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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. PlayStation Eye Grand Theft Auto Trilogy for the PS2 Godfather Collection(Leather casing) The Godfather: The Don’s Edition(PS3) Goodfellas[DVD] Casino[DVD] The Good Shepherd[DVD] Smackdown vs. Raw 2008(PS3) Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground(PS3) Lords of Dogtown[DVD] In the Army Now[DVD] X-Files Seasons 5 and 6[DVD] X-Files Movie[DVD] Korn: Deuce[DVD] Whitley Strieber’s “2012”[book]
  2. I didn't consider buying it until I seen this bad ass guitar thing.
  3. Well I got my hands on a Wii today...but it's my sister's Christmas present. Does the Wii Sports pack limit what you could do or does it change anything about the Wii? Because I think my sister wanted something called "Party", but I think my mom got that mixed up with Mario Party 8, which my sister wanted also.
  4. I still haven't played it yet, I'm stuck on one of the last missions on the first one. I heard they just lowered the graphics a bit.
  5. I guess that depends, really. Quite frankly I love it. If you like Zelda, Twilight Princess was definitely a great game. The new Mario looks pretty decent to me. The Paper Mario for Wii is also suppose to be pretty cool, way different than the first one. Not to mention that Nintendo's online gaming is finally being taken advantage of((I remember hearing the GC had like ONE online game.....)). Guitar Hero III is pretty kickass, I honestly think it's a first for a franchise buy-out. Super Smash Bros. is going to be online. Have you played any games like Scarface, The Godfather or Manhunt 2 on the Wii?
  6. I don't like how you have to listen off of there.
  7. Yeah, I'm glad you could finally organize everything.
  8. Yeah, my one friend was really good at different accents, but he hasn't replied to my E-mails yet. I want to finish filming the first season first before I get voice actors and actresses. It'd be much easier that way.
  9. Yeah, that's what I've been waiting for too. I want to be able to play some of my music while playing a game.
  10. Well I hope it's still coming out some time in March like retailers are saying. I don't think I'll be able to handle it if it gets released later than March...well...maybe I can, but still. Now that I really think about it, maybe a later release date than March is better...at least for PS3 owners. Since Home is supposed to come out in March that'll give PS3 owners some time to play that while we wait for GTAIV.
  11. I'm currently working on a new GTA video series and I want to know whether or not I should make the video series a certain way. The first main thing I want to ask is, do you think I should use subtitles or should I try to get voice actors and actresses? If I were to use subtitles the videos would get done faster, but voices are usually better to have so viewers don't miss anything while they're reading subtitles. In addition to this, if anyone here is interested in voice acting, please post here or PM me. I don't want to give out too many details about the series right now, but for those of you that know anything about the series I'm working on, please keep it a secret. If I want any more opinions on how I should do certain things with the series, I'll post here.
  12. Not the "heavy hitter" that we hoped but oh well. Now I can't wait till firmware 2.1!!! Thanks for posting this. I couldn't get to that news portion on the site until just now. I'm not sure about you, but I like these updates. I've been waiting for some of these for a while now. What were you expecting?
  13. I've been thinking of getting a Wii. Is it worth buying???
  14. Playing the PS2 version of The Sims 2. Not a bad game, haven't beaten it yet. Got close once, but couldn't transfer the data from my memory cards over to my PS3. Still haven't played Manhunt 2 because I'm stuck on a portion of the first.
  15. This has to be the most retarded one I've seen yet. It ask you one question and if you put the same name in twice you get totally different answers. They should just have the "Submit" button. It'd work just the same.
  16. It was supposed to come out on Halloween in the US, but we got it a day earlier at my Gamestop, on the 30th.
  17. I got Manhunt 2 on October 30th, but haven't played it yet...haven't even taken off the wrapping.
  18. Yeah, but K9 Krew pretty much beat you by a month...
  19. Well today in Economics my teacher listed the five most dangerous and poorest places in the US. The number one most dangerous and poorest place is some where in New Jersey. ...Fun fact...
  20. I read some where on this forum that it was finished. Read it around the 20th or something. Even so, why wouldn't you just post in the topic that was already posted? That would make sense.
  21. LOL, like Kyle said, "Imaginations are real."
  22. Yeah, I watched all three of them. Pretty funny shit. I liked how they had so many imaginary characters. Although, Jesus isn't imaginary...he's a real person...So is Santa...
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