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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. This is a new metal group I saw on MTV2's Headbanger Ball and thought they were pretty good. Let me know what you think.
  2. You should turn your stories into Machinimas.
  3. This topic is all about skateboarding. If you skateboard and have videos, post them here. If you need help with a trick, ask here. If you're just a fan of skateboarding and want to talk about recent events in skateboarding such as the X Games, talk about it here. Have fun! Tricks accomplished: Basics: -Ollie (mastered) -Caveman(+variations) (mastered) Finger tricks: -Fingerflip(mastered) Flip tricks: -Kickflip -Varial Kickflip -Pop shuv-it/shuv-it -360 shuv-it Still tricks: -Toeside railstand -Heelside railstand -Railflip -Casper -Flip kick Tricks in the work: -Impossible -360 shuv-it 180
  4. Only if they made a Nokia phone with a Shortcake skin with a GTA game on it.
  5. I've pretty much mastered the ollie, but I wasn't too sure on the foot placement for the kickflip. I heard a lot of different things, but I don't think I heard about having the back foot hang off a little. My back foot might be getting in the way when it's all the way on. Do you get the flip because you're flipping it with your front foot or is it because you're some what leaning off of the board in the direction of the flip?
  6. Ok, I'll make a video tomorrow...it's a little late right now. I've been trying to do kickflips and I either get high enough above the board, but then it doesn't flip all the way. When I get it to flip all the way, I don't get high enough from the board. Do you have any tips on that?
  7. You're probably a pyro and light little kitties on fire. This is the background I used. I'm just really into things that we as a species haven't totally explored yet and we've pretty much explored the entire Earth already. So I'm looking beyond the Earth into outer space. I actually want to minor in astronomy one day. This background basically shows what I desire.
  8. NO, YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG...jk, it looks just fine. So what does the fire in the background represent? Very possible...I mean, my computer is four years old. Maybe I'll check that first before buying a whole new set up.
  9. I could always make a video and show you exactly what I do to land it. Explaining how to do it on here might be a little difficult, but I could try. --------------------------------- If you ride regular drop it behind you with your left hand, if you ride goofy drop it behind you with your right hand. before you drop it, jump up and bend your knees and pretty much place the board directly under your feet as close to your feet as possible. Once you see that the board is under your feet, extend your legs to catch it and land. -Hopefully that helps. I'll post some pictures or something if you want. Maybe you could help me out with some of the tricks you could do.
  10. Wow, you seem to be a lot better than me. Caveman should be easy for you. Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing You hold the board in one hand, jump up in the air and place it under your feet or on the ground before you land on it without touching the ground with your feet.
  11. Yeah he made this last year but put stupid rules including incredibly low res 800x700 (not even a proper res) things so users complained etc. I haven't looked through but I'm guessing some people's collages will be broken links now. This new topic is better and has decent guidelines. One question though - do people still use low resolutions such as 1024x768? I can understand if you are on an old PC/monitor but come on most of us are gamers are we not? I just think it's an unrealistic size these days that's all - Not complaining though since you only said it as an example in the guidelines, not a strict rule. I think I might create one this time, might post it tonight or tomorrow. Well thank you for bringing that back up. I actually use that resolution for my computer. If I use a higher one everything actually looks crappier for some reason...which gets me thinking that I need a new monitor and or computer.
  12. Create a Collage The point of the collage is to creatively show what you're currently interested in. Think of a design that is unique to show your creative side or follow some of the guidelines below if you can't think of a design of your own. Guidelines Create a wallpaper-sized collage, such as 1024X768. Have some sort of picture of you on the collage to symbolize that the collage reflects your interest. Have a background image that reflects who you are. Place logos and pictures of things you're interested in. HAVE FUN!!!... Here is my most recent one. Here's one a did a year or so ago.
  13. Cool, I'd like to see what you could do. I could always make a video of the small stuff that I could do. Here's a list caveman(variations) (90% mastered) Fingerflip (still) (80% mastered) pop shuv-it/shuv-it (50% mastered) toeside railstand (80% mastered) casper(already in railstand stance) (30% mastered) Not much that I could do and I'm not too good with really any of them. I've at least done them once...or just barely.
  14. Rockstar doesn't own that font...I believe "The Price Is Right" first used the font and still does...so I don't think anyone really owns the font. You're safe there. As for the characters...probably not. I think a plain shirt with that logo you showed early will be good. Maybe have "TheGTAPlace.com" on the back.
  15. Cool, you skateboard. I've been skateboarding lately, but I'm not that great. My friends skateboard for a week and then get bored of it and then I have no one to skateboard with. I've been skateboarding for about 6 years, but I could never hold onto it enough to get any good.
  16. MS Paint could actually come in very handy when you want to make random shapes. Then when you put them in photoshop you could do some great stuff with them.
  17. Being ruthless is doing something without pity. Basically killing someone with no reason would be ruthless. CJ obviously had a reason and I think his reason is a lot less ruthless than Niko's reason. I'm pretty sure they mentioned that Tommy did it with his bare hands in the game. Why don't you play it again.
  18. I second that post. But CJ was more ruthless than Niko IMO. The 11 idiots Tommy killed were all a bunch of fools who would have been killed easier than that, Massimo Torini from LCS killed people with his bare hands (as we heard from McAffrey.) So how is CJ more ruthless? How do you know that the 11 guys Tommy killed were idiots? The only thing we know is that Sonny set him up, so they were probably killers themselves.
  19. I don't really understand why people are over looking Tommy's background. Unless they don't know about it.
  20. That makes Tommy even worse, because he's the least skilled one of them, CJ, Vic and Niko all take it to him with their special moves. LOL, he killed 11 people with his bare hands, how does that make him least skilled???
  21. Then the story makes less sense because of how Ken and Tommy went their own seperate ways before 1992.
  22. His post, right before yours, was stating how he wasn't sure if anyone would buy any. Uhhh...well then sorry. You shouldn't get in any trouble if you just have "The GTA Place". Yes, “GTA” would stand for Grand Theft Auto, but I don't think Rockstar Games has a trademark or copy right on the abbreviation.
  23. Well the story over all seems pretty good, not really a GTA type of story though. The only thing that didn't fit was the thing about CJ's mom...She didn't die until 1992...possibly 1991. By that time, Ken was in rehab and Tommy was on hiatus or something. Anyways, this could be a good Machinima.
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