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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I think they should make it a possibility to buy, sell and use drugs in GTAIV, but I don't think it should be a major part of the game like being in the storyline. If you're able to use the drugs in game I think they should have the same affects on you as they do in real life because if they make you stronger and shit in the game that'll make it seem like drugs are ok to take in real life. I don't think Rockstar wants to piss off any more people like Jack Thompson or Hilary Clinton any more than they already have.

  2. Does anyone here think that this whole "War on Terror" is going to turn into World War III?

    Are you kidding me? OFC It will, did you watch the new Osama video he released? he said if Americans don't convert and ditch the military industrial, there will be endless attacks, and then the Russian President/PM w/e has bought 750,000 AK47's, North Koreans aren't ditching the nuclear program, making US pissed, Serbia has just broken out into war because Kosovo, a province of Serbia, wants to be its own country , and then, just not long ago, Canada is Beefing its defense up a shit load, 5 new Naval base's Up north near Nunavut , and now has just launched a new offensive in Afghanistan, i think called " Good will " or something like that.

    and no i didnt copy this from fucking google, i actually watch the news

    Well then that just sucks for me because I have to sign up for the draft in 15 days and if World War III breaks out then there will most likely be a draft if World War III turns out as bad as people have been saying it would be.

  3. Well I was curious what would come up on Google if I typed in "Dazza" and I got "


    "... :lol:

    I suggest you don't go there unless your 18...enough said... :mellow:

    EDIT: Well I decided to remove what was originally under the spoiler...just search "dazza" in google yourselves.

  4. The update was really just for maintance and since Sony didn't post a list on what it really did nobody knows. Also Sony recently denied the claims that Home is coming out this October :( But they still said it's coming out before the end of the year.

    Well the Offical Site says "The service will become available globally beginning in fall 2007.", which is in between September 21st and December 21st. But I am pretty sure they said October some where.

  5. I usually enjoy wrestling games, but Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 didn't really appeal to me that much and haven't bought it. I am thinking of buying Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 because it's the first one to go onto the PS3.

    Check out the Official Site

    That's been the official site for a long time now. (about three years)

    I have all the games from "Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth" to "Smackdown vs. Raw 2006"

    I also have one for the PSOne, but I can't remember what it was called...I think just "Smackdown"

  6. Update? When I logged in, it didn't ask me to update? Warhawk is alright from what I seen in the previews, I might get it later, since I might get GRAW2 or COD4, and when is the Home beta out? or suppose to be out?

    It was supposed to come out in August, but the idea probably got trashed.

  7. I don't even know what his gimmick is supposed to be now, i guess a Rapper Marine, i used to like him back in 2003 and EARLY 2004. He just plain sucks now, i heard he was going away for some time to film a movie, so i think he may lose to title to Randy Orton at Unforgiven.

    Or he'll lose it before Unforgiven to someone else.

  8. These are the wrestlers i like:

    The Undertaker



    Matt Hardy

    Rey Mysterio

    MVP is ok

    These are the ones i hate:

    John Cena


    John Cena

    The Great Khali

    John Cena

    Big Daddy V

    John Cena


    John Cena

    Mark Henry

    John Cena

    That Hillbilly Tag Team that has not even made there wrestling debut on Smackdown yet

    John Cena

    Duce & Domino

    John Cena

    Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

    John Cena


    John Cena!!!

    As for shows i guess it would be Smackdown, then RAW, then ECW, i never watch that show like i said though, only VERY Rare will i watch it, i'm glad HHH and Rey Mysterio are back, and i'm gonna be glad when The Undertaker returns, which ain't that far away. It'll be nice when Shawn Micheals returns, but idk when he'll be back.

    Do you like John Cena? :lol:

    I thought he was an ok wrestler before he started the whole "rapper" image.

  9. Ok, I don't know if this was covered but heres how it'll happen:

    The sun will expand and let out gases growing twice its size. We'll all die once it expands. Then, I'm guessing it'll explode because supposedly after these stars die they're VERY tiny, so it won't shrink, so I'm guessing there'll be an explosion and it'll get tiny. :)

    The sun will actually get a lot larger than just twice it's size. It'll become so big it'll be out as far as Pluto's orbit, possibly much further. The sun still has roughly 7 billion years until it dies out (not explode).

    I would guess that the Earth would be engulfed in the sun in about 2-3 billion years, maybe sooner, but not less than a billion.

    Most of the time when a star dies it turns into a black hole and I'm not sure whether or not it shrinks before it dies out...sounds familiar, but not positive.

  10. Well I guess this is a good place for me to explain my name and no, I didn't give it to myself because I think I'm the best at Grand Theft Auto.

    My friend gave me the name while I was beating him in a Liberty City Stories Multiplayer game after I said, "I’m like a Grand Theft Auto Freak", Where at that point he replied by saying, "More like Grand Theft Auto Master.” which is where I got my "GTA Master" nick name, which later became "Original GTA Master" after I noticed that someone else had already taken the name, possibly because that particular person thought that they were the best at GTA, which could be very true, or they could have gotten the name the same way I did, I don't know.

    I don't think of myself as being the most knowledgeable or the best at Grand Theft Auto, but I like to think that I'm at least a little good.

    I first started off with the name “Tommy_V_DRF” because Tommy Vercetti is my favorite GTA character. The “DRF” portion of the name are my initials, which were there to make the name stand out a little more.

  11. Well it gets sort of weird though when you research into certain things like Planet X. There are a lot of things that seem to link together and make these things seem a lot more possible. End of the Mayan calendar is December 21st or 22nd at around 11PM and Planet X is supposedly going to hit us around that same time and on top of this, the whole extra terrestrial conspiracy fits into the whole thing.

    If you think about it, if these abductions are really happening then the supposed mass alien abduction in 2012 fits pretty nicely in this whole thing. Extra terrestrials have been supposedly abducting humans for the past 60 years or so...at least a lot within that time. People have been getting put back with unexplained scars, implants, etc. So maybe these extra terrestrials are actually trying to learn how we work so that they could take care of us after the mass abduction before Planet X comes around to knock us out. You never know.

  12. My brother ordered the Blu-Ray version of Disturbia about 4 days ago, it should be coming the mail tomorrow or the next day, can't wait to see the movie. He says its really good! :D

    Yeah, the movie's awesome. I just bought the widescreen version since I'm gonna be getting a new TV soon. I should have gotten the Blu-Ray version because I heard you could switch the screen mode from full screen to widescreen and shit. I know some DVDs have that option, but not all.

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