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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Not sure. Those were the only ones I remember that are on the PC version and not the PS2 and obviously the XBox version. If I find any I'll make a video of them and post them here. But back on topic. I hope that there is an interior for the Malibu Space Club, the building behind the Malibu, but I heard that the Malibu wont be in VCS so I'm guessing the Malibu Space Club wont either. I also want all the new buildings in VCS to have interiors.

  2. Liberty City Stories had some new odd jobs that other GTA games lacked which were Bike Salesman, Car Salesman, Slash TV, Avenging Angels and Trash Dash. I for one liked all of the new odd job additions and I hope that all of them return in some way in VCS along with some new ones. The Bike and Cars Salesman odd jobs could return at Sunshine Autos, Slash TV could return with another name and be located in another type of area. Avenging Angels could return in some way or it could be a totally different gang trying to help out the streets. Last but not least, the Trash Dash missions will most likely make a return in VCS and I think that "Vice City Scrap" will have an involvement with the mission...to make it more elaborate(how ever you spell that). I also think there could be more odd job mission in VC that werent in LCS. These are the ones I was thinking about.

    -"Terminal Baggage"- This mission is some what self explainitory, in this odd job you'll have to collect bags and suit cases and transport them to the entrance of the airport in a certain amount of time.

    -"Fishy Memories"- In this mission you'll have to fish for a company by going out to the spots recommended and fish for none other then...fish. This would be worked out in some way that would be more interesting then fishing in real life.

    -Deep Sea Diving- Couldnt really think of a good name but in this mission you would get in a wet suit and swim into caves looking for treasure and shit...maybe look for treasure in certain sunken ships :whistle:

    What ideas do you have?

    Official Vice City Stories Minigames

    -A brand new golfing mini game will be playable at Leaf Links. Controls are simple and only require one button, tapping it starts the power meter, pressing again to stop it when you reach the amount of power you require, and then once more to set the accuracy of your shot. Revisiting Leaf Links will enable you to retry the minigame and beat your previous score. One mission requires you to beat Gonzalez at the game.

    -Empire Building: This is actually quite an advanced feature in the game. After taking over a site, the gang that previously occupied it becomes your rival. There will be six different business types that Vic can run, the article mentions three - protection, extortion and prostitution. The three others are currently unknown.

    You are able to choose what type of business to set up at the site you acquire. Your choice will have an impact on the business' level of success. A smuggling business will perform better near an airport or docks for instance.

    -Businesses are split into three categories - low, middle and high. Each of these will require a larger amount of money to acquire staff and resources. Similar to your gang control in San Andreas, your businesses will be prone to attacks from rival gangs.

    -Notification about attacks on your businesses comes through on your pager. The more staff you have the better their chance of defending it for you if it comes under attack.

    You'll have the option to save the game at any of your businesses, this means there will be more than 30 possible safe houses across the city.

    -The employees of your businesses can be recruited San Andreas style to provide protection and support to you on the streets.

    -Pedestrians on the street may comment on your success - Rockstar say it's all about having the people of Vice City recognise your power and control.

    These seem really cool and the idea of Empire Building is basically what GTA Real Estate is all about.

  3. I think that they should make the side missions more complex and add more as well.

    for the Police side missions you should have the ablility to call for backup and lay out Spike Strips, much like what Dmac_91 said. Then with Fire Mission you should have to go into a building and take out fires instead of just car fires. The Paramedic Missions should have more to it as well like reviving them on the scene and shit like that. Taxi missions should involve other stuff as well like having theifs come in the taxi and try to rob you.

  4. Holy shit! 66 pages for a wishlist topic...DAMN!!

    Well my wishlist is probebly scatered throughout this topic in some way in other post but hell I'll say my basic wants for GTA IV.

    -Fairly sized mape, doesnt have to be a huge map like SA

    -Improved storyline structure, much like what VCS seems to have

    -A lot of missions to keep me busy, at least 2X the amount SA had with each mission different from the others

    -an Italian mobster as the main character, much like Tommy and Toni

    -Storyline with a Mafia/Triad based theme, with Organized Crime

    -GTA type mod shops, no not like SA more of a GTA feel: unpopable tires, bullet proof windshield, explosion proof ect.

    -just regular outfits, not the type in SA. that shit was annoying, just simple ones like that in VC or LCS

    -Mission creation, all out mission creation where you create every little detail

    -have every property with an interior, all unique...If thats possible

    -Vehicle combat, not just the old fashion Drive-by thing. Be able to climb on the roof and shoot from it. Hang off of helis and shot down at people

    -peds can fight and last longer then usual peds, they're too weak

    -be able to rob any store, each with their own difficulties...not houses more like banks and shit...jewlers..organized robery

    I'll list more as I think of them

  5. Ok dont get offended by this and dont take it seriously at all cause I'm just curious. Did you find this some where on the internet or did you just recently go through a sex change? Again no offence, I'm just curious.

  6. I see it still but I dont see the fan. If you look on the other side of the wall you'll see that there is more to it. and from what I know...the Vortex isnt that long so now I'm thinking its not a vortex at all. Probebly just a boat. But I'm not too sure though...It could be a vortex but I dont know. To me it looks to long to be a vortex and to short to be a boat. Maybe its a new vehicle entirly.

  7. Yeah the Malibu was great, also I hope we will be allowed in every interior that we go to in VCS, like we saw the interior of the greasy chopper, but when we were roaming free we couldn't access it, thats kind of a waste, no?

    WTF are you talking about. You can go into those interiors...Do I need to make a video to show you guys?

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