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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. People shopping where I work that get angry when I'm standing around them and they say "Jeez, why do these workers hover over us, they think we're gonna steal something."...AND THEN THEY STEAL SOMETHING!!! Hmm what aggrivates me (Vercetti Thug* I aggrivates yous.) Women during that time of the month guilty.by.association ugly people. People who get pissed off when I joke around with them. People that look too into what I say and turn it into something. wannabe thug, tough guy, "look at my 24s", gangsta rappers.
  2. LOL, don't worry, I know how to take a joke...unlike most people here. I'm pretty bored right now...and kinda horny. Ehh, I might just go to sleep. Lol buddy you couldn't take a joke if it slapped you in the face. @UN: What's wrong? LOL, pal you couldn't take a joke if it was probed in you. Well today I'm going back to work after 3 months of absence...sort of surprised they let me do that. Guess they're just desperate.
  3. LOL, don't worry, I know how to take a joke...unlike most people here. I'm pretty bored right now...and kinda horny. Ehh, I might just go to sleep.
  4. High school was amazing! Have as much fun as you can, because it'll go by extremely fast. You've probably heard that before, but it's true. I graduated last June and I already miss it. Oh yeah, and pay attention, do your homework and don't do drugs...
  5. What did you like about the first one? It got very repetitive. How did it get repetitive? There was so much to do, so many lines to try out, filming new sequences etc. I use to play that game all the time just finding new lines or saying "Hey look! I could 360 flip of that ledge land into a manual on the wall then shuv-it out". Yeah, I skated pretty much everything in that game and it all got boring. Although, I've been really wanting to play it lately ever since my PS3 messed up. I'm just playing the demo now.
  6. Those are the videos that I watch to learn new tricks.
  7. ...just because you didn't think you implied anything doesn't mean someone else couldn't have thought that you did. That's all I was saying. I've been given warnings on here because people thought I implied something and I didn't.
  8. Well SORRY!!! I'm dyslexic. Jeez, it's not like I make fun of you for being autistic.
  9. Hmmm, playing with whipped cream with a guy named Chester and watching gay porno...nah that isn't gay. I've actually tried to take the trucks off of my one skateboard and had no luck. The screws are all rusted. All I did today was go to college...eat, watch some TV, practiced skateboarding tricks in my basement/room...and attempted my math homework. TI84+ calculators are GAY!
  10. Yeah, but if the sole of your shoe is "super stiff" then it is more likely that you'll break your ankle trying to do moves like the heelside railstand. But you're right, it does depend on the skater. I was just trying to explain that a "super stiff" sole doesn't always make the best skate shoe. ---------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure if anyone here is any good with caspers, but I've been having trouble balancing. Does anyone have any good tips on foot placement?
  11. No, he said he had social problems and that he CAN'T make any friends. You sort of re-worded what he said.
  12. He really is a terrorist…I mean, come on! Look at the goatee(not really sure what that is).
  13. If you have problem making friends because you're shy without your buddies...then how did you become friends with your buddies?
  14. What did you like about the first one? It got very repetitive.
  15. Usually skateboarding shoes have flat soles, not stiff ones. One trick that I could think of is a heelside railstand. If your shoe's sole is "super stiff" as you said, there is a high chance of breaking your ankle trying to do the heelside railstand...unless the bottom of your shoes are sticky.
  16. PS: I've worn the same Adio shoes for about a year now and they're still working fine for skating. Super stiff sole, form fitting, have you ever worn Adios? Wierdest trick I can do: bigflipcab There's a hand full of moves you can't do to well with stiff soles...
  17. Maybe the people you know just can't word things right.
  18. I sort of know what you have to deal with. The beginning of my senior year I got this weird rash all over my stomach, chest, neck, butt cheeks, you name it. Then for some reason, at the same time I got this rash, I wasn't able to think straight and easily got confused with random things. The one time I went to go get my folder for my one class and couldn't find it in the bin. Then I went to look in my book bag and I couldn't find it there either. I sat there and thought about where it could have gone for 10 minutes and remembered that I took it home and assumed I left it there, but then I went to check the bin again and it was sitting right on top...confused the hell outta me. That whole thing lasted for a week or two and then things returned back to normal and I was able to think clearly. So I sort of know what you have to deal with, but not to the extent of it being an every day thing. ------------------------------------------------------- Have you had this all your life or did you get it later on? If so, when?
  19. Do you know who I was asking? Besides, I've used plenty of words in sentences correctly and have had no idea what they meant. Imply: To indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated. "And it's a sig that i happen to know is already in use by someone somewhere else." That sentence there did not say that he stole it, but by saying that you found it being used by someone else, anyone could have thought you meant he took it from that person, which was what I thought you meant at first. Just wanted to point that out.
  20. Updated: Bigfoot Body Not Found in Georgia? Now Clayton County Police Officer Matthew Whitton and Parole Officer Rick Dyer say they hoaxed with a costume. Updated with Press Release to Fox News. Click for report.
  21. Ok, so you could be on more than one skateboarding team...I did not know that. Thanks for clearing everything up. P.S: Van shoes ROCK!
  22. Yeah, that could be, but then I'm very confused on how they work out everything. I've seen people on an official skate team while advertising these types of sponsors such as Adio and DC on their helmets, because they're sponsored by them as well. So are they part of Adio, DC or the official skate team? I think there are a lot of skaters sponsored by multiple companies, but they're not part of all of those companies as part of the skateboarding team...which confuses me.
  23. ...uhhh, I'm sure you were... You should sue.
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