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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I once had a dream the sun exploded.. But nothing happened. It just got really dark. I don't really remember it anymore.

    Were you little at the time? Because it may have just gotten darker in your drea, because at the time you just thought that's what would happen if the sun were to explode.

  2. Pretty sure we'll (the human race) be well into the stars by then, might even be able to shield the earth. B)

    Yeah, by that time we'll be living on a new Earth and we'd probably find a whole bunch of earth like planets and have the technology to get to them.

    yea well maybe because were getting all this new technology, maybe our fucking government would let us in on the alien, UFO crap...

    So then we could live in peace on planet ZOG or is that a little bit to far fetched?

    I always thought that too, "Why doesn't the government just let us in on it?" because the extra terrestrial phenomenon has so much proof behind it. But then I think...would if the truth is a lot more serious than we're thinking.

    I hate thinking about the end of the world.

    Then again... Afterwords. There will be life again. I bet you million dollars. Maybe no us.... but other creatures like that are microscopic.

    Well there probably already is life out there. With this vast universe, I wouldn't be surprised if there were over hundreds of earth like scenarios out there.

  3. I had a dream last month that the ozone layer broke and everyone was fried. This was after my friend told me that by the year 2150 the earths ozone layer will break. Then a week later on Wikipedia it said the sun will grow huge in the year 10,016 and kill all life on earth and all the earths water will disinergrate and thats exactly what I dreamt.

    The sun wont be big enough to kill all life on earth for 5 billion years or so. 7 billion until the earth is engulfed in it. The earth's ozone layer is already really fucked and I think it'll be totaled before the year 2150.

    But I could see how hearing about those sort of things could give you dreams like that. When you think about something too much and forget about it for a little while…you’ll end up dreaming about it.

    • KoRn's Untitled Album Delux Edition = $24.99
    • KoRn's "Follow The Leader" Album = $14.99
    • Rush Hour = $10.99
    • Exclusive Evolution 7" Vinyl Single = $3.99
    • Disturbia = $19.99 ($12.99 after mail in rebate)
      • Total = $72.76

  4. First off, I don't know shit about how banks work anywhere...so don't criticize me about that.

    I was just talking to my friend over MSN, who happens to be Australian, and he was explaining to me that his bank gives 2% interest for the amount of money he has in his account.

    Once he told me that I started to say how if I were to take the $2,000 I just made over the summer over to his bank in Australia and deposit it that I would gain more than double in a year.

    Initial Deposit = $2,000


    A year's interest = over $2,080


    Over $4,080

    Then if I were to come back the next year when my account gained the $2,080 I would have another $2,000 to deposit into the bank which would total to roughly $6,080. Then the next year I would have roughly $12,403.2. I just don't see how this would work out. Then again...he could have been joking with me... :wacko:

  5. Well the thing is...is that when I have multiple dreams that are extremely similar in scenario...they tend to come true. Pretty much like deja vu.

    They are just "Dreams" remember so I doubt they will be symbolic but I had a couple of similar dreams before but not the same as yours. Mine was about a supernova and the end of everything. I know its quite weird but I just forgot aout it till reading this topic.

    Haven't you ever heard of dreams being symbolic and some dreams that end up coming true?

    Well in 5 billion years at least this world will be destroyed ... the Sun will die ... I'm sure the end will be earlier :(

    Global warming could kill us all ... Few years ago I heard about an asteroid ( or meteor ) will hit the Earth ( in the year 2066 ) dunno if is true but it will bring some serious "damage" for sure ... Wait 'till aliens find us :)

    It's actually 7 Billion years until the world is engulfed in flames by our over grown sun. I've read that there is a "12th planet" that has an awkward 3,600-year orbit around our sun and that in the year 2012 it'll hit the earth. People have even claimed to have seen it and have taken pictures like the one below. But you guys could easily throw the idea out the window and say that the photo was edited in photoshop or something.

    The supposed Planet "Nibiru" or Planet X is to the lower right of the sun seen in the picture bellow.


    This is supposedly Planet Nibiru's orbit and this coming passing of the planet will hit us due to gravitational pull from all the other planets that it'll pass.


  6. Lately I've been having these strange dreams that the world was coming to an end and the most current one was really realistic compared to most of my dreams.

    The first dream I had was of the world coming to an end by a huge planet like asteroid that was going to collide with the earth and wipe out all that lived here.

    The second dream I had was of the world coming to an end by massive storms, which afterwards the planet was going to come to a even more horrible fate, but we were unaware of what this fate was.

    These dreams really suck and I don’t know what they really mean.

    I haven’t watched any movies that have the same scenarios that could have influenced my dreams such as “Deep Impact” or “The Day After Tomorrow” or anything of the sort. So I don’t really know where these dreams are coming from.

    What do you guys think these dreams mean? Are they just symbolic? Have any of you had these sorts of dreams before?

  7. Sweet dude thanks for the site. I like that fringe shit. I loved the arguing above, and racism :). Some dude in here hates Jews, and some other dudes being an asshole by saying that someones beliefs are wrong and shouldn't be believed. I know everything about religion, but I don't tell someone to not believe in it because I think its "far fetched" or bullshit because if someone wants to believe in something, they can go on the fuck ahead because this is America where its free until the Freemasons stop you.

    This is a website, not a country. This would technically be Europe because Chris, the administrator, is from England...

    And about those freemasons, George W. Bush is one. I guess you were confusing your freemasons with your reptilians. I could see how you could easily confuse them. :P

  8. Yeah well I realised your a hater of Dazzabars when i saw your Dazzabar in your sig lol. That is funny. (No Offence). I'll get my Dazzabars up in a moment

    Here They are





    I did some VM Sigs what didnt quite work out aswell




    And here are the sig sizes thing i did




    I actually don't hate Dazzabars...I just thought it'd be funny if I made a "Dazzabar" saying that... :P

    Nice graphics by the way. :thumbsup:

  9. hey mishom. since your like on the news team and get respect and stuff. you wanna buy me one of those?


    *hands an Xbox 360 to tilly*

    Aww man, could I have one?

    I thought you didn't like the "Shitbox 360"

    Anywho, i'm sure those Xbox 360s will be selling like Hotcakes

    Actually I just say that kind of stuff to piss off my friend and people like Chris82 and Spaz that get pissed off when people show favoritism. I don't "hate" it...I just prefer the PS3 over it.

  10. My music - I'm into classic rock(80's rock), hard rock, metal and some heavy metal music.

    • KoRn
    • Pantera
    • Slayer
    • Slipknot
    • Fear Factory
    • Lamb of God
    • Franz Ferdinand
    • The F-Ups
    • Eiffle 65
    • The Von Bondies
    • Godsmack
    • Disturbed

    My hobbies - I like to do different things with my friends and some that I do by myself(no, not what you're thinking you little sick perverts).

    • Bowling
    • Billards(pool)
    • Skate boarding
    • Biking
    • Football
    • Basketball
    • graphics design
    • architectual layouts

    My clothes - I'm not too sure what you'd call my style of clothing but these are the kind of things I wear.

    • JNCO Jeans
    • JNCO Shirts and other random unknown brand name shirts
    • VANS
    • Hanes, Nike, unknown brand name socks
    • Sonoma boxers

    My Friends: I don't really hang out with one type of particular group, but multiple types. I hang out with pot heads, "gamers", jocks, preps and I'm also friends with a couple people from every other type of group. I'm friends with over half of my graduating class and with some other people in lower and higher grades.

  11. You forced by making fun of. That is the point. Now please don't make this turn into a flame I don't feel like getting banned more.

    Uhhh...I never try to get into "flame wars", but people always take my post the wrong way. Yeah, I put "lol" because I thought the whole reptilian idea was funny because there isn't any proof behind the idea. I've done my research and there is nothing that says in the least that there are such creatures and for someone to say that the US president is a shape-shifting reptilian, I just find that extremely funny, especially when a US citizen says it. Now the whole thing about the "Grays", which is what this scared caller is most likely talking about, has more things to back it up.

  12. No. The reptilians I believe are merely a symbolism thing since I haven't seen them. But when I look into Boy Bushes eyes I see blackness and nothing else. Quit making fun of others ideas. Don't force your ideas on others dude. Acceptance is the key.

    I just find it funny and when did I "Force" my opinion on anyone? I always tell people to do their own research on things like this. You'll never find the truth just by listening to one source.

  13. It was in the "Making of" DVD that came with the delux edition. JD said something like "There are only three members now, but we're the three core members." Then he went on to say some other stuff as well.

    i dont think so ,cause i saw the 4 members in the new video, anyway im gonna ask in korn OFFICIAL forum

    Well, here ya go.

  14. Actually there are only 3 now because David left. But I wanted a picture of all 5 up there.

    Not only that, there are about 5 other band members that aren't included with the now three remaining main band members.

    never heard of this , i think its not true ,, r u sure ?

    It was in the "Making of" DVD that came with the delux edition. JD said something like "There are only three members now, but we're the three core members." Then he went on to say some other stuff as well.

  15. Actually there are only 3 now because David left. But I wanted a picture of all 5 up there.

    Not only that, there are about 5 other band members that aren't included with the now three remaining main band members.

    "Only".... Dude I've been listening to it since the day it came out, 47 times is kinda' a lot....

    I was just joking with you...GOSH...

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