the radio ever since VC. Did your friend know that LCS was gonna be the 1st GTA PSP game because of the maps for the original GTA Trilogy?

  7. For your information, I never called you "full of shit". I was telling you that there was a chance it wouldn't be called VCS. I NEVER said that 100% it WOULDN'T be called VCS.

    And to the guy who posted above me, just..... Shut up.... Really....

    Ok this is the topic I made February 25th

    This here is my theory from my own website that i thought up if you read the whole thing then you wont have to ask me any questions because i answered basically all and any questions that could possibly be asked.

    Vice City "Stories" has been a big rumor for quite a while now about it being the next PSP Grand Theft Auto game.

    the following are reasons and theories on how it could be the next game location for the PSP

    -Rockstar Games announced that there will be a new GTA game for the PSP as well as GTA IV for the PS3 while they are converting Liberty City Stories to the PS2 as well.

    -Rockstar also said that there will be a new location for GTA IV and didnt say that there will be a new location for the PSP GTA, which means that it will be one of the old locations again. Since Liberty City was already used again and San Andreas is too big to be converted to the PSP at the moment the only one left is Vice City.

    -Since they didnt mention that there would be a new location or old one for the PSP GTA we would assume that since its coming out before GTA IV that its an old location. And since it will be out before GTA IV we could listen to the radio in the new VC game for hints on what the next location will be for GTA IV, which my guess is London.

    -Along with these facts i have my own little theory

    As we all know Rockstar likes to put little clues in their GTA games and there is one that no one yet has found but me as i know. This theory is what i call "The Radio Theory" which is as follows

    In Vice City BJ Smith talks on K-Chat about his football game against San Andreas, which at the time no GTA fans thought that this was going to be the next location, and i didnt really think any thing of it until i heard it a little more often. And the next Grand Theft Auto game was located in San Andreas which was talked about by BJ, as i mentioned earlier, in VC. As i listened to WCTR in the San Andreas game i heard people on the radio talk about The Liberty City Cocks , which is Liberty City's baseball team. Liberty City was used again as the location of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto game, which was used in Grand Theft Auto III, and this shows that this theory is still working since they talked about it in some way on the radio. Finally as i listened to Liberty City Stories radio waiting to hear them talk about Vice City because at this time i was awear of the coinsidences that happened in the earlier games, which at the time of the other coincidences i wasnt paying attention, I heard Lazlow, from Vice City's Radio Station V-Rock, the new DJ for LCFR talk about how he misses being in Vice City and he continued about this again later in the talk show. This is sort of odd for Lazlow to talk about how he misses Vice City because in the older game San Andreas he says how he hated Vice City. Vice City was also mentioned in missions on occasion as well.

    -The trliogy was brought out by Grand Theft Auto III first then Vice City second and then San Andreas last. If you think about it you would think that they would go in that same order again which they sort of already started to do with Liberty City Stories

    coming out late 2005. So the next one would be Vice City again in late 2006.

    -With all of these rumors, theories as well as some good facts Vice City Stories IS the next game for the PSP.

    but we dont know if they are necessarily going to call it Vice City STORIES but something like it.

    -Cubanwhip informed me that Liberty City Stories was named after a movie called New York City Stories, which everyone probebly knew except for me, so then the new Vice City game will not be called Vice City Stories but something more like Vice City The Rebirth, since Vice City was based off of Miami Vice and Scarface but since i dont know what they could call the game from what i know about Miami Vice my best guess is at the moment Vice City The Rebirth.

    -Cubanwhip has discovered that in LCS that they also mention on the radio a lot the phrase "Girly" this was said by Lazlow and other DJs as well as some callers with them mentioning the the 80's or Vice City right after mentioning the word "Girly". So this could mean that the next PSP GTA will be set in the 80's again in VC with a female as the main character which i think would be some what cool, it would be different.

    Let me know what you think of these facts and theories that i have here

    And this is what you said to me in that topic after someone called me a genius.

    Almost. Maybe. Actually, personally I don't think he's even close. I just pointed out the flawed logic, need I say more?

    You said I wasnt even close. I was simply saying that Vice City was the next location and that Stories could be a possible name since that was what they called LC for the PSP. So you did say that Vice City wasnt the next location. You didnt say anything about me just being wrong about the title.

    Now sorry for that huge off topic post. I still think that its a Vortex...you can see the fan in the back.

  8. See I got banned for nothing. Adriaan was just pissed that I was correct about something. He was right about one thing.

    "Just because you have a GTA site doesnt mean you know everything about it."

    Cause he doesnt know shit.

    Anyways back on the main topic please.

    Why is Victor Vance head of the operation if hes the youngest. A lot of you have responded on this saying that just because hes younger doesnt mean that he cant be head of a criminal Empire. Well why was Victor head then? What made him so special?



    And yeah, like Chris said, why are we making such a big deal about which brother is older? I don't think it reall matters.

    Actually Victor did speak in Vice City's Intro. He said

    "I think we have a deal my friend."

  10. You sorta messed that quote up. Here is what Lance said exactly...its pretty much what you said but what ever.

    " Hey, I'v been asking around, It's obvious that Diaz jumped the deal and iced my brother."

    Where was he getting the info from? He could have been making that up. How was it obvious that Diaz f***ed everything up? Even if Diaz was the one that set up the ambush, he didnt personally "ice" Victor. The way Lance said it, it sounded as if Lance thought Diaz was there and shot Victor himself. I'm still leaning towards the whole idea that Lance set the whole thing up.

  11. He definitely says 'little', it's in the script.

    And that's correct, Vic is the younger brother.

    However, it's only two years, Vic is obviously the better criminal. When playing VCS you'll realise why Vic is head, he is just so much better than Lance.

    In real life I don't think age would matter when it comes to heading a family. The best family member is chosen.

    Quite a big deal is being made of this and I don't really understand why.

    Wait did you find the official script?

  12. Sorry for the double post but here is a Clip of Lance talking to Tommy either saying.

    "People patronized me all my life, treat me like a little kid. My little brother would do that."

    This is what I think he said since he was choked up. He could have said "little"

    On the other hand he could have said this

    "People patronized me all my life, treat me like a little kid. My bigol' brother would do that."

    When I got a Slow-mo clip of it, it sounded to me that he said this

    "People patronized me all my life, treat me like a little kid. My gittle brother would do that."

    What do you guys think?

  13. Yeah, but Rockstar games probably had decided that this would be the next GTA Location. Whereas i doubt they had created the Hydra when they made Vice City.

    No, and i would'nt bet on it either.

    LOL ok so its just a coincidence that Rockstar made a Flatbed carrying something that looks like the Hydra and they didnt intend to make a fighter jet in SA. Since when is anything just a coincidence with Rockstar?

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