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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. It's obvious he could never end GTA. For one, he can't legally go after the game, Rockstar Games, and Take Two anymore. Two, he's a moron who doesn't understand the game itself or gaming culture. And three, he keeps hiding behind religion, which ain't helping him.

    Legally he can go after the game because it's for a different reason this time, but I don't think he'll win.

  2. OGTAM I just seen you playing "skate." is it any good?

    It's ok, but there are a few things that piss me off.

    -You can't get Vans attire.

    -The online lags

    -Tricks get screwy in online

    But other than that, the game is good...so far.

    EDIT: Another extremely gay thing about SKATE is that you can't get off your board. You can't get to any good spots. Tony Hawk definitely beats this game.

  3. Goodbye Earth. Maybe we can all jump onto Planet X as it orbits around us in 2012.

    Seriously though, I really don't know what to think but wasn't there a lot of rumors going around pre-2k that the world was supposed to end in 1999 or 2000 or something and it didn't?

    The Y2K thing was about power outages and having computers fail, nothing like the 2012 stuff.

    It's kinda funny that you mention jumping onto Planet X as it passes because some ancient civilizations said that the residences of Nibiru, Planet X, are coming to save us. I personally think that's bullshit because the only possibility of there being residences on Planet X is if an intelligent species migrated there. There is no way a civilization formed there from scratch because the conditions there would be hostile, which posses another question...why would any intelligent species migrate to such a hostile place?

    Because adapting to harsh conditions beats being killed to death altogether?

    I still don't get why Y2K was such a bid fuckin' deal. One year like any other (if you exclude the new millennia, decade, century and shit)

    The thing they were worried about was computers failing because of the date change, which was supposedly going to mess up the computers leading to other things to go screwy.

    "killed to death"...I like that. :lol:

  4. You should get SKATE, It sounds amazing if you ask me. To do an Ollie you quickly flick up then down on the analog stick and it goes on and on... The last Tony Hawk game I got was the remix version for the PSP, I got bored of it extremely quick. I think all the Tony Hawk games are just boring now, there all the same and not much has changed in about the last 5 games.

    I remember getting so exited about Project 8 and how it was supposed to be realistic and how every trick would be different etc... But when I saw videos of gameplay I was very dissapointed as you could still ollie about 10 metres in the air and and like a 360 nollie heelflip by just pressing X, left Square and it would be such an easy trick.

    Here's a video of the controls in SKATE

    I don't know if I want to get another skate boarding game for the PS3 just yet since I only have two games for the PS3, one being Project 8...a skate boarding game.

  5. Goodbye Earth. Maybe we can all jump onto Planet X as it orbits around us in 2012.

    Seriously though, I really don't know what to think but wasn't there a lot of rumors going around pre-2k that the world was supposed to end in 1999 or 2000 or something and it didn't?

    The Y2K thing was about power outages and having computers fail, nothing like the 2012 stuff.

    It's kinda funny that you mention jumping onto Planet X as it passes because some ancient civilizations said that the residences of Nibiru, Planet X, are coming to save us. I personally think that's bullshit because the only possibility of there being residences on Planet X is if an intelligent species migrated there. There is no way a civilization formed there from scratch because the conditions there would be hostile, which posses another question...why would any intelligent species migrate to such a hostile place?

  6. Godfather is a great game. I had it and it was very good, mind it was a lil' easy though overall good. You should get that new game stranglehold its meant to be really good.

    Stranglehold just looked like another Rise to Honor game. The demo was ok.

    Oblivion is the one you should buy.

    I don't like those type of games.

  7. This one didn't need a code just the TV manufacterer ie Sony Samsung etc. It came with a booklet with lots of TV makes and all we had to know was what was the make of the TV.

    There are also universal remotes that consist of one button. I don't know how they work, but this one kid had one in my Home Economics class.

    ANYWAYS, back to the “Code of Conduct” please.

  8. i didnt say it was the actualy moon it could be dust on the lens that picture is really UKNOWN unless he himself took the pictures...and from Florida the moon doesn't look so big.

    Typical answer. You're avoiding the possibilities. We're trying to discuss the possibilities in here, not throw them out the window. So please take your negativity elsewhere if you're going to continue to pick at things in here. I don't mind if you have some hard facts to back up your claims or have a better logical explanation than "it could be dust on the lens".

  9. yes....and the moon isnt that big 0.o....is it?

    Wow, you obviously don't understand what I'm saying. You said, "it looks like the moon or somthing", but Planet X is smaller than the sun in that picture and since you're saying that it's actually the moon...then you're saying the moon appears smaller than the sun, but in actuality the moon appears larger than the sun from earth.

  10. i never said i knew everything but i know alot about planets i spend about 50% of my time in school reading about them but i never said all of you are idoits i said are some of you.and for planet x we wouldnt be able to see it if i only saw mars 1 time in my life.also if you look at the picture it looks like the moon or somthing proably the camra

    The moon would be a hell of a lot bigger than that. The moon would appear to be larger than the sun.

    How the hell does the fact that you've only seen mars once have anything to do with someone taking a picture of the supposed Planet X? Have you even read up on Planet X before?

  11. Reminds me of a new personal favourite. Scalpel darts. Basically, me and my mate Ian sit at college, bored as hell. We have scalpels, because we are art students (who can be trusted with such implements ^_^ ). I figure it's a good idea to draw random target boards about the place (on pieces of paper, stuck to walls, tables, and the backs of chairs) and stuff. Outer ring - 10 pts, 3rd ring - 20 pts, 2nd ring - 30 pts, first ring 40 pts. The very centre - 50 points, plus a bonus of 100 pts if you get a shot in the same place twice in a row. Simple. Oh, and we made a little dude out of a cola can. Pics to come.



    Rofl, he has arms and everything...

    Hmmm, don't really see how this has anything to do with "Code of Conduct", but ok...

    BTW, I like the cola dude. :thumbsup:

  12. "As you could see, they have this black dude and he's hella dark." :lol:

    I was laughing my ass off when he said that.

    This shit is a lot more detailed than I thought it would be, wrinkles, freckles, and bags under your eyes.

    I love how you could get a yacht. I didn't think they'd have anything like that until a year or so after it was out of beta.

    I didn't find the rapping appropriate…or good

  13. Well I wasn't playing for about 2 weeks, because my Wifi stopped working. When my wifi got fixed I decided to get my PS3 and play online (cuz without offline, there isn't anything to do, since I'm passed my games.), but when I opened the PS3 box the cables to connect to the TV they where gone, so I borrow my friends for a while, but he needs them now, so I need to buy new ones, I just don't have Cash since I bought a new phone.

    I may get Call of Duty 4 or Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2.

    I'm not that into shooting games that I'll buy a shit load of them. I have Resistance and that's good enough for now. I need to get a larger selection of different genres before I go buying more of the same kind. That’s why I’ve been trying to decide whether or not I should get Proving Ground, SKATE or both since I already have Project 8.

    Does anyone have the Godfather for the PS3? If so, is it any good?

  14. One thing that does get annoying is when the Fire Alarm goes on, since middle school, the fire alarm goes off 3xs or more a day. The same did happen on High School, but pulling fire alarms have dropped since about 2 yrs, its kinda old... Your in class talking with friends, and then it goes ON. <_< ANNOYING

    But it's a life saver when you're about to do a presentation. :P

  15. Well where I got that was from the Science Channel, My teacher decided to show us. And I remember them showing a picture of how big it will get, and it reached Earth, but I do remember it didn't pass Mars..

    I watched a documentary on it and I'm trying to find it right now. I'll post it as soon as I find it.

    EDIT: Yeah...I can't find the video, but I do remember it was called "The Death Of Our Sun" or something like that. So if you want to try and find it...have fun.

  16. Dammit, what a good time to lose your PS3 Cables... <_< So many demos out...

    How the hell do you lose your PS3 cables?

    Well I'm thinking of buying a new game, even though I've just recently purchased 2 new games and still have a game I haven't played yet. Do any of you have any suggestions?

  17. are some of you guyys idoits?a supernova is when the sun dies it EXPLODES not shrinks EXPLDOES.and to the person who posted pictures of planet X...soooo fake if planet x was that far out we wouldn't be able to see it our human eye is not that of a telescope...i cant believe some of you guys believe some of this stuff...LAUNCH A NUKE AT PLANET X YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P

    Don't come in here calling people names before you understand what we're doing. We're simply throwing out ideas and theories we've heard about how the earth will come to an end.

    A star shrinks after it reaches its maximum size. It pretty much slowly implodes until it becomes a black hole.

    Planet X is a theory and has supposedly been seen by NASA.

    Make sure you read the entire post before you post things like

    "to the person who posted pictures of planet X...soooo fake if planet x was that far out we wouldn't be able to see it our human eye is not that of a telescope"

    Because you would have read that I said Planet X is supposedly going to collide with the earth in the year 2012, which would mean Planet X has almost made a complete orbit. Being that it has almost made a complete orbit since the last time it past the earth it could very possibly be in our sight given that the conditions are in our favor.

    AGAIN, these are simply theories we’re talking about. So don’t post in here thinking you know everything and say that something is or isn’t going to happen.

    The sun will actually get a lot larger than just twice it's size. It'll become so big it'll be out as far as Pluto's orbit, possibly much further. The sun still has roughly 7 billion years until it dies out (not explode).

    From what I heard, It will reach to about earth, then life for earth wouldn't be able to survive with all the heat, then later on the sun will blow up..

    I might have heard something wrong, but from what I remember, it would get extremely large.

    Watch this and you'll get an idea of how large our sun could get. That link was posted on here somewhere a while ago...wanted to make that clear just incase someone gets pissed off that I posted their "findings". :lol:

  18. Why is threats twice the amount as fighting? If I THREATEN to fight someone I get MORE points than actually fighting them? O.o I'm confused?

    Threatening to fight someone isn't listed under threats in my school's code of conduct. These are more serious threats such as bomb threats and shit like that. So a bomb or gun threat are more serious than a fight...at least according to my school.


    your "unauthorized areas of campus" should be the lowest points. what punishment do you get for that? "um, your not allowed here. go away."

    My school takes tresspassing in unauthorized areas very seriously. You'll get in school suspension for that. I'm basing the points off of the level of punishment you'll get from the violations.

  19. How is it a disgrace?? Becuase it says GTA on a HALO signature?

    No, because it's a shitty sig... >.< ...jk.

    Having the name "GTA Ninja" on a Halo 3 sig is a disgrace in my eyes. :thumbsdown:

    :huh: how is it i put GTA Ninja on it because thats what my username is.

    That's your TGTAP name, but since your sig isn't GTA related I would find it logical that you'd put your Xbox Live username, TR Jason X.

    To me, it's like placing a username such as "Xbox360sucks" on an "I LOVE XBOX360" sig.

  20. You're supposed to take one of your pet's names as your first name and one of the streets you've lived on as your last name.

    I heard that on an HBO special...sorta forget what the whole thing was about, but that got brought up some how.

    Maybe different companies have different ways...

  21. I find it funny that students from different schools have been doing the same kind of things, pulling fire alarms, universal remotes, launching pencils/pens into the ceiling tiles.

    But if you guys actually want to try this game, you'll have to get your hands on a code of conducts booklet that belongs to your school and make up your own point system and what not. Cause I didn't list every single violation above.


    EDIT: WHO KEEPS PUTTING MY TOPICS IN THE FUN AND GAMES SECTION. Sorry, but it's starting to really piss me off. They're not forum games!!! I would have placed them in here if they were.

  22. Send out the Enforcer, he cuts gang heat & earns money while he does it. Use one of your EXOTIC cars & you can pick up

    any weapons your targets drop & put them in your trunk (FREE GUNS!!!) + loose cash & grams. Each mission should cut

    1000 gang minus 50 points for each gang member you take down, so 10 targets will eliminate 500 points. B)

    If you want to rack up heat fast, street dealers will get you 2000 points of heat.

    If you guys haven't figured it out yet, you can switch to your playable henchmen (driver, enforcer or assassin) & put their

    weapons in your trunk. They stay there for Tony & the henchmen get new ones when you call them again. You get a pipe

    & AK from the driver, a shotgun & M-79 from the enforcer & the assassin gives you a .45 & sniper rifle.


    I actually never used any of those other people, like the enforcer. Always stuck to Tony.

  23. Brilliant idea! Too bad my school full of geeks, nerds & dorks wouldn't approve it so I'd end up playing the game with myself :(

    I highly doubt that there isn't one person in your school that'd play this game.

    As for the game in my school so far, it's moving a little slow. None of us have been committing any major violations. Only level 1 stuff so far.

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