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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. That could of easily been edited, if not Jesus was on drugs.

    First off, it's a painting that you could go see in a museum and it looks exactly like that. Also...how did you come to the conclusion that Jesus was “high” because of a painting someone did.

  2. On the American Sci-Fi TV Channel there is a special about the supposed alien space craft that crashed in 1947 and they supposedly found evidence that there was in fact an extra terrestrial space craft that crash landed in Roswell New Mexico. It's on right now, so for those of you that live in the USA and have the Sci-Fi channel...watch it now!!!

    July 12th, 11:00PM-??1:00AM?? Eastern Standard Time.

  3. I meant that they would announce it around 2012, and then release it two years later. (Didn't they do that with the Wii/PS3?)
    Yeah...now I'm gonna have to take Spaz's side with this little thing. Two more years added to the "announcement" in supposedly 2012 would still only be 2014...only 9 years... "Fail math".
    Dude... PSP came out in 2004, if the new one came out in 2014, that would be ten years... "Fail math". 2014-2004=0010 years.

    Spaz said it came out 2005... :whistle:

  4. I meant that they would announce it around 2012, and then release it two years later. (Didn't they do that with the Wii/PS3?)

    Yeah...now I'm gonna have to take Spaz's side with this little thing. Two more years added to the "announcement" in supposedly 2012 would still only be 2014...only 9 years... "Fail math".

  5. I just gotThe Darkness, it's freaky, yet a brilliant game. It also has online play but I haven't tried that out yet.

    I didn't think the game looked that great, mostly because of the font... :P

    WTF is up with the PS3 Gamer tags??? \/\/\/

  6. LCD IS better than plasma, LCD won't burn in.

    You should get this Sony Bravia because it has 1080p, HDMI, and is 40''.

    Yeah good TV and its only a couple of hundred out of the price range and OGTAM theres another person who says LCD is better than Plasma

    I don't care if you guys "think" LCD is better because I had about 4 different people from 3 different stores explain to me how Plasma is better than LCD. One of the good bit of reasons Plasma is better is because it last longer. I didn't ask you guys whether or not I should get LCD or Plasma.

    I wanted to know whether or not I could have regular cable with an HD TV or if I had to get HD cable and no one has answered that yet.

    I think these plamas are cheap and good:


    Too expensive.

  7. I do want to know about this picture and if it was real:



    And what scientist say today?

    Well there is a higher possibility that there are alien spacecrafts used by extra terrestrials over there being reptilian creatures that live in our "hollow" earth that fly them.

    There has been countless evidence showing that intelligent extra terrestrial life is out there and that they've been here before (Official NASA footage that has UFOs caught flying just out of earth's atmosphere doing impossible things physicist used to think were impossible, Implants found in "abductees" that had a feeling they've been abducted and have gone through hypnoses and were able to describe exactly where the implants are in their body, which they later found to be true descriptions with no scars shown to acknowledge surgery. But yet the material the implants are made out of are alien to us.) There is also some, what I believe to be, evidence showing that there is an after life that would prove religion to be true such as Ghost. Whether you want to believe those of being evidence or not, it's my opinion and you could decide whether or not you want to be the 50% that believe in the possibilities or you could be the 50% that totally throw these possibilities away just because you think you'd be defined as gullible for even considering the possibilities. I direct this towards no one and I do not intend any one to get offended by this because this is a sensitive area to discuss.

  8. Cool, this topic is back up.

    I would go to the movies to see it, cause I love the Sims, but I still think it's gonna suck. The game is about life, if you want life, look around you. Not at a movie, movies don't simulate life (As The Sims does) it's a thought of fiction that gets turned into a blockbuster. Is Scarface real? Could it happen? Do you get what I mean.

    The Sims makes us play god, inside a computer game, not a movie.

    Has anyone been reading my post??? There IS a storyline.

  9. All I'd basically need is food and liquids because I could entertain myself very easily.

    Yeah we all know what that means :P

    Actually...I didn't mean that you pervert. It's obvious what you thought I meant with that emoticon you left.

  10. This is utter bullsh**

    EDIT: Yeah, i pretty much thought it was fake after they said that we we're all trapped in a Universe created by the Devil and Yet they say that religion is a lie.

    Yeah, that's what I E-mailed the web site's owner about.

  11. Oh no! Violence! In churches! ~***WARNING!***~ *THIS IS NOW A JACK THOMPSON ZONE* Lol

    So what if there's a church in a violent game?

    >There was a church in GTA:LCS AND GTA:III

    >There was a chuch in Maximo: vs the army of zin

    >There were churches in Driver 2, DRIV3R and Driver Parallel lines.


    Probably because the ones in the other games weren't actual churches in real life and also because there weren't any violence in or around the churches in those games...at least with the storylines.

  12. Just watched them, I have seen the Alien Interview already but the UFO sighting one is a bit of a lie in my opinion

    How's that?

    I haven't watched it in a while...so I'll watch it again so I could see what you're talking about.

  13. This is utter bullsh**, they have nothing to prove there claims and basically had a lot of time on there hands to make all that up.

    ...Well...They did show proof from some things. But showed absolutely no proof for their main ideas such as reptilian creatures living in our "hollow" earth.

  14. Plasma ain't that good you should go for an LCD TV, preferably the Sony Bravia TVs, most of them will have what your looking for like 1080p reo and HDMI connection etc, I aaint got any links since I dont know any American electrical stores.

    You're the first person to tell me that LCD is better than Plasma. Everyone I've talked to at every electronics store I've been to looking for a new TV have said that Plasma has much better quality than LCD. My friend, who knows tons of shit about electronics, told me the same thing.


    I'm trying to find one in a store...I don't buy things over the internet unless that's the only way I could get what ever I'm looking for.

  15. I'm guessing cause the movie would be just really random and boring watching people live their lives. This has got to be one of the most stupidest movie ideas I've seen yet.... 0__0 I have no clue where they are going with this.

    Edit: My bad just read what you think the movie is going to be about. I don't really see the essence of Sims in this plot, it's just more a random story about whatever happened in one of the Sims games.

    Well there is a storyline, but most people don't pay attention to it.

  16. First off, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this topic. So if any admins or mods think it should be some where else, please move it.

    Right now I'm saving up my money from work so I could buy a new TV and I have some questions about the kind I want...and I don't feel like going back to Best Buy to ask these questions.

    I want to get a Plasma screen TV, preferably Sony (I heard using the same brand of electronic entertainment with one another is better) with the following...

    • It costing $1,400 or less
    • 1080p resolution
    • HDMI inputs
    • Larger than 37" screen

    I can't currently remember all the questions I had so I'll have to try to remember them to ask later on. One of the main questions I have is "Do I need to get HD cable or will regular cable work with a HD Plasma screen TV?"

  17. Ah, sorry. I didn't see the second vid, I thought that was the "Good times with Head".... just got confused. What would be a good album to start out with if i end up going to town?

    It really depends on your taste in music because some albums are a lot different from others.

    I personally like "Issues" and "See You On The Other Side", but a lot of other people prefer their self-named album "KoRn" and "Follow The Leader". I suggest you listen to some samples before you buy one.

  18. I've never seen this one, but I've seen a lot of stuff like this. I once saw a video of two astronauts out in space, repairing there space (craft?) craft thing, then something just goes right by them, one guys like "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!?!" the other guy is like "What.........?" (trying to cover it up and shit). Seriously, if you look into this stuff, you can find some creepy shit. I used to be into it, not anymore though.

    I watched something like that on Youtube, but it was just images with the audio over it.

  19. OGTAM what other ones, if you have any please post links becasue I would like to see them, and Im into this stuff as well.

    Well a lot of the good ones I've seen have been taken off of Youtube for some odd reasons, but here is my Extra Terrestrial playlist on Youtube.

    There are a few that aren't that good, but the ones that are just portions of documentaries are good, so make sure you watch all the parts of the portioned videos.

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