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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Human beings were created (that is, invented) via genetic experiments that were conducted by reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known as the "Anunnaki" or "the Reptilians," still rule the Earth to this day.

    LOL WUT? Seriously, you should have stopped reading right then and there.

    Well after I read that I was very curious what else they had to say. :P

    But seriously, when you have time, skim it...pretty weird stuff. I sent the dude an E-mail how he got the info...lol

  2. I came across a website called Truthism, which "explains" how both religion and science are wrong, or fake. There is a lot to read so I'll sum it up a bit for those of you that don't like reading a lot, I my self have not read the entire thing...just skimmed it.

    Like I said, this site claims how basically everyone on earth is wrong about religion and science and how we all deny this so called "truth". It states the following,

    Human beings were created (that is, invented) via genetic experiments that were conducted by reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known as the "Anunnaki" or "the Reptilians," still rule the Earth to this day.

    They go on further about these reptilian aliens that created us and how they live in our hollow earth. They say these reptilians are the aliens in the flying saucers people have been seeing across the world and all this other stuff.

    This site goes on past the reptilians and states tons of stuff about our societies including secret societies and what not, but they always end up coming back to this whole reptilian thing.

    They also mention how there were many batches of Dinosaurs created to scare off other extra terrestrials from getting to earth and that the fossils we've been finding are fossils from the last batch.

    The dinosaurs were created by the Reptilians thousands of years ago, before one of the Reptilians' latest re-starts of civilization. The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth, and also to kick out the aliens that were already living on Earth. Once the dinosaurs had served their purpose and the Reptilians had Earth under control again, the dinosaurs were disposed of (i.e., made extinct).

    The dinosaurs were not (and are not) a one-time deal, and have been created by the Reptilians (and then subsequently destroyed by them) many times in the past. Moreover, the dinosaur fossils that are found by scientists are only from the latest batch of dinosaurs.

    This site also mentions how the universe was created by the devil or an "evil", which doesn't make any sense since they started off saying that religion is not real because the devil is a religious figure.

    Darkness, also known as "Satan" or "the Devil," created the universe (and, this includes the higher, non-physical dimensions, too). He is holding all of us captive inside of it. The true creator of existence lives in a different realm--the True Realm. The universe is indeed a crude pseudo-creation, and everything in it is based upon programming (e.g., DNA). There is no programming in the True Realm, because it is not a virtual reality, it is simply reality. In the True Realm, crude concepts such as time, biological life, karma, and physics do not exist. Only Darkness, who is a pseudo-creator, would create a realm that is based on such things. Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules or restrictions (which, by the way, is everything in this universe, with the concept of "karma" being just one example) is crude. The True Creator does not need to rely on any rules. That is why this universe is the Matrix--it has rules. It is a virtual reality, as opposed to reality.

    When one dies, then goes on to the astral world (the fourth dimension), in between physical incarnations, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. And, even if one "ascends" beyond the fourth dimension, into a higher dimension, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. The only way to get out of the universe and into the True Realm is for the universe to be destroyed. One cannot "ascend" into the True Realm.

    The False Realm

    The False Realm that Darkness created is made up of 12 universes. What we call "the universe"--the universe in which we live--is merely 1 of the 12 universes. Each of the 12 universes is shaped like a flat, 5-sided pentagon (the universes are flat relative to each other). The 12 pentagons (universes) are connected together, forming the 12 faces of a dodecahedron (a dodecahedron is a polyhedron with 12 faces, where each face is a pentagon).

    "The largest of the pieces used by Darkness in creating Its Virtual Reality are universes. Universes are relatively flat pentagons. Every universe has its own multitude of dimensions contained within its borders. There are only twelve universes. Darkness connected these twelve universes together and formed the Universal Dodecahedron. The 'parallel' universes are those that are on opposite positions of the Universal Dodecahedron. The Universal Dodecahedron was set into motion and also spins 'perpetually.' It also appears to be a sphere because of its rapid motion" (Amitakh Stanford, "The Twelve Universes Are Pentagons").

    There is so much other stuff on this website that you'll just have to skim through read. I for one don't believe there are reptilian aliens living in our "hollow" earth, but you could think what ever you want. Please discuss this in a debating manor.


  3. Ah, yeah. That'd be it. That's cool though, he cleaned up for his little girl. Who was he talking about at the end, though?

    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...what time did they mention who ever you're wondering who they are...is...AHH confusion.

  4. 1: well maybe dont resize it when you put it on here. use there resolution, or high power resample it so that it doesnt look wierd.

    2: well it looks a little too thin, a tiny bit of contrast, darken just a little, and then just as much gamma correction will heavy it up. also dont cover up the words with the "IV."

    1: I had to in order to have it fit on the box art I made. It doesn't look weird to me...so how am I supposed to fix something I don't see?

    2: I don't know what you mean by "too thin" or any of that other stuff. I actually wanted to cover up the letters a little in the "Grand Theft Auto" logo because Rockstar did it with some of their other GTA games with the game's sub-names.

    Elaborate on some of those things if you'd like. :D

    I'm currently trying to think of another kind of design...not too sure on one yet though.

  5. They're alright, have a few songs I like.. havn't bought a CD or anything though, don't kick me out though :/. I was wondering what happened to the ex-lead guitarist. I have no idea who he is or anything, I just say on myspace an ad for his book. Anyone know what this is about?

    You're probably referring to Brian "Head" Welch. He left KoRn because of religious reasons. He didn't like the way his life was going, with the drugs and shit. Here are a few videos explaining it all.

    ...and here's a video to remember all the good times "Head" had with KoRn... :thumbsup:

  6. ......... and?

    If RockStar actually goes by your little chart, the next GTA game owuld have 6. And mine has 6 images, so mine would be correct.

    Well actually, there's a patternt

    # - Used once (GTA III)

    # - Used twice (GTA VC, GTA SA)

    # - Used once (GTA LCS)

    # - Used once[should be twice] (GTA VCS, )

    GTAIV would fit right up here ....................^ in the pattern...Just wanted to point that out...

    hey thats a good try but thats more blurring than anti aliasing, and its a little too much. i suggest going back to what you had and then using the magic wand to select, or just to do it manually and then blur edges but only a little.

    I'll try that when I get some time. :thumbsup:

    and the gta part,


    look at that and how the gta sign looks unpixely and has no double emboss. i suggest remake the title using the pricedown font, use a smooth text function, and instead of using the grey emboss, only use the black outline.

    I used the GTA logo straight from the official site...so blame them...not me.

    the IV looks fine but maybe a tiny little contrast might help.

    I don't know how that'd help since it's black and white...usually contrast only makes a different look to pictures with color, such as blue, purple, green, pink, etc.

    BTW, thanks for the suggestions...again. :thumbsup:

    that one is tottaly fake lol 9\10

    Thanks for the good rating. :D

  7. I like MishoM's boxart more, right amount of pics etc. I think the chaotic lines look better :P

    Well actually, GTA box arts since GTA III have had at least 7 pictures...his only has 6 and mine has 7...Just wanted to point that out.

    GTAIII - 10

    GTA VC - 9

    GTA SA - 9

    GTA LCS - 8

    GTA VCS - 7

  8. No, I'm simply questioning a few points. You can either kindly answer them, get an attitude and start WWIII, or ignore me entirely. I couldn't care less either way. Yeah, I may be a bit on the smart ass side, but when the defense of a console is a feature that was torn down on another one I just like to know what the difference is.

    Well if you think it'd start a fight...wouldn't you think the smart thing to do would be to PM the person or just not ask it at all...???

  9. Playstation Points Cards aren't out here yet, they are being trialled in Japan. They let you buy things, you walk into a store and "top-up" your cards, easy.

    @Jared, Yeah go with what OGTAM said. A Blu-Ray player over here is £1,000, a PS3 is £400, so tell your parents this is a worth while investment. Blu-Ray is easily the winner out of the HD Format war and nearly all studious are behind it. Also the Playstation Network is 100% free, download free trailers, demo's, extra game content ect... And then you could buy exclusive PSN (PlaystationNetwork) games for only around $8.99. And finally, Playstation Home. One of the greatest things coming to the PS3, just look at the first post in this topic to know what I'm saying.

    ONLY ten dollars? But, you can simply download the game for free off the internet! Why pay for it?

    Howdy guys, need your advice, I need to talk my parents into letting me purchase ones of these, can anyone give me a hand with how to do this?

    I'm not sure what your parents are like, but if it's the price that gets them, try to show them that it's actually cheaper than it seems. Explain to them what it has, such as having BluRay and that it'd cost twice as much to just buy a BluRay player than it would to get a PS3. Also mention that the online feature is free and that there is even a virtual game that you could download for free that allows you to talk to friends and what not. You have to show them that it's actually a bargain and not an expensive waste, to my opinion, like the Xbox360.

    Thanks, I will get some facts off the official website to backup my claims.

    I agree with you on the Xbox 360 front, at the local Harvey Normal they the PS3 and Xbox 360 set up next to each other, there is a very obvious difference between the Xbox 360's graphics and speed is to the PS3's.

    I still don't see the difference between the two, and even so, why is graphics such an important feature of a game? Can't play a game unless it looks pretty? Or do the games on PS3 suck that bad that they have to look pretty for you to buy them?

    Are you trying to change his opinion? If you don't like the PS3...don't post in here.

  10. I made a new GTAIV Boxart. Let me know what you think and rank it if you'd like.


    That's actually the closest to the current trend of GTA boxarts I've seen yet. Complete with the helicopter in the top left corner.

    Not sure why people make a big deal out of these boxarts, though. Sure, they are cool and nicely done, but it's just images that you guys have cut into shape and pasted a logo on top of.... It would be way different if you made the images yourselves.

    I did try to be a little more creative with my special editions and shit. Since we're trying to make box arts that may be what the cover of GTAIV will look like, we're using the official art work that Rockstar might use for the cover if they were to go with the old look they had with GTAIII-VCS.

    Thanks for the compliment by the way. :thumbsup:

    EDIT: I attempted to patch up some of the problems tilly suggested that I fix, so let me know what you think.

    BTW, I have Photoshop...


  11. Howdy guys, need your advice, I need to talk my parents into letting me purchase ones of these, can anyone give me a hand with how to do this?

    I'm not sure what your parents are like, but if it's the price that gets them, try to show them that it's actually cheaper than it seems. Explain to them what it has, such as having BluRay and that it'd cost twice as much to just buy a BluRay player than it would to get a PS3. Also mention that the online feature is free and that there is even a virtual game that you could download for free that allows you to talk to friends and what not. You have to show them that it's actually a bargain and not an expensive waste, to my opinion, like the Xbox360.

  12. I don't like how it only takes one match for a bad guy to become a "good guy". Seriously, if a bad guy comes out and helps a good guy while hes being like doube-teamed, everyone automatically loves him. Its kinda' funny.

    When the hell did that happen??? I don't remember anything like that ever happening. I think you're just making shit up now.

  13. I base my ratings of the games on the storyline and game play, not graphics. I thought the storyline was awesome and I love the gameplay like I love the gameplay of pretty much every other GTA game. The 1st generation of the series didn't have the best game play, but it was still enjoyable.

  14. look at the gta sign. it looks all messed up and pixely. the IV sign is okay, it just needs some contrast, sharpening than gaussian blur. And look at the seperator lines. There all pixely and need to be blended. And the ogtam sign at the bottom right needs to be in the "crisp" format so it looks like writing and not a typewriter. Might wanna put a ps2, ps3, or xbox case around it too.

    OH also put some black on the OUTSIDE of the pictures like dmacs but make it tilted and not perfectly straight. sortof like the vice city cover.

    I don't know how to do most of the things you're suggesting.

    • "it looks all messed up and pixely." (You're probably seeing the same thing I am with the computer I'm currently using, which is a shitty computer. On my computer that I used to make that didn't show any "pixely" problems.)
    • "the IV sign is okay, it just needs some contrast, sharpening than gaussian blur." (I'm not sure what a gaussian blur is.)
    • "And look at the seperator lines. There all pixely and need to be blended." (You're probably referring to the diagonal lines, which look like more of a problem on this computer than on my computer. I'm not sure how to fix that because I made the lines in paint and transferred the picture onto that box art.)
    • "And the ogtam sign at the bottom right needs to be in the "crisp" format so it looks like writing and not a typewriter." (I personally didn't try to make that look good at all; I just wanted to get the point across that that's my box art.)
    • "Might wanna put a ps2, ps3, or xbox case around it too." (I would put the PS3 case around it, but it's just a clear case with the Blu Ray logo on it...I'd see no point in doing that.)
    • "put some black on the OUTSIDE of the pictures like dmacs but make it tilted and not perfectly straight. sortof like the vice city cover." (Would having a boarder make it actually look better? I think the "tilted" looking boarder is basically an opinion.)

    Again, thanks for your suggestions and when I get back to my place I'll try to revise it a bit.

  15. too many straight lines ogtam. and smooth the edges and use the real gta logo because its too pixely. you can do those effects to it though but after.

    Well it doesn't really matter how many straight lines or diagonal lines there are...I guess that'd be an opinion. I'm not sure what you mean about smoothing the edges, but that is the real GTA logo. I grabbed it from the official GTAIV site. I'm not quite sure what you meant about effects, but thanks for all your inputs on the box art. :D

    EDIT: If you could elaborate on what you're talking about, I'll try to improve that box art when I get home.

  16. :P We might as well set it up here :) What game and settings will we play?

    Here's my suggestion:


    1 Hit Kill---------------------(GAY)

    Infinite Ammo--------------(YES)

    First to 200?----------------(OK)

    And... Manchester----------(ROOFTOPS)

    But honestly I don't mind what or where we play, now you guys can make your suggestions. Also the best time for me to play would be in the evening.

    I'm not sure when I could play.

  17. Cocky eh... :P I need a new headset, so I should be getting one tomorrow. I'm having bad luck finding a good quality headset for a good price. Oh well.

    I so want those new maps :( But the credit card thing won't work for me, I wish those Point Cards would come out over here.

    Oh, I'm cocky??? :o

    "as long as I can beat play OGTAM"


    We'll just have to see when I get back. :D

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