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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I personally wouldn't consider that an insult. More like a joke. 7. Nice hair! pfff.
  2. Well this is sort of a big bump and I didn't think this would do well as a topic on it's own...also a double post...but meh. For those big KoRn fans, Brian "Head" Welch, former guitarist for KoRn, recently released his debut album, "Save Me From Myself". I find it to be an excellent album and I highly recommend every KoRn fan to pick up a copy. The majority of the songs on this album sound like early KoRn songs from the early 90s, which might interest some KoRn fans. Please discuss and let me know what you think of the new album. Again, please no "haters".
  3. Hmmm...I guess my friends and I can't have this competition then. Although, it'll be a good one if we want a "Battle to the Death" kind of contest.
  4. I guess I wasn't being to specific. Basically any liquids. Water, coca~cola, iced tea, etc. I don't think milk will work because most people can't even down 1 gallon. I think I'd have to drink around 15 gallons of water to drink my body weight. I don't really think my bladder could hold that much...probably not even 2 gallons. We're not gonna be torturing our selves with this, so I don't think we'll be dieing.
  5. Well you just have to ask yourself one thing...will you ever want to use night vision? If so then your only option is Sony. That sort of narrows down your search.
  6. You need water to live...how could it kill you???
  7. Did you say you were looking for just a camera or are you gonna get a camcorder? If you're gonna get a camcorder, you should get a Sony. They're kick ass.
  8. I'm listening to Brian "Head" Welch's new album "Save Me From Myself". It's amazingly kick ass. He's a former guitarist for the band KoRn.
  9. Well I was in classes and at work all day. So I didn't really get to enjoy my Birthday.

    So have you been skateboarding lately?

  10. Bold: When did I say I didn't laugh? EDIT: I even posted "lol" in my first post in the topic.
  11. I would say either Reni or Alex Shrub Reni is a transexual and Shrub cross dresses. Other than those...I'd have to say Phil Collins.
  12. My friends and I might be having a contest to see who could drink the highest percent of their own body weight of any liquid of our choosing before any of us have to take a piss or just unable to go any further. SO, this is where you guys come in. I'm looking to find the heaviest drinkable liquid so that I don't have to drink as much, volume wise. I think my bladder will be able to hold more weight over holding a high volume of liquid. If anyone knows, please let me know. I'm not willing to drink large amounts of mercury. I know that you could drink it every once in a while without anything happening, but I don't want to take the risk with something on a large scale like this.
  13. Short, sweet and absolutely right. The US's economy can't possibly crash...at least not as easily as it did back in 1929. In 1933 an act was passed that would protect individuals from losing large sums of the money that they have in the bank. This act is the FDIC. The main reason or the only reason the great depression happened was because the Stock market crashed and banks went under. Now that the government steps in when banks go under, we don't have to worry nearly as much about anything like that from happening again. Don't get worried!
  14. Ok, at least I'd laugh... Why you mad at me? I said americans were NOT stupid... Get mad at the video and stop tryna blame me... Bold: Well if you put that as the title and then post a video that basically claims that Americans are stupid...then that sort of shows that you were being sarcastic about Americans not being stupid. So the way you set up your topic is a little misleading. Bold:
  15. I think I took this exact one before. I saved the link and I took a print screen of it and it's on my computer at home. I think I got 150 right on the nose. I don't think this IQ test is too accurate.
  16. lol, hopefully you realize that they put the most retarded ones in the video...
  17. I have several new additions to my list. The Offspring Americana Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace Straight Line Stitch When Skies Wash Ashore Brian "Head" Welch Save Me From Myself
  18. Happy Birthday Spazzy! This was almost a "Happy Belated Birthday" topic. Hope you('re) had/having a good birthday. Just one more year until you could legally drink.
  19. Well today I picked up a Sony Handycam DCR-SR45 It has pretty much everything I wanted and I found out that pretty much every Sony camcorder could record up to 1080p. I got it for $449.99
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